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Sem. Wilson B. Olea, CRM.

Ecclesiastical Latin
February 20, 2019

Humility allows us to receive trials with resignation, knowing we deserved them.

Latin: Ad humilitatem sinit tribulatione cognitione acquus digna sunt.
August 1
In the greater temptations, provided we can say heartily, “long live Christ” , let us not
fret but remain calm.
Latin: tentationibus in maior, si toto tamen cordiam dicere potest. “vivere christus diu”,
non est sanitas in nobis manet et cassabit.
August 3
He who wishes to set his heart free should pray to the Virgin Mary, our Lady and our
Mother, and he will be heard.
Latin: qui voluerit liberum suum ut oret aequo est anima Virgo Maria, domina et mater
nostra, et audire.
August 19
God never so well served as when He is served according to His will.
Latin: servivit qouque nunquam Deus ut cum non secundum ei servivit suam
August 25
The shortest life is the better one, provided it takes us to blessed eternity.
Latin: bervissimam vita esse unam magis, provisum nobis beatus aeternum capit.
September 6
We are bound to judge in the best possible way what we see is done by our neighbor.
Latin: nos que aporteatem indicare optima fieri modo potes, qoud fit in nostrum
proximo videmus.
September 10
If the world had not something to say against us, we would not be true servants of
Latin: non si cuum hoc mundo aliquid dicere, nos contra susmus servus Dei esset, no
verum esse.
September 23
Do not waste words where there is no hope of drawing any profit.
Latin: frusta hon loqui nullam spes utilitatis accedere non valerant.
September 27
If you love God, you will often speak to Him.
Latin: si Deum diligarum, et saepe loqui ad eum.
September 26
Think often to God with short but loving outburst of your heart.
Latin: saepus cogetarem deum nisi cum brevi corde amandum iracundia.

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