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GNP, more is the thing developed, correct?

Not just the general national product,

per person, what is the general national? What is the production per person? Per
person, what is the production? That is what they measure, correct? What are some
other measures of progress? Kilowatt hours of energy consumed, correct or not? Is
another measure of progress? More energy means more progress, correct? More
progress, and next number of bathrooms per person, most important criterion,
correct or not? That is one great measure of progress of a country, this one. You
see, Bippin, I was also like you, I was also fooled for so long, huh? See, until in
1991 I realized something suddenly, huh? Ever since then my power has gone up, my
ability, huh? It's kind of tremendously. Because I was living in a life which was
not visible, huh? I am also an engineer, not a headless fellow, huh? I know what is
going on. I have traveled much, much more than you. I meet with all kinds of
people, huh? Very important people, so-called people who can change the world, but
you should know, because most of us have put our eggs in the wrong basket, that's
why, okay? But I am telling, learn to live in the forest first, okay? And then you
have your degrees, B.A.D. be cars, it doesn't matter to me, okay? First, learn to
live this way, first. Next, what is the measure of progress, huh? How many cars you
have per person? Correct? More number of cars means per person, greater is your
country, huh? These are all measures, American measures impose on the rest of the
countries. Another one, is the kilometers of highway available. Number of highways
you have, huh? Hundreds of kilometers, thousands of miles highway, huh? Measure of
progress of a country. These are called infrastructure facilities, huh? Number of
telephone you have per person. These are other measures, progress, correct? Very
nice. And all you have, we talked about that. Okay. It was your, we talked about
how saving time, saving time, so that you build big, big roads so that you can
rapidly transit, correct? Correct? Saving time, correct? Let me ask, you know, some
of the smaller towns are there, bigger towns are there, okay? What is the average
time spent on traveling per day today, huh? In a place like San Francisco, what is
the average time that a person spends on traveling to work and coming back? How
much? Two hours, okay. What about Los Angeles? About five hours, one, two and a
half hours going, two and a half hours coming. You see, huh? Four at least. Four at
least, correct? Now, let me examine their life, okay? A person, I know actually
these persons, actually I know these persons, huh? You see, the farther the greater
you are, the more important you are, the more up you are, huh? Where you have to
live? Correct. And where you would come to work? Stascity. So the more up you are,
the further of you are, correct? So how much time this person is spending? Two and
a half hours a day, two hours a year, correct? Now, for two hours, what is this man
doing? We examine that also. What is he doing? Watching the landmark. Correct.
Correct or not? Two hours watching the landmark. And what is the atmosphere around
him? Concrete jungle with the exhaust of the next car coming into your mouth, huh?
Into your nose, correct? So many cars now, so what you are getting? Exhaust of the
next car. Many days, I was there in Los Angeles. You cannot see more than 200 feet
in front of you. Correct or not? And in Los Angeles, even you look up. What kind of
sky you see? Not gray, red. See, in all the other places you see a little gray. In
Los Angeles, if you get down in that Ontario airport, you look up in summer. You
know, I came in summer. Suppose I look up, sky is red. Not red, red dish. Correct?
It is not gray, it is red dish. Gray used to be at one time. Now it is red dish.
Everybody, you know, as soon as you open the doors of the airport aircraft, you
smell something very, very punctual. Oh, layer, everybody is breathing that only.
Fantastic, you know? Great country, great place in Los Angeles, huh? Everybody
would like to stay, huh? In Hollywood. Everything is there. What are they doing?
Inhaling the next car. Exhaust as the next car. You think this fellow is healthy?
Hmm? Fantastic, you know? Great fellow is. Production. Orientation to. GNP.
Orientation to. Number of cars. Is this progress? If this man were to walk one mile
to his place of work in the forest, would he be better off? What do you think?
Would he be better off or not? Would he really enjoy his walk? Here, even if the
mountain is there besides, what are you seeing? No, lane marker, bava, not cars.
Lane marker, that is your guard. See, I'm getting you, parenting, you know. She
goes, most of you travel, you never are able to observe. What is the scenery as you
go through? Is it possible? Dangerous, sir. If you put your fine land, then
suddenly you get absorbed, you have finished. You better watch that lane marker,
that is your life and death. True or not? See, if I'm wrong, you tell me also.
Don't say, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Hey, it doesn't matter, all your ex
are going down, it doesn't matter. But see the thing. It may upset you because you
have put your serving to a wrong basket. So, what will be the health of these
people? What is the other president Clinton's problem? He came to presidency with
some agenda. What is the agenda? You're going to improve the health system, huh?
Done it? No doubt, he is cutting left and right because there is nothing, right?
These doctors were so rich. Now they say, Baba, we don't have something food to
eat. Please, hands up money. Very better, see. I'm sitting in a minute. You know
how many doctors are bankrupt? Really? Down, down, down, down, down. Ask her. How
many doctors? Many doctors have gone bankrupt. You know what they did? They took
lot of loans, sir, because they had some money in a, they bought real estate. And
all those real estate went on Buzurkar. All these people are finished. They cannot
pay. They cannot pay the mortgage, sir. Empty houses, sir. Nobody wants to take
them ill. So, everyone who made these investments, they are all in deep trouble,
they have declared bankrupt. Good. Yes, also, the money is not that good here. They
take care of each other. Correct, correct. To the point, Baba, we don't have. Hand
to mouth is become difficult. Anyway, that apart. What is the health of a person
who is traveling like this? See, if you are suddenly restrained within an eight-
feet zone, and asked to drive, drive at 60 miles, you see. And you are restrained
to this six-feet or eight-feet zone. Continuously, you are pushed to go on
traveling on this eight-feet zone for four hours every day. What will happen to
you? Oh, you will certainly get black pleasure. All kinds of mental problems will
start. Definitely, it will start. Because space is when what is most important, you
know, ether provides the highest amount of product. Space gives you the best
product. According to this, ether, air, fire, water and then earth. These are the
five elements. The most solid of them is earth. Then it becomes more and more
fluid. As it gets more fluid, it becomes more and more important. You can be
without food for quite some time, correct? Even for forty days, correct? Without
water? Without air? Correct. This is the thing. And if you feel very restrained,
very, very restrained, a person will commit suicide. Ether, you know, the feeling
of expansion is the most wonderful thing. If you feel restrained, ether, the ether
aspect, space aspect is gone. One will die. commit suicide. So what has happened?
Even though it appears like, oh, you are free country, free country, what has
happened? You have put yourself into eight-feet zone. Driving, driving, driving,
what will happen? At least if you are in prison, you don't have to drive. You are
such standing. You are, you have to drive. So health will go down dramatically. And
then you think technology will improve, huh? So you invent all these kinds. And
where is all the money going? What is the percentage of money, of the government
revenues going into health care? How much? 50%. The estimate that it will become,
go on increasing. There is no limit to this. Until recently it was 50%. I do not
know what is the percentage now. No, the last time I heard 93 and 94, it was about
around 50%. Now it must be about the same because they have to chop off many
things. So which place would be more developed? A person who is walking to work or
a person who travels for two hours by car. Which is development? Who would be
healthy? Really think about it. Definitely no. See if this fella has to travel for
two hours, huh? Two to one half hours. Eight o'clock is the time. What time he has
to wake up? Right? I am what time he comes back from work? Four fellow, six? Two to
one half hours he has to average two to two and a half hours. How he will come
back? Very fantastic. Really? You know we have one person. She was spending so much
time that she would sleep overnight in the hospital itself. But normally people
travel like this. So I just want you to examine, okay? Quality of life has it
improved or decreased? Now see nobody has challenged America, you know? I am the
only one who is challenging America. Probably they are challenging but they are not
so vocal about it. Five percent of the population in the wild are, he is producing
more than 25 percent of the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Want a more carbon
dioxide? More consumption of petroleum? Want? What do you think? One more. Edward
was telling me, they want to produce solar cars on polluting, okay? But if you
examine what is the pollution or the consumption that has already been done to
produce this car? It far exceeds, okay? The reductions. He is my very good guru as
far as hearts information about these things are concerned. See,
Edward is a very special person also. He is not a dud. Have you seen the safecraft
nowadays? At the end of the tip, there is a horizontal, there is a vertical
erofoil. You have seen? In the new aircraft that has been built up, there is a
wings at the tip, there is a vertical one that has been placed. It is a very recent
one. It is not there. Do you know who invented that one? Edward. He is a very
fantastic aeronautical engineer. He was the first paper in this direction which
made this thing possible. He produces, increases the efficiency by 5%. You want
more production, more cars in the world. What do you think, Prabhu? Less or more?
Less. Which is more advanced? A country that uses less gasoline or the one that
uses more gasoline per person. Which one is advanced? Correct. Kill over the hours
of energy. The one who uses more or less. Less. Correct. You understand?
Development has nothing to do with products, huh? Do I call it your life? Is this
quality really any higher? Please, I mean. I am not telling, see I am not against
technology and progress. I am only wondering about the measures, huh? If you
measure it by that yachts take, then you push everybody to go into that same race,
no? Everybody is racing for it. You want to know, see how the people can be
healthy, huh? Or simply is health measured by number of hospitals? Number of
hospitals? Which one is a better measure? Lessor number of hospitals are more
number of hospitals, huh? Lessor number of hospitals, correct? Lessor means, yeah,
you know per person you have got so many hospitals, huh? What does it mean? People
going to doctors again and again, huh? Any sign? Going to lawyers, huh? Lawyers,
any sign of progress? More mistakes, you have to find a cure. Avoid more disputes.
More number of cases in the courts, huh? Means what? Yeah, all shows decreased
rate. See why I was so, I mean I am very attached to Canada because when I first
went there, 1968 as a student, the greatest thing I admired of that country, huh?
One great thing I admired of that country, not all these ties, you know, these
cars, this one, that one. That was not the most important thing to me. The greatest
thing was that you could leave your doors open. No house was locked, not necessary
to wait in 1968. Keep the doors open. You could leave the money. Nobody touched.
Bicycles, outside, huh? Cars, no locks. You know, these, because it was very cold,
huh? You wanted to keep the heat around when you went for shopping, huh? You did
not want the car to cool down, so what did it was? They kept the key inside and the
engine was running to provide the heat, it's a utter cold, huh? And the car was
running with the keys inside. Anybody can just go in, change the gear and walk off,
okay? All the cars were left like that, no body was touching them. I said, this is
a divine country. We can very, attack to it, you know? Once you see, people are so
fantastic, huh? So honest. Why it is possible? Because people really cared for each
other, huh? The discrepancy between the poor man and the rich man was so little,
huh? That nobody ever wanted to take anything, you know? Because everybody almost
had whatever they wanted. There was a real equal distribution, you know? There was
no animosity between the havin' and the havin' arts. Very fantastic. Now we come,
they are locked to the car, huh? And then they are locked to the steering wheel.
And then to that lock of the steering wheel, they are another lock. What do you
think? Is this progress? Fantastic, you know? This number of guns, any sign of
progress? Security systems in every house. I was just joking. And then in the
night, if you forget, and then go to the bathroom, because you want to urgently go
to the bathroom, and you forget to switch off that system, huh? The whole
neighborhood will come to see you in the bathroom. Progress. See, you need like
this. The more we worry towards is production, production, huh? Lessor and lesser
and loud. The havin' and the havin' arts become very, very vast. The difference
becomes so big. Every country, I'm not talking of one or the other, okay?
Everything. But more dominantly, in this country than other countries. It's only a
matter of degree, not everybody has the... Progressing to the same depth. But some
people are progressing very fast, and they are at the head of the race, huh? So, he
is this development. What is happening? People are afraid to get out on the road.
At least when you didn't have all these guns and these things, it was very
difficult to kill a person, so it was somewhat safe to go on the road, you know?
So, what it is is development is the reverse. And how little you are able to... And
how little resources consumption you are able to live, correct? And how few are
cards you are able to live? Manage your affairs. So, if you consider by that
standard, you understand? Is that the real one? Think or not? Plus, there is one
element called happiness. Happiness is what is to be measured, huh? Of the persons,
the quality of it life, happiness of the person is to be measured, not the material
goods. If the person is happy, if the person is happy on just a very little amount
of food, huh? Very little amount of energy. He is happy, easy, progressed or not.
Is that development? He is able to be happy on very little consumption. Soon that
way, where we should be heading? Correct? By this standard, let me go to Sanjya Sai
in India, okay? Who has nothing? His idea is that he must not possess anything,
okay? He must just live on minimum, whatever that is given. And not burden the
people simply, use minimum amount, whatever that is, God's guise. And his whole
idea is that I must be happy, being with God, whatever I have, huh? Whatever God
gives me. Is he developed? Is he the highest developed person in the world?
Correct, no? He is the highest developed person in the world. All these production,
production, production is all my own. You learn to live on the least, huh? And be
happy. And to be happy, not because of goods, because of your own inner happiness
which cannot be taken away. That is the only real wealth. Correct? So by this
standard, which is the most advanced country in the world then? The poorest
countries are they? Supposedly. The poorest countries are they? Most advanced
countries. And America is? Poorest country? Correct. That is why I say this is the
poorest country in the world. Most undeveloped country in the world.

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