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Dhanusree Raghu


Biochemistry, and Cell and Molecular Biology

Prof. Vaishali


The resolution of the obtained images in the case of confocal microscopy is constrained by
the diffraction limit of light microscopy. The resolution is increased with SH mutated
emission or STED. STED allows the bypassing of diffraction limits by deactivating excited
flourophores and limiting their emissions to a specific smaller area in the middle of the
illumination spot. The resolution is strengthened this way.


The experiment found that in the selected cell line, Ca2+ is concentrated near the tublin
proteins in the cells that involve the infection of calcium-binding proteins, such as calneuron
1. To detect the presence of Ca2+, immunostaining procedures is used. Immunostaining is
the method used to detect the presence of a specific protein and involves the use of
antibodies. Specific antibodies will detect these proteins if Ca2+ is concentrated near the
tublin proteins and make them recognizable through the use of dyes or fluorescent markers.


In presynaptic neurons, where they regulate the release of neurotransmitters, Ca 2+ is present.

It is also found in neurons that are post-synaptic, which contribute to synaptic plasticity. By
using immunostaining, pre-synaptic neurons may be marked. By using particular antibodies
located localized in preynaptic neurons, such as bassoons, against chosen proteins. Immuno-
florescence can allow protein visualization feasible. For the recognition of post-synaptic
neurons, the same method may be used. But, the visualized protein will be a post-synaptic
protein here,

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