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GE122 | Land Administration and Management

Yu, Lucille G. BSGE – IV Section: DE1

Caraga State University – Main Campus
Engr. Lorie Cris S. Asube

Assignment No.4: Institutional Arrangement

For a country such as the Philippines, multiple laws that mostly define institutional arrangements are complex,
overlapping, and in some cases, inconsistent. How would Land Administration and Management be able to
address these issues? (15 pts)

Basic legal and institutional flaws in the land administration system's structure and
operations have been impeding government agencies' efficiency and ability to conduct land
surveys, mapping, categorization, disposal, and registration.

Work on computerizing all functionalities and services must be coordinated and

consolidated as the main implementation pipeline. It is also necessary to encourage and support
the creation of a national administration and management education system. With that, checks
and balances must be maintained at all times through citizen representation because it is vital
to uphold accountability and transparency for the concerned system. Communities, civil society
groups, and local government units must all be involved in building more adaptive, practical,
and long-term land management processes and regulations. Community engagement methods
must be adaptable to the specific circumstances of each locality rather than being a one-size-
fits-all approach. The task is to establish cost-effective methods for fostering wider impact
stakeholder engagement and to incorporate social development ideas into technical activities,
functions within the organization, and values. To speed up land titling and registration of public
alienable and disposable lands, comprehensive policies and initiatives should be implemented.
Records management should be updated for compatibility, redundancy minimization, and
consistent access across functions.

As part of the Land Administration and Management, the government must distinguish
a lead agency that will bring out the structural reforms and oversee the system, as land
administration functions and services are offered by various government agencies, and
integrate these land administration agencies into a single Land Administration Authority to
address the issue of multiple, complex, and overlapping institutional arrangements.

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