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My Dearest Beloved,

With quill in hand and heart ablaze, I embark upon this missive to thee, my
cherished paramour. Let the parchment bear witness to the ardor that consumes my
very being, as I pour forth my sentiments in the eloquent tongue of yore.

From the moment mine eyes didst first alight upon thee, fair maiden, my soul was
ensnared in thy enchanting allure. Thy visage, resplendent as the morning dew upon
a rose, doth linger in the corridors of my mind with an ineffable grace. Oh, how my
spirit doth yearn for but a fleeting glimpse of thy countenance, to bask once more
in the radiance of thy presence.

In the hallowed chambers of my heart, thou art ensconced as a precious gem, a

beacon of light amidst the tumultuous sea of existence. Each beat of mine heart
doth echo thy name, a symphony of longing that reverberates through the very fabric
of my being. For in thee, sweet maiden, I have found solace and sanctuary, a
sanctuary where love doth reign supreme.

Though the fates may conspire to keep us apart, know that my devotion to thee doth
know no bounds. Across the vast expanse of time and space, my love for thee doth
endure like an ancient oak, steadfast and unwavering. Let not the vicissitudes of
fortune dismay thee, for my affection for thee shall withstand the test of time

As the sun doth set upon the horizon, casting its golden hue upon the land, so too
doth my love for thee burn with an undying flame. Mayhap one day, beneath the
canopy of heaven's embrace, we shall be reunited once more, two souls intertwined
in a dance as old as time itself.

Until that blessed day doth dawn, I shall hold thee in the tender embrace of my
dreams, where thou shalt reside as the queen of my heart. Fare thee well, my
dearest beloved, until we meet again.

With all the passion and adoration that mine heart can muster,

Aldred of Whitewood

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