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 describe a time when you felt really stressed

 say what you did to make things less stressful

 offer Alex some advice
I’m sorry to hear that everything—friends, family, schoolwork, and everything else
—is causing you stress. That seems like a lot to handle. However, I can relate to
your feelings. I have experienced similar feelings to yours on occasion. Being a
college student during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging experience
for me. The sudden shift to online learning, it has been difficult to adjust to the
online learning and struggle with staying motivated and focused on my studies. I
miss the in-person interaction with my friend. I feel isolated and lonely at that
times and constantly worried about getting sick myself or my family. The
uncertainty of the pandemic has caused me a lot of anxiety. I feel like I am
constantly living in fear. I miss going out with my friends and doing the things I

Despite all of these challenges, I am trying to stay positive and focus on the things
I can control. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue my education and
trying to make the most of the online learning experience. I am staying connected
with my friends and family through social media and video calls. I know that this
pandemic will not last forever. I am hopeful that things will return to normal soon.
In the meantime, I am doing my best to cope with the challenges and stay positive
and confident that I will get through this. I hope you do that too.

Alex, it’s okay if you’re stressed. You can do other things to reduce stress, for
example good time management so that your life becomes more organized, take
time for yourself to refresh your mind, if you can’t stand it anymore then tell the
people closest to you. Never give up and keep the enthusiasm to live the next
I’m sorry to hear that everything—friends, family, schoolwork, and everything else
—is causing you stress. That seems like a lot to handle. However, I can relate to
your feelings. Aku merasa stress saat suatu hal tidak berjalan sesuai dengan apa
yang kita harapkan, baik itu tentang teman, keluarga, maupun tugas-tugas kuliah.
Saat hal itu terjadi, aku merasa seperti energiku terkuras habis, aku merasa sangat
lelah. Jika sudah terlalu banyak masalah, aku akan menghindari orang-orang dan
menangis sendirian untuk menenangkan pikiran sejenak.

Setelah menangis dan merasa sedikit tenang, aku menceritakan semuanya kepada
ibuku karena dia selalu mendengarkan dan memberi solusi atas masalah yang aku
hadapi, tapi terkadang ada beberapa hal yang tidak bisa aku ceritakan kepada ibu
sehingga aku menceritakannya kepada sahabatku, ataupun jika masalah itu tidak
bisa aku ceritakan kepada siapapun, biasanya aku menghindari orang-orang dan
social media beberapa saat agar tidak menambah beban pikiran. Untuk
mengurangi stress, aku juga selalu mendengarkan musik dan menonton film
ringan agar energiku kembali terisi.

Alex, tidak apa-apa jika kamu merasa stress. Selama kita hidup, maka masalah
akan selalu berdatangan, dan justru masalah-masalah ini yang akan membuat kita
menjadi lebih dewasa serta kuat dalam menjalani kehidupan. Saat kamu merasa
stress, jangan terlalu dirasakan, cobalah untuk mengalihkan pikiran kamu seperti
mendengarkan musik dan tonton video yang kamu sukai, berjalan-jalan dan
lihatlah pepohonan hijau yang bisa membuat pikiran menjadi lebih tenang serta
mengobrol dengan orang terdekat. Ketika orang lain tidak hisa mendengarkan
cerita kamu, kamu bisa menceritakannya kepadaku, aku akan siap untuk
Alex, I’m sorry to hear that everything—friends, family, schoolwork, and
everything else—is causing you stress. That seems like a lot to handle. However, I
can relate to your feelings. I feel stressed when things don’t go according to what
we expect, whether it’s regarding friends, family, or college assignments. When
that happened, I felt like my energy was drained, I felt very tired. If there are too
many problems, I will avoid people and cry alone to calm my mind for a moment.

After crying and feeling a little calm, I told everything to my mother because she
always listens and gives solutions to the problems I face, but sometimes there are
some things that I can’t tell my mother so I tell them to my best friend, or if the
problem isn’t I can’t. tell anyone, usually I avoid people and social media for a
while so as not to add to the burden on my mind. To reduce stress, I also always
listen to music and watch light films to replenish my energy.

Alex, it’s okay if you’re stressed. As long as we live, problems will always come,
and it is precisely these problems that will make us more mature and stronger in
living life. When you feel stressed, don’t feel it too much, try to divert your mind
such as listening to music and watching videos that you like, taking a walk and
looking at green trees which can make your mind calmer and sharing with the
people closest to you. When other people can’t listen to your story, you can tell it
to me, I will be ready to listen.
Alex, I’m sorry to hear that everything—friends, family, schoolwork, and
everything else—is making you anxious. That sounds like a lot to handle. However,
I understand your feelings. I become stressed when things don’t go as planned,
whether it’s with friends, family, or academic tasks. When that happened, I felt
drained of energy and extremely fatigued. If I have too many troubles, I will avoid
others and cry alone to clear my mind for a moment.

After crying and feeling a little calmer, I told my mother everything because she
always listens and solves my problems, but there are some things I can’t tell her,
so I tell my best friend, or if the problem isn’t something I can’t tell anyone about,
I usually avoid people and social media for a while to avoid adding to the burden
on my mind. To relieve tension, I always listen to music and watch light films to
recharge energy.

Alex, it’s okay if you feel stressed. As long as we live, problems will always come,
and it is precisely these problems that will make us learn and grow and stronger in
living life. When you feel stressed, don’t feel it too much, try to distract your mind
such as listening to music and watching videos that you like, taking a walk and
looking at green trees which can make your mind calmer and sharing with the
people closest to you. When other people can’t listen to your story, you can tell it
to me, I will be ready to listen.

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