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To begin with, these women do not have a healthy diet. They must therefore balance their meals.

For example, at breakfast they must avoid juices (orange, apple) because there is too much sugar.
They can take coffee, tea or lemon water. They can replace white bread by wholemeal bread or
cereals by oatmeal.
Likewise throughout the day, they must favor healthy foods. Let's not forget that we need 5 fruits
and vegetables per day. Instead of eating sweets, cakes, we must eat oranges, bananas, grape... This
will help reduce the rate of sugar and fat of the day. if you eat too much fat you will be too tired

To balance your meals, you also need more proteins (found in eggs, meat, fish, soy, etc.), more fiber
(which you find in found in lentils, red beans, etc.), more good dairy products (like cheese or 0
percent yogurt). You should favor home-cooked meals and avoid eating junk food outside (burgers,
fries, nuggets). Because there are too many calories, salt and fat in these meals. They must stop
consuming sugary and alcoholic drinks because they contain a lot of calories and sugar

In conclusion, they must eat healthier every day and therefore rediscover the right foods .

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