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How you could personally live the "GREAT COMMANDMENT OF LOVE"?

Check the attached image or read Mark 12:29-31

One of the most important lessons Jesus imparted during His mission was the "Great
Commandment of Love". It highlights how crucial it is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and
strength as well as our neighbors as ourselves. This article will look at the relevance of this commandment
and talk about how we may practically follow it every day.
Making God the focal point of our lives is a sign that we truly love Him. Through prayer, worship,
and studying His Word, one can cultivate a profound and personal connection with the Almighty. We follow
our will and desires to God's will by putting our love for Him first. This love for God needs to pervade all
area of our life, impacting our decisions, attitudes, and social relationships. We show our love for God by
treating our neighbors as we would like to be treated. Loving our neighbors as ourselves demonstrates our
love for God by developing empathy and compassion. By observing others from God's perspective, we can
appreciate and love them for who they are. We can provide love and support to everyone, including family,
friends, coworkers, and strangers. Forgiveness and grace are essential for love, and we must return God's
forgiveness and grace toward others. This promotes reconciliation and healing by letting go of grudges,
resentments, and judgments, breaking the cycle of bitterness and wrath, and fostering peace and harmony
in our relationships. Jesus demonstrated love by providing sacrificial service to others. We may follow in
His footsteps by pursuing chances to help people in need, whether by volunteering, acts of kindness, or
charity donations. By placing others' needs ahead of our own, we display the unselfish love that Jesus
taught. Love has no limits or biases. It promotes diversity and inclusiveness, acknowledging the value and
worth of every person, regardless of color, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, or background. By actively
supporting equality and justice, we can foster a society in which everyone feels valued and respected.
The "Great Commandment of Love" is a lifetime commitment to loving God with our whole heart,
soul, intellect, and strength, as well as loving our neighbors as ourselves. We may positively touch the lives
of others by demonstrating compassion, forgiveness, service, and acceptance of diversity. Love has the
ability to change people's lives and restoration a broken world, and our actions are how we genuinely
display our love for God and others.

Submitted by: Keana Marie C. Cabangunay

Submitted to: Ma. Andre Del Rosario

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