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Applied aspect of Ca metabolism and bone

A. Hyperparathyroidism: Hypercalcemia
B. Hypoparathyroidism: Hypocalcemia, Tetany
C. Diseases of bone:
i. Rickets
ii. Osteoporosis
iii. Osteomalacia

Dr. Dnyanesh Gagare 1

A. Hyperparathyroidism:
 Hyper secretion of PTH
 Three types:
a. Primary H: Due to tumor in parathyroid glands
b. Secondary H: Due to Hypocalcemia such as in-
i. Chronic renal failure
ii. Vit D deficiency
iii. Rickets
c. Tertiary H: Due to hyperplasia of parathyroid
glands in chronic secondary hyperthyroidism.
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 Plasma Ca level above the normal (9–11 mg/dl)
 Occurs in hyperparathyroidism
➢ Common signs & symptoms:
i. Depression of nervous system
ii. Sluggishness of reflex activities
iii. Lack of appetite
iv. Constipation
v. Reduced ST segment & QT interval in ECG
➢ These effects are noticed when-
o Ca level ↑ed to 12 mg/dl,

o Becomes severe with 15 mg/dl &

o Lethal at 17 mg/dl.
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B. Hypoparathyroidism
 Hyposecretion of PTH → leads in hypocalcemia
 Causes:
i. Surgical removal of parathyroid gland
ii. Surgical removal during thyroid gland
iii. Autoimmune disease
iv. ↓ PTH receptors on target cells

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 Ca level ↓ below the normal (9-11 mg/dl)

 Occurs in hypoparathyroidism

 Due to ↓ resorption of Ca from bone

➢ Signs & Symptoms:

 Neuromuscular hyper excitability- hypocalcemic
 ↓ threshold of activation of neuron→ unstable
neuron → fire spontaneous AP → ↑ NM activity →
involuntary contraction → tetany
 Occurs when plasma Ca-level ↓ below 6 mg/dl.

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 Involuntary contractions of muscles called
muscular spasm.
 Shows muscle twitching, crams & convulsion.
 Painful contractions seen in feet & hand.
 Ex. Carpopedal spasm- Sharp flexion of the
wrist & ankle joints
 Fig. Flexion at wrist joint & adduction of the thumb
➢ Cause:
 Hyper excitability of nerves & skeletal muscles due
to ↓ Ca level in plasma.
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Carpopedal spasm

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❖Other causes of spasm
 Muscle fatigue
 Exercising in heat
 Dehydration
 Depletion of electrolytes
 Involuntary nerve discharge
 Restriction in blood flow
 Stress

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C. Diseases of Bone
i. Rickets :
 Bone disease in children.
 Due to lack of Vit-D or calcium or phosphate.
 Important for development of strong, healthy bones.
 Vit-D helps to absorb Ca & phosphate from intestine.
 Source of Vit-D is food- like milk, eggs, and fish.
 Body also produces Vit-D when exposed to sunlight.
 Rickets is common in children between 6 and 36
months old.
 At the highest risk because they’re still growing.
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 Not get enough Vit-D if they live in a region with little
sunlight, follow a vegetarian diet, or don’t drink milk
 In some cases, the condition is hereditary.
➢ Manifestation (Clinical features)
 Boney defects- weak and soft bones
 Skeletal deformities in severe cases
 Widening of wrist
 Stunted growth
 Flattening of skull
 Bowing of legs and hands
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 Kyphosis: Forward curvature of upper spine
 Scoliosis: Lateral curvature of the spin
 Pigeon shape chest: Collapse of chest wall
 More prone to respiratory & GIT infections.
 Enlargement of liver and spleen.
 Low plasma Ca & phosphate level.

➢ Management & Treatment

 Supply of calcium & Vit-D should be ensured.

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ii. Osteomalacia: “Adult Rickets”
 In adults due to- Vit-D deficiency, damage of kidney,
 Poor Ca level & defective mineralization of bones.
❑Clinical features:
 Almost similar to rickets
 Diffuse skeletal pain & bony tenderness
 Muscle weakness
 Softening of bones lead to bowing of bones.
 Pseudo fractures are seen in flat bones.
 Tetany may occur in few cases with carpopedal spasm.
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Osteomalacia: “Adult Rickets”
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iii. Osteoporosis (Porous bones)
 Bones: Porous, fragile with high risk of fracture
 Cause: excessive bone resorption & ↓ed bone formation
 Loss of bone matrix & minerals
 Commonly affected bones: Vertebrae & Hip bone
 Osteoporosis is common in women after 60 years
➢ Causes or Risk factors for osteoporosis:
1. Sedentary life style
2. Genetic factor
3. Early menopause or ovariectomy
4. Excessive smoking
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5. Excessive alcohol or caffeine intake
6. Prolonged high intake of protein
7. Prolonged medication with drugs like corticosteroids
8. Endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism, Cushing’s
syndrome, Acromegaly & Hypogonadism.
9. In old age due to ↓ed GH
10. Lack of Vit-C
➢ Treatment
 ↑ Ca intake from natural sources like milk
 Moderate exercise
 Estrogen treatment in women after menopause
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