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Running – a type of exercise best for improving muscular strength and endurance.

Middle-distance -A type of events do athlete race over short distances.

Jump – Sample events for Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump and Pole Vault for
Track and Field.
1-km run – appropriate for cardiovascular endurance.
Hurdles - leap over a number of barriers that is placed at specific area around the
Shotput - throws a heavy disc in attempt to mark a farther distance among the
Long Jump – Is a field event combines athletes’ speed, strength, and agility in
attempt to leap as far as possible from a take-off point.
Pole Vault – Is a field event does an athlete use a flexible pole as an aid to jump
over a horizontal bar.
100, 200, 400 – Are the meter races considered as sprints.
Stress - refers to the feeling of being under abnormal pressure.
- Is prolonged through illness.
Individual Sports - is a sports that can be played alone without team mates.
Dual Sports - is a sports that is played by two people opposing each other.
Organize - is the process of making arrangements or preparations for an event or
activity in a systematic way,
especially on a large scale.
Physical Education - What is the capacity of individual to perform daily task
effectively without undue fatigue.
Recreation - Derived from the Latin term recreare which means to be refreshed.
Existence Time - Is the time spent for biological needs like having a meal,
sleeping, and other personal care.
Subsistence Time - It refers to the hours spent for economic purposes such as
going to work, doing household chores, and for students, hours spent in school,
and school work.
Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare – Check the weather forecast and be
prepared for changing weather conditions.
Parasailing – Is not belong to land-based recreational activities.
Cortisol – Is the hormone that indicates the level of stress in humans.
Economic Benefits – it is translates into efficiency at the workplace.
Principle 6: Respect Wildlife - Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their
natural food.
Bring home with all your waste - Is a sample for “Leave No Trace Policy”?
Weightlifting for muscles - is not a good body composition.
Height - refers to the heaviness of a person.

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