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"Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy" is the slogan to keep oneself healthy and

active. Here are some sources of healthy food: BERRIES, FRUITS,

VEGETABLES, GRAINS, LENTILS and NUTS. Research the benefits of
these food items and write them with their pictures.

In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing healthy eating habits can feel like a challenge. But
remember, "Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy" isn't just a slogan, it's a powerful truth. Fueling your
body with nutritious foods is the foundation for a strong immune system, abundant energy,
and a sharper mind.
Imagine starting your day with a vibrant fruit salad packed with vitamins and antioxidants, or
a protein-rich breakfast of whole-wheat toast with eggs and avocado. These choices set the
tone for a day filled with vitality. Healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated. By
incorporating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and
healthy fats into your meals, you're providing your body with the essential building blocks it
needs to thrive. Not only will you feel the difference physically, but you'll likely experience a
boost in mood and overall well-being. So ditch the processed foods and sugary drinks, and
embrace the vibrant world of healthy eating. Your body will thank you for it!

1. Berries

When it comes to packing a nutritious punch, berries are little powerhouses! These bite-sized
fruits come in a dazzling array of colors – from the deep blue of blueberries to the vibrant red
of raspberries. Not only are they a delicious treat, but they're also loaded with health benefits.
Berries are bursting with antioxidants, which fight free radicals in the body and can help
reduce inflammation. They're also a good source of vitamins and fibre, essential for digestion
and overall health. From topping your morning yoghourt to blending them into a refreshing
smoothie, incorporating berries into your diet is a simple way to boost your nutrient intake
and add a touch of sweetness to your day
2. Fruits

Fruits aren't just delicious and refreshing; they're nature's powerhouses of vitamins, minerals,
and fibre. These vibrant gems offer a multitude of health benefits. They're a natural source
of vitamin C, essential for a strong immune system to fight off illness. Many fruits are also
rich in antioxidants, which protect your cells from damage and may even help reduce the risk
of chronic diseases. The fiber content in fruits keeps you feeling fuller for longer, aiding in
weight management and digestive health. Plus, fruits are a fantastic source of essential
vitamins and minerals, like potassium for healthy blood pressure and folate for cell growth
and repair. So, the next time you reach for a snack, consider grabbing a piece of fruit. Your
body will reap the rewards!

3. Vegetables
Vegetables are the champions of a healthy diet, offering a colorful array of vitamins,
minerals, and fiber. They're low in calories and fat, making them ideal for weight
management. Leafy greens and brightly colored veggies are loaded with antioxidants that
shield your cells from damage and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Vegetables also
keep your digestive system running smoothly with their high fiber content, and some, like
orange bell peppers, are superstars when it comes to boosting your immune system with
vitamin C. Including a variety of vegetables in your meals is a delicious way to fuel your
body with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive.
4. Grains
Sustained Energy: Complex carbs, or those that burn slowly in your body, are abundant in
whole grains. This helps you avoid the dreaded blood sugar dips and afternoon slumps by
keeping you feeling energized throughout the day.
may even help decrease cholesterol.
Powerhouse of Fiber: Whole grains, in particular, are a great source of fiber. This
nutritional super food supports a healthy digestive system, prolongs feelings of fullness, and
Important Nutrients: Whole grains are a great source of the vitamins and minerals your
body needs to operate at its best. These contain iron for oxygen delivery, magnesium for
muscle and nerve function, and B vitamins for energy metabolism.

5. Nuts:
Nuts are little powerhouses of nourishment! Rich in good fats, they promote cell health and
cognitive function. They also include a high amount of fiber and protein, which helps to
maintain intestinal health and keeps you feeling full. Nuts are also a great source of
magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, and other vital vitamins and minerals that support general

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