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1-Read this extract carefully.

2-What is it about?

3-Underline any unknown vocabulary.

4-There are three sentences missing. Place the missing sentences in the
correct number.

Causes of Homelessness

Sometimes people become homeless due to natural disasters, such as

floods, hurricanes, or earthquakes.
1 This is because the government is not
able to help them find or build new homes.

In the world's wealthier countries, people are homeless mainly because

they are very poor. Homeless people may be employed. 2 Poor people
without jobs usually become homeless if they do not have families or
friends with whom they can live.

Approximately half of all homeless adults suffer from a serious mental

illness or are addicted to alcohol or other drugs. . 3 And it makes it hard
for their friends and families to care for them. Under these
circumstances, people become homeless because the financial help they get
from the government does not cover housing costs.

A. Often, these conditions make it impossible for them to work.

B. When this occurs in very poor countries, people often stay homeless
for a long time.
C. But they do not make enough money to pay for apartments or house.

Which are the three main reason explained in the article?

Which is the one tha best suits the main carácter in the novel?

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