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SOAP NOTE TEMPLATE (Episodic/Problem Visit)

Student Name: Date: Course:

Patient Demographics:
Age: 6 years

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Chief Complaint: “My child has a rash on his face.”

History of Present illness: The patient's mother reports that her child developed a red, itchy
rash on his face about 3 days ago. She noticed small blisters that burst and formed honey-colored
crusts. The rash has since spread to the neck and hands. The child complains of itching but no
pain or fever.

Past Childhood Illnesses: No history of measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, scarlet fever,
rheumatic fever, or polio. The child has had asthma since age 3.

Past Medical History (PMH):

- Asthma diagnosis at age 3.

- Immunizations up to date, including Flu, Prevnar 13, and TdaP (last updated: 08/2022).

- Recent dental checkup (results: normal) and vision screening (results: normal).

Family Medical History (FMH):

The mother has a history of childhood asthma. No other relevant genetic risk history.

Personal History/Social History:

The patient is in school, lives with both parents and has one sibling. The family lives in a
suburban area. The child enjoys playing outdoors and is not exposed to secondhand smoke or
illicit drugs. No alcohol use in the household.

Current Medications/OTCs/Supplements:

- Albuterol inhaler (use as needed for asthma symptoms)

For Episodic Visit, only list ROS/PE pertinent to CC/HPI.

Review of Systems:

General: No fever
Skin: Itchy, red rash with honey-colored crusts

HEENT: No eye discharge, no ear pain

Respiratory: No cough or wheezing

Cardiovascular: No chest pain or palpitations

Gastrointestinal: No abdominal pain or diarrhea

Genitourinary: No urinary symptoms

Neurologic: No seizures or headaches

Screening Tool: ONE screening tool is required and should be scored (e.g., PHQ-2 Depression
Scale, CRAFFT, etc.)—If screening is positive, list it as a diagnosis with a plan.

For Episodic Visit, only list ROS/PE pertinent to CC/HPI.

Physical Exam:

Vital Signs:

- Blood Pressure: N/A

- Pulse: 80 bpm

- Respiratory Rate: 20 breaths/min

- Temperature: 98.6°F

- Pain: None

- Height: 4'2"

- Weight: 45 lbs

- BMI: 16.1

General: Alert and oriented, no distress

Skin: Erythematous, crusted lesions on face, neck, and hands

HEENT: Normal conjunctiva, tympanic membranes intact

Lungs: Clear to auscultation

Heart: Regular rate and rhythm

Abdomen: Soft, non-tender

Genitourinary: Normal external genitalia

Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema

Neurological: Alert, no focal deficits

Pertinent Labs/Diagnostic Testing: No additional labs or diagnostics are currently indicated.

Differential Diagnosis Diagnostic Reasoning Exercise: Minimum of 3 differential

diagnoses/maximum of 5 differentials—the table will help with the narrative write-up required
below the table.

Differential Diagnoses Pathophysiolo Pertinent Positives Pertinent Negatives

(include APA
1. Impetigo (ICD-10: Impetigo is a - No fever - Honey-colored
L01.0) bacterial skin crusted lesions
- Pruritus (itching) infection caused
- No systemic symptoms by
aureus or
pyogenes. It
typically occurs
when the skin is
bacteria to enter
and cause
(Elmas et al.,
2. Contact Dermatitis Contact - Absence of vesicular - Possible exposure to
(ruled out) dermatitis is an lesions irritants/allergens
- Erythematous skin lesions inflammatory
- No fever skin reaction
triggered by
exposure to
irritants or
allergens. It
presents with
itching, and
skin lesions
(Schnopp et al.,
3. Scabies (ruled out) Scabies are - No burrows - Intense itching
- Possible burrows in the caused by observed
skin Sarcoptes
- Absence of vesicular scabies mites,
lesions which burrow
into the skin,
leading to
intense itching
(Salavastru et
al., 2017).
4. Herpes Simplex Virus HSV infection - No vesicular lesions - Vesicular lesions
(HSV) Infection (ruled causes vesicular observed
out) lesions that can
- Possible fever be painful,
- No systemic symptoms often
accompanied by
fever (McGuire
et al., 2023).

In a narrative format, explain how you arrived at your final or working diagnoses based on the
CC/HPI, PMH, PSH, ROS, and physical Exam (pertinent +/– will guide this process). This
should be written using examples of how the history/clinical presentation led to the final or
working diagnosis. (APA citations to your references must be included – use resources with
Evidence-based Based Guidelines.)

Diagnostic Reasoning:

Based on the patient's history, clinical presentation, and physical examination findings, the most
likely diagnosis is Impetigo, given the characteristic honey-colored crusts and pruritus.

Include a summary of the visit here

(APA citations required in your plan)

List diagnoses applicable to your patient encounter. Diagnosis #1 is your primary/working
diagnosis made during the visit. If you have not made a diagnosis, then you would use the ICD-
10 code for the symptomatology since r/o diagnoses are not billable. This should be followed by
a plan of care that is evidence-based.

Diagnosis #1 ICD-10: L01.0 (Impetigo)

a. Plan:
 Prescribe topical antibiotic ointment (Mupirocin) to be applied thrice daily for 7-10 days.

 Educate the patient's parents on proper hand hygiene to prevent further spread.

 Advise the parents to avoid scratching the lesions to minimize the risk of complications
and secondary bacterial infections.

Diagnosis #2 ICD-10: J45.901 (Asthma, unspecified, uncomplicated)

a. Plan:
 Review asthma management with the patient's parents.

 Ensure the child's albuterol inhaler is readily available and demonstrate proper inhaler

 Discuss asthma triggers and the importance of avoiding them.

 Recommend an asthma action plan for the family to follow.

Diagnosis #3 ICD-10: Z23 (Encounter for immunization)

a. Plan:
 Discuss the upcoming influenza vaccine for the patient in preparation for the flu season.

 Provide information about the importance of annual flu vaccination to reduce the risk of
influenza and its complications.

Health Maintenance:

- Influenza vaccine discussion for the upcoming season.

- Review asthma management and ensure proper inhaler technique.

RTC: (Document disposition)

The patient should follow up in 7-10 days to assess the progress of Impetigo treatment and
ensure no complications or worsening symptoms.

Elmas, Ö. F., Akdeniz, N., Atasoy, M., & Karadag, A. S. (2020). Contact dermatitis: A great
imitator. Clinics in Dermatology, 38(2), 176-192.
McGuire, E., Li, A., Collin, S. M., Decraene, V., Cook, M., Padfield, S., ... & Brown, C. S.
(2023). Time to negative throat culture following initiating antibiotics for pharyngeal
group A Streptococcus: a systematic review and meta-analysis up to October 2021 to
inform public health control measures. Eurosurveillance, 28(15), 2200573.
Salavastru, C. M., Chosidow, O., Boffa, M. J., Janier, M., & Tiplica, G. S. (2017). European
guideline for the management of scabies. Journal of the European Academy of
Dermatology and Venereology, 31(8), 1248-1253.

Grade __________

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