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was an introductory class


Home work

hello guys hope you're doing well 😍

Here is the home work for our today's class, make sure you do the home work before the class
and send it to me privately.

Lesson Objective.

At the end of this session learners will know lexicon on house renting, it's challenges and
individual motives of renting.

Sub objective : at the end of the session, learners will learn the use of conjunctions and their
position in a sentence.

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. What is common in these pictures?

3. Imagine what they are doing?

4. Guess what will be our next reading?

🌲 *Vocabulary*
1. Sauna

2. Tenant

3. Landlord

4. Heatwave

5. Impersonal

6. Rent

Find the meaning of the words above and make two sentences with each vocabularies.

📝 Grammar
Do some research on conjunction with examples...

We will discuss it in class.

Is the concept of "rent- to -own" a fair and viable option for those who may struggle to afford a
traditional mortgage?

Support your view with at least three points.


Home work

hello guys hope you're doing well 😍

From the Pre-intermediate book, Unit 12 (lesson 1)

Lesson Objective:

the aim of this lesson is to enable the learners to use lexicons they learnt to talk about the
dilemma they've experienced.

Sub objective : by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to use past modal form
correctly in the context of the couple story.

1. what do you understand by dilemma?

2. what is moral dilemma?

3. what are the three levels of moral dilemma?

4. Give an example of organizational moral dilemma?

🌲 Vocabulary
1. Applause

2. Conflicting
3. Collision

4. Rapturous

5. Vessel

6. Abandoned

*Find the meaning of the above word and form one sentence with each of them.

📝 Grammar
Do some research on past modal auxiliary verbs with examples...

We will discuss it in class.

have you been in dilemma before ? if yes, how did you go about it?

if you have to choose between your work and one million dollar, what will you choose.
(assuming you are a medical doctor).



Here's the home work to do in preparation for our tomorrow's class 🥰🥰

*Lesson objective:*

At the end of the class, my learners will learn lexicons related to theater and drama.
Listen to the podcast above and answer the questions.

1. What did Jenny say about the last six months of her life?

a. She's been incredibly busy.

b. She feels she doesn't belong in this showbiz world.

c She's had too much to learn.

2. Why did Jenny use the football metaphor when talking about the cast of her new movie?

a. to show how hard they have all been working on the film.

b. to give an idea of teamwork.

c. to say something about the plot of the film.

3. And how did she view her role in the football team when asked?

a. a minor, supporting role.

b. the mother of the group.

c. the serious one.

4. How did she find working with a famous actor on the film set?

a. she was determined not to let it affect her work.

b. she didn't find him very professional.

c. she felt relaxed around him.

5. Why is Jenny happy that she will be New York in a month's time?
a. she doesn't like working in Chicago.

b. family commitments make things difficult for her.

c. her husband and daughter don't like living in Chicago.

6. Why was Jenny criticized for her comments about Broadway?

a. she shouldn't have criticized something she profits off herself.

b.she was only repeating something she had previously stated.

c. she was too aggressive in her comments about Broadway.

7. What was in Jenny's heart about her criticism of Broadway?

a. she wants equal pay for women.

b. there aren't enough women working on Broadway.

c. women should be given as many top roles as men are.

Find the meaning of the following words and build meaningful sentences with them :

- Hectic

- Departure

- Audition

- Quarterback

- Awe

Do research about the articles...
We'll discuss it during class 😏

Topic: between theater and drama which one do you prefer? Support your interest with reasons.


Hello guys how are you all doing? 🥰🥰🥰


Aim: at the end of this session, my learner would learn common phrases with GO.

Objectives :

At the end of the lesson, my learners should be able to:

- Use emotional vocabularies perfectly

- Use past perfect correctly

- Hold a conversation with friends and family about their jealousy situation.

📗 *VOCABULARY:* Watch the video above and learn some COMMON PHRASES with GO.
Give an example for each group.
📕 *GRAMMAR:* Watch this video 👇🏻to learn past perfect tense in English.

*Write your own five expressions in past perfect tense*


*Jealousy*: is it possible to control this emotion? Why do we even feel jealous? (You can state
as many as possible reasons)..


Hello my awesome learners 🤩

Trust you are doing well 💯
Class of Saturday

Aim: At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to use lexicon they Learnt to talk about their
football star

Object: at the end of this lesson, learners would be able to write a well detailed biography of
their role model or stars

*Watch the video above to answer the following questions*

1. Where was Cristiano Ronaldo born?

2. At what age did he start playing for football club?

3. What killed his father?

4. What illness was he diagnosed of at the age of 15?

5. What lesson did you learn from his life's story?


Write the Antonyms and synonyms of these words:

- Dormitory

- Talented

- Skinny

- Struggle

- Sneaking


Watch the video bellow to learn how to express past events 👇🏿


- Who is Your favorite football player?

- What do you like about them?

If you have an opportunity to meet a football player, who would it be? And why?


Hello my lovely learners 🥰

Trust you are doing great 💯
*Here is the home work for our Sunday's class*

AIM: At the end of this session, my learners would be able to use different words related to
politics effectively while speaking/writing.


- My learners will be able to talk about election and politics of their countries.

- my learner will also be able to write a well detailed biography of their past leaders.

*Watch the video above to answer the questions below*

1. What do you understand by democracy?

2. What is ballot?

3. What is legitimacy?

4. What is referendum?

5. Who is a candidate and a front runner?

6. Write short note on the following words

a. Propaganda

b. Manifesto

c. Legislation

📝 *Writing*

*Listen to the podcast below to write a well detailed biography of Abraham Lincoln*( not less
than two hundred words)

Do some research on past continuous, we will discuss it in class
Democracy is not the best system or government.

Group 1: Agree

Group 2

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