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Name: ……………………..

Class: ……………………..
MINITEST 3 - 004
Part 1: Draw phrase markers for the following noun phrases. (2.5 pts)
1. Melancholy thoughts.
2. Some very clever chess moves.
3. The boat’s sudden move to the left.
4. The word on the tip of my tongue.
5. All performers absent from the rehearsal.
Part 2: Draw phrase markers for the following sentences. (7.5 pts)
1. I don’t lend my toothbrush to anybody.
2. You will be seen by the doctor within five minutes.
3. Doesn’t Max ever sit quietly?
4. Have all the applicants been interviewed already?
5. All the information will be made available shortly.
6. My housekeeper never believed in ghosts.
7. Matilda and her friends polished off the toast by eight thirty.
8. He opened his mail very reluctantly that morning.
9. It rained for three hours on the Continent last night.
10. Martha left the bathroom in an awful mess. (ambiguous)
Good luck! 

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