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My Dearest,

As I sit to respond to the outpouring of love and devotion that flows from thy
quill, I am overcome with a profound sense of trepidation, for the truth that I
must now impart weighs heavy upon my soul. Thy words, so beautifully wrought and
laden with affection, doth indeed weave a tapestry of enchantment, yet I must
confess that the flames of passion that thou hast ignited within thee are not
mirrored within the depths of my own heart.

Oh, how I wish it were otherwise, for thy devotion is a beacon of light amidst the
darkness that oft shrouds my world. But alas, it is not I who holds the key to thy
heart's desires, for mine own affections have strayed from the path that thou hast
so fervently laid before me.

In truth, I find myself ensnared by the subtle charms of another, whose presence
doth kindle within me a fire that burns with a fervor unmatched. Though I would
that it were not so, I cannot deny the pull of their magnetism, nor the allure of
their embrace. Whilst thou hast poured forth thy soul unto me, mine own affections
have wandered like a lost soul upon the winds of change.

Forgive me, dear suitor, for the pain that my words may bring thee. It is not my
intent to wound thee, but rather to offer thee the truth that I can no longer keep
hidden within the recesses of my heart. Mayhap in another life, our paths shall
converge once more, but in this fleeting moment, we must part ways and bid adieu to
the dreams and fantasies that bind us.

With deepest regrets and the sincerest of apologies,

Cecilia Everhart

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