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Friends who wish to transition to a frugivorous lifestyle (most kind to humans and other animals),

a few basic foodstuffs, some of which acid-form, which means they also mucus-form, and others
which do not, or less so. Only fruits, vegetables, tender leafy greens and nuts in a raw state exist

Favourable choices (feel free to mix with a raw salad):

Millet not Wheat

Sweet potatoes not Potatoes

Pumpkin not Bread

1 Vegetable not Pasta

Soaked nuts not Beans

In starting this transition to natural foods, begin with lots of veggies cooked, as fruits may seem to
accelerate cleansing processes. Ideally choose potatoes over rice. Choose also smaller ones as these
have more flavour. Cook them well so as to destroy their “gluey-like” texture. We do lose some
more nutrients hence this plan works to enjoy foods in a raw “sun-baked” state. In fact baking as a
method of cooking works optimally.

You would do well to skip breakfast- a practise of less than 200 years- while our bodies may want to
eliminate. Drink some water or juice if thirsty. Appropriation also important as hunger builds and
this may occur around 11-12 have another meal @ 5-6 evening. After that we will absorb and
assimilate nutrients from food.

A ten minute intermission affords the family an opportunity of talking over the PLEASANT
happenings of the day and always bear in mind that laughter aids digestion.

Example meals:

Lettuce and Tomato Salad.

Cooked broccoli

Baked Sweet Potato.

Baked Apple or Apple Sauce.

Millet w/ raw spinach on Whole Wheat Toast

Vegetable Chop Suey (cooked celery and prunes)

Baked Sweet Potato.

Fruit Salad (serve in Apple Shells) Select preferably organic apple (red-looking), cut off piece of top
and remove meat of apple. Chop together apple hearts, pineapple or cherries, in equal parts.
Sprinkle with grated coconut.

You can get fancy if you like, just remember- nature produces food in a way that we can enjoy…and

with perseverance one can gain as much pleasure (a byproduct of nutrition) from raw foods 😊

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