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In the current digital era, presenting and managing our

digital identities has become crucial for both personal
and professional lives. The growing popularity of social
media, online networking, and digital communication
channels means that our online personal identities have a
big impact on our opportunities, connections, and
reputation. Seeking a positive and genuine image while
negotiating the difficulties of privacy, security, and
digital etiquette are essential to managing our digital
presence effectively.

January 2023 found that of the 116.5 million people

living in the Philippines, 84.45 million used social
media, meaning that 72.5% of the population had internet
access. Gen Z (18–24 years old) makes up the largest
group of social media users (30.6% of all users). The
most widely used social networking platform in the
nation is undoubtedly Facebook.

Scammers, hackers, and malicious people create

thousands of fake social media accounts every day in
today's digital world. Everyone is susceptible, even
common users and celebrities. The scope of the issue is
demonstrated by the fact that Facebook removed 1.6
billion fake accounts in the first quarter of 2022.
Facebook is just one of the numerous platforms dealing
with this problem. This introduction emphasizes the need
for increased awareness and preventative measures in
light of the pervasive threat posed by fake identities on
social media.

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