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Family's perception of the problem, decisions made, actions taken and reasons and

effects of decision are data obtained during: *

A. Initial data gathering

B. First-level assessment
C. second-level assessment
D. Observation

To decide an appropriate score for the modifiability of the problem of PTB, the following
factors are considered:1. Resources of the family 2. duration of the problem3. current
management 4. exposure of any vulnerable or high-risk group 5. resources of the
community *

A. 1, 2, 3, and 4
B. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
C. з and 4
D. 1, 3 and 5

To illustrate a busy family with a bedridden mother who is not receiving any care, the
nursing problem may be stated as: *

A. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition due to denial about its existence
specifically social concerns
B. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to a member of the family due to members?
preoccupation with their concerns
C. Inability to utilize community resources for health care due to lack of adequate family
resources specifically: manpower resources
D. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to at risk member of the family due to
inadequate financial resources

The score to be given if the family other members:

the benefit of First Postpartum visit must be: *

A. on the 7th day after delivery

B. within 24 hours
C. within 72 hours
D. on the 4th day of delivery

The score to be given if the family met all the needs of other members of the family:

A. 0
B. 1
C. 3
D. 5

This refers to the anticipated periods of unusual demand in terms of adjustment or family
resources: *

A. Health threat
B. Health deficit
C. Stress points
D. Foreseeable crisis

This category is concerned largely with the interpersonal with the interpersonal or group
aspects of family life - how well the members of the family get along with one another, the
ways in which they take decisions affecting the family as a whole: *

A. Therapeutic competence
B. Family living
C. Emotional competence
D. Health care attitudes

This is given only once during the pregnancy: *

A. Vit A
B. Iron
C. Folic Acid
D. elemental iodine

An overall score in FC which interpreted as coping effectively:

A. 2
B. 5
C. 8
D. 9

The transferability of PTB to other family members is reduced or eliminated if the

problem is managed adequately as soon as possible. The scale for a high preventive
potential is:

A. 3
B. 1
C. ⅔
D. 0.33
This category has to do with the maturity and integrity with which the members of the
family are able to meet the usual stresses and problems of life, and to plan for happy and
fruitful living: *

A. Use of community facilities

B. Knowledge or healing condition
C. Emotional competence
D. Health care attitudes

This stage of family is task to allow and help children to become more independent: *

A. Beginning Family
B. Childbearing Family
C. Family with Preschooler
D. Family with Teenagers

Micronutrient supplementation is vital for pregnant women. The CH nurse knows that the
amount to be given to the pre-pregnancy state is: *

A. 5, 000
B. 10.000
C. 200,000
D. 1,000

Which of the following problem reflects the cues/data given above needs urgent
attention? *

A. Presence of health deficit:diarrhea

B. Poor environmental condition: unsanitary waste disposal
C. Lack of oral rehydration solution
D. lack of knowledge in managing diarrhea

Family's perception and readiness is scored according to what criteria: *

A. Nature of the condition

B. Modifiability of the condition
C. Preventive potential
D. Salience

An assessment tool intended to know the ability of the family to manage self: *

A. family ecomap
B. Family Genogram
C. Family Coping Index
This area of Family Coping Index (FCI) refers to the family's perception of health care in
general: *

A. Therapeutic competence
B. Knowledge of health condition
C. Application of principles of personal and general hygiene
D. Health care attitudes

An over-all score in FCI which interpreted as coping in some fashion but Poorly:

A. 2
B. 5
C. 8
D. 9

This category has to do with the ability of the family to keep clinical appointments: *

A. Therapeutic competence
B. Knowledge of health condition
C. Use of community facilities
D. Health care attitudes

A previous history of abortion to a G2P1 30-year-old female is an example of: *

A. Health deficit
B. Stress points
C. Foreseeable crisis

This explains about the family's problem related to maintaining wellness: *

A. Etiology
B. Nursing Assessment
C. First-level assessment
D. Second-level assessment

This area of FCI includes practice of general health promotion and recommended
preventive measures:

A. Therapeutic competence
B. Knowledge of health condition
C. Application of principles of personal and general hygiene
D. Health care attitudes
To decide on the probability of reducing, controlling or eradicating the problem: *

A. Salience
B. Preventive potential
C. Modifiability of the problem

This is a tool that is used to depict family linkages:

A. Family tree
B. Family ecomap
C. Family genogram
D. Family interviewing

Which of the following problem reflects the cues/data given above that should be given
the highest priority? *

A. Inadequate living space

B. adequate family resources specifically in financial resources
C. Threat of cross-infection
D. PTB as a health deficit

Which of the following should be given to a woman on her 4th month of pregnancy? *

A. Vit A
B. iron
C. Folic Acid
D. all of these

This is a critical component of the family interview which are specific for the family

A. Manners
B. Therapeutic questions
C. Therapeutic conversations
D. Longer time duration

This condition is a result of a failure in health maintenance: *

A. health threats
B. foreseeable crisis
C. presence of health deficit
D. presence or stress points

Unclean environment is an example of: *

A. Health status problems
B. Health resources problems
C. Health-related problems
D. Nature of the problem

This factor is both considered in determining the modifiability and preventive potential of
a health condition: *

A. duration of the problem

B. severity of the problem
C. facilities and community support
D. current management

An over-all score in FC which interpreted as moderately competent: *


This area of FCI pertains to the ability of the family to comply with the prescribed or
recommended measures to be done at home: *

A. Therapeutic competence
B. Knowledge of health condition
C. Physical independence
D. Health care attitudes

In the scale for ranking health conditions and problems according to priorities, health
threat weighs:

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1

This condition is a result of a failure in health maintenance: *

A. health threats
B. foreseeable crisis
C. presence of health deficit
D. presence of stress points

Which of the following is true to a CEmONC capable facility?

A. Master sting or pregnant women

B. serves 125.000 population
C. provides emergency transport services for critical care
D. serves 500,000 population

Which of the following is true to a BEmONC capable facility? *

A. Emergency newborn interventions

B. Oxygen support serves
C. 125,000 population
D. all or these

Presence of stridor in a calm child is classified as: *

A. Pink
B. Yellow
C. Green

This law mandates that all newborns must be put to the breast of the mother immediately
after birth: *

A. EO 51
B. RA 7600
C. RA 10028
D. RA8172

A lactating woman must received iron supplementation of: *

A. 60 mg Elemental Iron with 400 mcg Folic acid/tablet for 90 days

B. 60 mg Elemental Iron with 400 mcg Folic acid/tablet for 180 days
C. 2 tablespoon once a day for 6 months
D. one capsule once a day for 4 weeKs

Which of the following needs an urgent referral? *

A. Pneumonia
B. Malaria
C. Convulsion
D. Anemia
Deworming of children aged 1-12 years is done: *

A. yearly
B. monthly
C. every 6 months
D. every 3 months

This is known as the Philippine Nursing act of 2002: *

A. RA 9173
B. RA 7164
C. RA 10354
D. RA 10754

This law mandates the setting up of lactation stations in al health and non-health
establishments: *

A. EO 51
B. RA 7600
C. RA 10028
D. RA8172

Micronutrient supplementation is vital for post-partum women. The CH nurse knows that
the amount to be given to them is: *

A. 5,000
B. 10,000
C. 200,000
D. 1,000

This law repealed PD 996: *

A. EO 382
B. RA 8976
C. RA 10152
D. RA 8172

You can classify that a child aged 11 months has fast breathing if he has a respiratory
rate of:

A. 50 cpm or more
B. 40 cpm or more
C. 30 cpm or more
D. 60 cpm or more

This law prohibits advertising or marketing materials that will imply the belief that bottle
feeding is equivalent or superior to breastfeeding:

A. EO 51
B. RA 7600
C. RA 10028
D. RA8172

This is the most common cause of anemia among children: *

iodine deficit
protein deficit
iron deficit
lack of Vit A

This requires all producers of food-grade salt to iodized the salt that they produce,
import, trade or distribute: *

EO 382
RA 8976
RA 10028
RA 8172

This act is an expansion of the benefits and privileges of PWDs in the Philippines as an
amendment to the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons: *

RA 9262
RA 7577
RA 10354
RA 10754

This is also known as the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Act of

RA 9709
RA 9173
RA 9609
Children aged 12-24 months are given of Albendazole mg: *


This law states that prior to delivery, any health practitioner who delivers and assists in
the delivery of the newborn is obliged to inform the parents of the availability, nature and
benefits of newborn screening (NBS): *

RA 9709
RA 9173
RA 9609

Vitamin A deficiency could lead to:

eye problems
easily getting sick
be one at risk of respiratory problems
all of these

This law mandates the fortification of wheat flour with

Vitamin A: *

EO 382
RA 8976
RA 10028
RA 8172

This law created the health insurance in the Philippines: *

RA 7875
RA 3753
RA 7116
RA 7160

This is known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of 2012:

RA 10354
RA 10754

The number of household per 1 barangay health worker (BHW): *


The number of people per 1 rural health physician: *


Ideally how many weeks will you give the 3rd dose Hepatitis B vaccine? *

6 weeks
0-1 week
10 weeks

When the nurse discusses a level 1 water supply facility, she/he means *

Individual household connections

Communal faucet
Point source
Waterworks system

Expanded program of immunization is a Department of Health thrust to prevent morbidity

and mortality among infants and children caused by 6 childhood diseases. Olivia is
newborn, which of the following vaccines is necessary for her?

a. OPV
b. Measles
c. DPT
d. BCG

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