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The Power of Presence

Being fully present with another person is a gift. It means listening without distraction, making eye contact, and genuinely caring about their
2. Affirming Body Language
Non-verbal cues speak volumes. A warm smile, a nod of understanding, and an open posture convey interest, acceptance, and presence. Such
3. Authentic Listening
Listening isn’t merely waiting for our turn to speak; it’s an art. Authentic listening involves curiosity, empathy, and a willingness to understa
4. The Art of Storytelling
Stories bind us. They evoke emotions, ignite imagination, and create shared experiences. Whether around a campfire or in a boardroom, stor
nely caring about their thoughts and feelings. When we practice presence, we signal that the other person matters—a fundamental building block of con

nce, and presence. Such body language bridges gaps, making others feel valued and heard. Remember, our bodies communicate even when our words do

willingness to understand. When we truly hear someone’s story, we forge a connection that transcends superficial exchanges.

or in a boardroom, storytelling connects hearts and minds. Learn to tell your story authentically, and watch connections flourish.
nal that the other person matters—a fundamental building block of connection.

nd heard. Remember, our bodies communicate even when our words don’t.

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