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Created by: Dan Zielinski / BGG: rent13579 / YouTube: GamezMadeEZ

Christian Marcussen has created the best, streamlined, 4-X nation building game on the market today.
This game deserved not a Deluxe Edition… rather a Monumental Edition!
With each Civilization changing how your opponent, IBO, will play, my hope
is to have this masterpiece rewrite history on your tabletop often.
Thanks, Christian!

This solo version requires you to play with all expansion buildings and army units.
However, Leader Cards or Civilization Advancement boards are optional.

Set-Up …..……………….….……..……… 2
Turn Structure ……………...…...….. 3
Action: Advance …………...….….….. 4
Action: Construct ………....………... 6
Action: Recruit …………...….….……. 7
Action: Attack ………..…..….…….….. 8
Action: Influence Culture ……..… 10
Action: Found City …………….…..… 11
Building a Wonder ………….………. 12
Other Rules ………………….………... 12
Events …………………………………..... 13
Status Phase .…………….…………... 14
End Game Scoring …………..…..…. 14
Variable Difficulty ………….…….... 14
Summary Sheet ………………....…. 15
Civ Advancements ….……..…..…. 17
Leader Abilities …………………….. 22
Set up for a 2-player game.
Pick any color to represent IBO (the Intelligent Barbarian Opponent)
IBO will be RED in these instructions.
IBO’s player board gets set-up slightly differently than yours:
The City- Track
2 sets of resource tokens are needed.
Place a Settlement and the indicated resource token on the 0, 3, 5, and 7 space
City-Track Order
on the Scale, as seen below. Reverse City-Track Order

Above IBO’s Scale, create the “City-Track” with the second

set of resource tokens. The resource tokens keep track in
which order IBO’s cities are built and will determine what
order to perform some actions.
Deal IBO his starting Action Card, face down.
No Objective Card is given. IBO places cubes
in Farming and Mining, as per usual.
If playing with Civilization Advancements (optional)
… see “Civ Board Setup” (Page 17)
If playing with Leader Abilities (optional)
… see “Leader Board Setup” (Page 22)

The usual starting Settlement, Settler and H

are placed on starting Plains, along with the
Food token and 1 I Unit.

You are first player.

You play your turns as normal.
When it’s IBO’s turn… Reveal and discard the top Event Card.
Playing Normal Difficulty…
In Age I and II, IBO performs 1 Card each turn.
In Age III and IV, IBO performs 2 Cards each turn.
In Age V and VI, IBO performs 3 Cards each turn.
The icon appearing (or not) on the card determines his action:





If an action can not be performed, then move to the next action that can be performed.
CIV SPECIFIC: Perform the action listed on bottom of the Civ Advancement board.
If not playing with Civ Advancements, roll a die. The resulting number is the action performed.

:: Standing Tie Rule ::

If, during any action, IBO has a choice between two or more options. Roll a die to determine his choice.

Roll 3 dice.
The die that landed highest (3, in the illustration) is the first value and is read as a d3.
The middle die (6, in the illustration) is the second value and is also read as a d3.

First Value First Value

2 Second Value

Second Value

Third Value
Ignored, d2 or d3 Third Values
(as needed)
(as needed)
d2 1,2,3 = 1
4,5,6 = 2
:d3: 1,2 = 1
3,4 = 2
5,6 = 3

Third Values the first time a

Category is full.
The die in the lowest position (4, in the illustration above) is the third value and is only read once the advancement
category has been determined and if needed to determine which advancement is learned within the given Category.
Example: The first two dice in the illustration would result in IBO gaining an advancement in Spirituality. It’s his first one in the category and thus the third die is ignored
because only Myths could be taken.
If IBO already had researched Myths, then the third die is a d3 and IBO learns the 2nd available skill… Priesthood.
If he had Myths and Priesthood already, then the third die is a d2 and IBO learns the 2nd available skill … State Religion.
If he had Myths, Priesthood and State Religion already, then the third die is ignored because he could only learn Rituals.

If the dice results in a Category that is full, then a Government Advancement is learned, regardless of which Category is full. If this is the
first Government Advancement, then the third die is used to determine which Government is chosen, ignoring prerequisites. From this point
on, if IBO attempts to advance in any full category, he will learn a new advancement in the already chosen government. If IBO’s government
advancement is full, then IBO will not advance and will RECRUIT instead.
Example continuing from above: If IBO had all 4 Spirituality Advancements, then the third die indicates he learns the second government… Autocracy.
(IBO ignores government prerequisites.) If IBO later advances in Spirituality (or any other completed category), then the third die is a d3 and IBO learns the 2nd
available skill in Autocracy… Absolute Power

After advancing, IBO gains a Culture Token, if earned, and resolve any Events that may occur.
IBO doesn’t collect Mood Tokens from Advancements. (See “Resolving Event Cards”)
Finally, place the corresponding City-Piece from the Advancement Category in the lowest available spot, closest to 0 on the Scale.
[Illustration below shows Temple being added after learning Spirituality, from example above.]

If the Scale is full, then no city piece is placed.

If the advancement was in Agriculture, Construction or a Government, even if full, ...

… perform a Wonder Check! (See “Building a Wonder.”)
If an advancement qualifies IBO for an Advancement on their Civilization Board, IBO immediately gains that advancement as well.

Advancements’ Effect on IBO

Advancements IBO learn will alter his gameplay as follows:
Agriculture: Wonder Check! Also...
...with the 3rd advancement, IBO reveals a Wonder.
Construction: Wonder Check! Also…
...with the 3rd advancement, IBO reveals a Wonder.
Maritime: Each advancement increases “Naval Aggression Range” by 1.
Education: When IBO gets his 3rd and 4th advancements in this category, if IBO can discard an Action Card, he does so to ADVANCE.
Warfare: Each advancement increases “Land Aggression Range ” by 1.
Spirituality: When IBO gets his 3rd and 4th advancements in this category, if IBO can discard an Action Card, he does so to
Economy: When IBO gets his 3rd and 4th advancements in this category, if IBO can discard an Action Card, he does so to CONSTRUCT.
Traditions: For every 2 advancements, IBO gains 1 C during the “Change Government?” phase of the Status Phase.
Science: When IBO gets his 3rd and 4th advancements in this category, if IBO can discard an Action Card, he does so to RECRUIT.
Any Government: Wonder Check! Also…
…when IBO gets his 3rd and 4th advancements in this category, if IBO can discard an Action Card, he does so
to perform another ACTION this turn.

IBO will construct the City-Piece in the left-most position on his Scale in the city with his settler.
If this is a Settlement, then perform a FOUND CITY action. (See “FOUND CITY” p11)
IBO follows most “City Rules”: - Different City-Pieces: No city may have two of the same City-Piece.
- Ports must be placed into water hexes.
However, IBO may ignore City-Size Limits: IBO’s cities may be bigger than the number of cities he has on the board.
If the left-most City-Piece can not be placed (as it would break City Rules) then skip to the next City-Piece on the Scale. If nothing can be
built in the city, then move the settler to the next smallest city in City-Track order and INFLUENCE CULTURE instead.
After any City-Piece is removed from the Scale, shift all City-Pieces remaining left one space. Maintain any gaps between city-pieces.
After shifting city-pieces, move IBO’s settler to his smallest, non- A city in City-Track order. This may result in the settler returning to the
same city.
Example: IBO’s Scale currently looks like BEFORE and the settler is in City C (Ore). The Port is the first City-Piece but there isn’t a water hex for it. The next city-piece is
a Temple, but the city already has one. Thus, IBO builds the Fortress in the city. The remaining City-Pieces are shifted one space left. If the Fortress couldn’t be built,
then IBO would have FOUND CITY with the Settlement piece that followed.


Each City-Piece provides the following to IBO:

When Built On-Going
Port None 1 Ship with each RECRUIT action
Academy Take an ADVANCE action None
Fortress None +1 Combat Die and Block, in first round
Temple Gain 1 C None
Market None Possible Calvary/Elephants with RECRUIT actions
Obelisk None Can’t be Culturally Influenced
Observatory Gains 1 Action Card None

With the construction of the Fortress in City C (Ore),
the settler now moves to the smallest non- A
city following City-Track Order.
City D (Gold) is Angry and not an option.
Since City B (Wood) and City C are the same size,
Settler moves to City B as Wood is before Ore in City-Track Order
City-Track Order.


Each of IBO’s cities recruit one unit. If the city can not recruit a unit, due to limits, it does not recruit.
<> Maximum army units per city is Mood altered City-Size. (Max 4) M +1 M =1
<> Recruit in reverse City-Track Order.
<> If city has no Army, recruit I . At each city that can accept an additional army unit, roll a die.
If IBO has a Market in any city: I = I C= C E=E If IBO has no Market: \ \ =
= Spawn L into this city. If already on board, spawn I at L ‘s current location and move L to city.
Spawn I for any figure not available. If no I figures available, city doesn’t recruit.
Recruiting Ships
If any city has a Port, one ship is built in a Port Space in reverse City-Track order favoring sea areas that are void of IBO’s ships.

:: “Barricade Rule” ::
If one of IBO’s enemies (player or pirate) have ships on the Port space, then ships are placed and accumulate in the city (ignoring limits)
until the number of ships in the city are equal to or more than the amount of enemy ships in the space.
At that time, all ships are deployed together and a navel battle occurs.

City-Track Order
Recruit Example:
Reverse City-Track order means cities will recruit in Ideas,
Gold, Ore, Wood, Food order.
City-Track Order
Ideas(A): No roll made. The first unit in a city is always
an I . City is now at max since it’s M .
Gold(B): Rolls a L .
The L is currently in City D.
An I will be placed in City D and the L will move to
City B.
Ore(C): No roll made. City is already at max number of
units for a Size-2 Happy City.
Wood(D): Rolls a C . Because at least one city has
a Market (B), then a C is recruited and City D is
now maxed with 3 units for a Size-2 Happy City.
(2 I and a C )
Food(E): Rolled an E . E recruited in City E. If IBO
had no Markets, an I would be recruited instead.
Then, a ship is recruited at the Port of City C. However,
since the port is “barricaded” with 2 pirate ships… the ship
is placed in the city. During next RECRUIT action, this city
will gain a 2nd ship. Both will then deploy and combat the

LAND ATTACK: IBO will first remove all lone settlers within his “Land Aggression Range.”
After, IBO will engage the closest City/Army to which he has the highest “Unit Advantage” within his “Land Aggression Range.”
IBO’s army will “teleport” from one of his H cities to the target, if a clear path can be traced.
:: “Land Aggression Range” ::
Land Aggression Range is 1 + the number of Warfare Advancements learned by IBO.
<> Water Spaces can only be counted if IBO has at least one ship present in the Sea Area
<> Can never count through enemy armies/cities.
:: “Unit Advantage” ::
Unit Advantage is determined by subtracting the number of army units in IBO’s army
by the number of army units in the target army/city.
<> Your Fortresses count as +1 army unit… in figuring Unit Advantage.
<> Your Leader counts as (0) army units… in figuring Unit Advantage.
<> Unit Advantage must be 0 or greater for IBO to attack.
IBO considers targeting Barbarians equally to players.
:: Action Cards ::
IBO will use Action Cards in any combat round that... … his Unit Advantage is 0 or below.
… or a Leader is present in the battle. (His and/or yours)
When IBO requires an Action Card, simply draw the top card of his Action Card Pile. If the Action Card does not apply to the current battle,
then return the card to the bottom of the pile and IBO doesn’t use one this round.
If you want to use an Action Card, you must choose which card you are using before revealing IBO’s card.

When taking hits, IBO removes Leaders last. Randomly determine which units he removes. If you ever defeat his Leader, take one of his
cubes and place it in front of you for 2 V . (or see “Leader Abilities” on p22, if playing with them.) If he defeats your Leader, give him the
Leader Card.
Retreat?: After each round of battle, recalculated the Unit Advantage. IBO retreats if Unit Advantage is –1 or less.
Retreating units return to their original city.
Success against an Army or Size-1 City!: All surviving units return to their original city and captured city is Razed.
Success against Size-2+ city!: All surviving units are moved into the newly captured city. Replace settlement with the
left-most Settlement and token from the Scale. Replace other City-Pieces from the supply first and from Scale (right to left) if need be.
City is made M .
If capturing his 6th city, then IBO places a C with the settlement from supply. Add a C to the end of the City-Track.
If capturing his 7th city, then no token is placed and “no token” is always considered the last in the City-Track.

If one of IBO’s cities is captured, bringing him to below 5 cities, place the Settlement with Resource Marker back on the scale on slot 7
returning any city-piece there back to supply. If at 5+ cities, Settlement goes to supply. If the city with his settler is captured, move the
settler to the next smallest non– M city in City-Track Order. If, the captured city was H , IBO then performs a RECRUIT action.
For each G IBO would receive for capturing cities, defeating Barbarians or Pirates, IBO gets C instead.
If IBO does remove your Settlers but can’t attack otherwise, it is considered that he can’t attack and moves to CONSTRUCT instead.
After land battles, check for any possible Naval battles, by
:: “Naval Aggression Range” ::
assuming all IBO’s ships can move their “Naval Aggression Range.”
1 + the number of Maritime Advancements
If IBO can cause a naval battle with a Unit Advantage of at least 0, IBO will attack
learned by IBO.
the ship/fleet that he has the greatest Unit Advantage to with all his ships in
range. (His ships merge together onto target.) It’s the number of spaces his boats will
move to engage in combat.
IBO considers Pirates equally to player ships.
Will use “Navigation.”
IBO always has and will use “Navigation” as needed.

Combat Example:
IBO’s Land Aggression Range is 3 with 2 advancements in Warfare.
IBO’s Naval Aggression Range is 2 with 1 advancement in Maritime.

Because IBO has at least 1 ship in Sea Area 1, IBO may

count water spaces in it.
Settler E is defeated.
Calculating Targets and Unit Advantage...
City A is a Unit Advantage of +3 but it too far away
at Range 4.
City B has Unit Advantage of 0 at Range 2.
(3 units - (2 units + Fortress(1)) = 0)
If no ships were in 1, then no clear path to B.
Barbarian Army C is Unit Advantage +1 at range 3.
(3 units - 2 units = +1)
Army D is Unit Advantage +1 at Range 2.
(3 units - (2 units + Leader(0)) = +1)
Result: IBO will attack Army D because it’s closer than
Army C and will use Action Cards because your Leader
is present.

After land battle, IBO will attack your 2 ships in Sea Area 3 because IBO’s right-most
2 ships can “navigate” to Sea Area 3 by moving 2 spaces. (Naval Aggression Range)
Unit Advantage is 0. (2 ships - 2 ships = 0) He will use an Action Card.

Determine closest “cheapest” city-pieces.
“Cheapest” city-pieces are city-pieces in your color that would require the least amount of C spent on increasing range
to make an attempt. (IBO must have the targeted city-piece type in his supply.)
!!! Remember to enforce your Government or Monuments restrictions, if they apply !!!
As per usual rules, IBO can not Influence Culture from a city that contains your influence.
IBO will target pieces in his own cities if they’re among the cheapest and closest targets.
IBO will spend C to increase range far enough, if able.
If range is acquired, an Influence Culture roll is made.
C are spent to increase the resulting roll to a success.
If there aren’t enough C to succeed, then none are spent and the attempt failed. If all of IBO’s cities are under your Influence...
IBO’s first city in City-Track Order will target itself
As per usual, IBO may only have one successful Influence Culture in a turn.
without the ability to boost.
Influence Culture Example:
Determining “Cheapest” city-pieces.
Ore(A) is Culturally Influenced by you and thus can’t
Food(B) can Influence at range 3. It can
Influence both your Observatory in City 1 and the
Fortress in City A at the cost of 0 C .
Wood(C) can Influence at range 2. It would need 1
to Influence your Observatory in City 1, Observatory in
City 2, the Fortress in City 3 or the Market in City 3.
Result: Following Standard Tie Rules, a die is rolled to
determine whether IBO targets the Observatory in 1 or
the Fortress in A since they both cost 0 C and are
the same distance.
If result is Fortress in City A...
IBO rolls:

and spends 4 C to make

influence successful.
The Fortress is turned Red.
If result is Observatory in City 1 ...
IBO rolls:

IBO can’t spends 2 C to make

influence successful due to
“Separation of Power” and the city’s happiness.

FOUND CITY City-Track Terrain Order

IBO will not Found a City if he has 5+ cities on the board.

<> If, traced over land, an unexplored sector is adjacent
to a sector with one of his cities… - Reveal one of those sectors.
(May trace by sea if IBO has boat in sea area) - Follow regular rules for sector placement.
(The random orientation after reveal is kept, unless rule 2 or 3 are broken.)
- Place Settlement in space following City-Track Terrain order

<> If there are no adjacent unexplored sectors... - Target closest “empty” sector, traced by land, from his cities.
(“Empty” means it contains no cities and may include unexplored sectors.)
(May trace by sea if IBO has boat in sea area)

- Place Settlement in space following City-Track Terrain order

that is void of all figures.
The left-most Settlement City-Pieces and accompanied token are placed on space along with a single I unit in the city.
Shift all city-pieces one space left afterwards and move Settler to smallest non- A city in City-Track Order.

Found City Example:

Tracing over land, there are 2 unexplored sectors
adjacent to sectors with IBO’s cities.
A is inaccessible because water hex B does not
contain a ship.
Following “Standard Tie Rules,” we assign numbers
to the two possible sectors.

As a d2… IBO explores Sector 2.

With Plains taking priority over Mountains, there

are 3 possible spaces for the
settlement. We assign numbers
to the valid spaces.
A d2… IBO founds space 2.

Settlement ,
Infantry and
Ore token are
all placed
on space 2.

If IBO is ever without any cities on the board, IBO can’t Found Cities as there are no adjacent sectors to no cities.
The game ends during the status phase since he has no cities.
Building a Wonder
“Open Wonders” Variant is active. When you draw a Wonder card, (from Engineering, for example) display it beside the map.
Revealed Wonders are available to both the player and IBO to build.
If IBO advanced in Agriculture, Construction or a Government, even if category is full, a check is made to see if IBO builds a Wonder.
<> Does IBO have 3 advancements in Agriculture or Construction?
<> Does IBO has required advancement category unlocked? [Warfare for Great Wall, for example.]
<> Does IBO have 5 C ?
<> Does IBO have 4 non-settlement City-Pieces on the Scale?
If you answer “Yes” to all of the above, then IBO will build a Wonder he is qualified to build.
4 non-settlement City-Pieces are removed from the Scale (from right to left) and 5 C are removed from IBO’s pool.
In City-Track Order, IBO will build the wonder in a wonderless H city containing the largest army.
If there are no available cities, then the wonder is not built.

!!! NOTE: The Great Lighthouse must be built in a coastal city but the city doesn’t necessary need a Port. !!!

Rule/Card Clarification
<> Action Card: Spies — Draw Objective Cards from the deck equal to half the current Age. (round up)
<> Action Card: Tactical Retreat — If IBO plays this action card, his army is moved off the board. They do not count as killed.
Following the result of the battle, IBO performs a RECRUIT but only with these units that “retreated.”
<> Action Card: Tech Exchange — After you pick your advancement, IBO takes an ADVANCE action.
<> Advancement: Steel Weapons — If you have Steel Weapons, you gain +2 ! if IBO doesn’t have Steel Weapons. You gain only +1 ! if IBO does.
IBO does not gain anything when he attacks with or without Steel Weapons.
<> City Piece: Market — If you have a Market within 2 of IBO’s cities and IBO has a Market in any city, gain 1 G at the start of every round.
<> Event Cards: Great [Person] — IBO will always pass them to you where you can keep them for 2 C .
He will just discard them if you pass them to him.
<> Event Card: Great Diplomat — If you choose to put this in play, and IBO draws an ATTACK action, IBO will pay the 2 C to attack you.
If he can’t pay, then you’re not considered a target. If you attack IBO before removing this, then you have to pay IBO 2 C before

When an Advancement of IBO’s triggers an Event, draw an Event Card.
IBO will only act on the icon of the event. No text of any Event Card effects IBO.
If the text effects you, your part is carried out.
[Example: Ibo draws Population Boom which reads “Place a free Settler in one of your cities. Then select an opponent who also gets to place a free Settler in one of his
cities.” Result: IBO gets nothing but you gain a settler.]

Barbarians Spawn: You spawn a Barbarian Settlement and Infantry following placement rules from his cities. IBO will then place
the additional barbarian unit in a settlement as close to you and as far from his cities as he can. Roll the die to determine which
unit is spawned, similar to recruiting with a Market. Leader = Infantry.
Barbarians Move: You move all Barbarian Armies within 2 Land spaces of his cities 1 space toward his cities. You then place the
additional barbarian infantry in all barbarian settlements within 2 of IBO’s cities.
Pirate Spawn and Raid: You choose the placement of the first Pirate Ship adjacent to one of his cities.
He will then place another Pirate Ship in an empty space adjacent to one of your cities and as far from his cities as possible.
If all 4 pirate ships are on board… remove those closest to his cities first.
If at least one Pirate Ship can raid one of his cities, IBO discards a C .
Gold Mine: IBO gains 2 C .
Exhausted Land: Place the Exhausted Token on the scale with the first non-settlement city-piece. When IBO goes to CONSTRUCT this
city-piece, return it to supply and place the exhaust token adjacent to the city with his settler instead.
If no valid city-piece is on scale, discard exhaust token.

Clarifications on your Civilization Advancement/Leaders

<> Advancement (Huns): Raiders — IBO can never FOUND within 2 of your cities, unless within his own “Land Aggression Range.”
<> Advancement (Japan): Subterfuge — If you have an Army or City within 2 of an IBO city, you may discard an Action Card to cancel IBO’s free actions
from discard Action Cards after his 3rd or 4th advance in certain categories. IBO keeps his Action card.
<> Advancement (Vikings): Marauders — When triggered, place one of IBO’s cubes on your Civ Board. When placing your third, return them all and remove
the right-most non-settlement city-piece from IBO’s Scale.
<> Leader (Aztec): Marqzen — Spread Fear will let you remove one unit from an adjacent IBO city. That unit is placed in the next city that can accept it,
going in reverse city-track order. Loop back to the end of the city-track, as needed. If unit can not be placed elsewhere, Spread Fear can not be used.
<> Leader (Babylonia): Nebuchadnezzar II — The next time you’d draw a Wonder, find Great Gardens and take it into your hand. IBO can not build it.
<> Leader (Celt): Viriatus — Terror will let you remove one unit from the attacked IBO city. That unit is placed in the next city that can accept it, going in
reverse city-track order. Loop back to the end of the city-track, as needed. If unit can not be placed elsewhere, Terror can not be used.
<> Leader (China): Qin Shi Huang — The next time you’d draw a Wonder, find Great Wall and take it into your hand. IBO can not build it.

Status Phase
IBO performs the following actions during the Status Phase:
Phase IBO’s Action
Completed Objectives Check Civilization Board for possible action.
Free Advance Perform an ADVANCE action.
Draw New Cards IBO gains a face down Action Card.
Raze Size 1 City Increase all IBO’s cities one M level.
Change Government Type Gains 1 C per 2 advancements in Traditions.
(IBO would gain one C in this example below.)
Determine First Player IBO counts C ONLY.
You still count both C and M .
If IBO wins… Roll a die.
1-3 YOU go first
4-6 IBO goes first.

End Game Scoring

At normal difficulty, IBO completes 4 objectives, gaining 8 points. Everything else is scored normally.
(See Variable Difficulty Table for changes to this.)

Variable Difficulty

Easy 1 Event Card 1 Event Card 1 Event Card 2 Event Cards 2 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 2

Easier 1 Event Card 1 Event Card 2 Event Cards 2 Event Cards 2 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 3

Normal 1 Event Card 1 Event Card 2 Event Cards 2 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 4

Harder 1 Event Card 2 Event Cards 2 Event Card 2 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 5

Hard 1 Event Card 2 Event Cards 2 Event Card 3 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 3 Event Cards 6

Shorter Game If you want to play the shorter game ending in AGE IV :
After set-up, IBO performs a CONSTRUCT action. He performs 2 ADVANCE actions during the Status Phase and
he scores one less Objective at the end of the game.
On Normal Difficulty: :: Standing Tie Rule ::
= ADVANCE (1,2) During Age 1 and II… If, during any action, IBO has a choice
...IBO performs 1 action between two or more options...
Roll a die to determine his choice.
= CIV SPECIFIC During Age III and IV
= ATTACK (4) ...IBO performs 2 actions
(or Roll)
No Icon = CONSTRUCT (5) During Age V and VI
...IBO performs 3 actions

Advance: 1 2 3 Full Categories = Government

Wonder Check!
Roll 3 Dice 1 Agriculture 1 Education 1 Economy 3rd: EXTRA ACTION
Wonder Check! 3rd: ADVANCE 3rd: CONSTRUCT 4th: EXTRA ACTION
3rd used to
3rd: Reveal Wonder 4th: ADVANCE 4th: CONSTRUCT
advancement in 2 Construction 2 Warfare 2 Traditions
> Gain , if earned
category, Wonder Check! “Land Aggression Range” Gain C per
if needed. 3rd: Reveal Wonder = 1 + (# of Adv) 2 Advancements
> Add City-Piece to Scale
3 Maritime 3 Spirituality 3 Science (or Check for Wonder)
“Naval Aggression Range” 3rd: INFLUENCE CULTURE 3rd: RECRUIT
= 1 + (# of Adv) 4th: INFLUENCE CULTURE 4th: RECRUIT

Construct: Port Ship with RECRUIT City-Track Order

> Place left-most Academy When Built, ADVANCE
city-piece in city Fortress +1 Combat Die and Block, 1st round
with settler. Temple When Built, gain 1 C
> Shift city-pieces one Market Calvary/Elephants with RECRUIT Reverse City-Track Order
space left. Obelisk Can’t be Culturally Influenced
> Move Settler. Move Settler to smallest non- A city in City-Track Order.
Observatory When Built, gain 1 Action Card
:: “Land Aggression Range” :: :: “Unit Advantage” ::
Land Attack: Defeat all lone settlers.
1 + the number of Warfare Advancements Subtract number of army units in IBO’s city by the number of
Then, engage closest City/Army within his army units in the target army/city.
<> Water Spaces can be counted if ship in the sea area.
“Land Aggression Range” from H cities to
<> Can never count through enemy armies/cities <> Your Fortresses count as +1 army unit
which he has the highest “Unit Advantage.”
<> Consider Barbarian equally <> Your Leader counts as (0) army units

:: Action Cards :: IBO will use Action Cards in any combat round that his Unit Advantage is below 1 or a Leader is present in the battle.

Naval Attack: (After Land Battles) Assuming all IBO’s ships can move their “Naval Aggression Range,” if IBO can create a naval battle with a Unit Advantage
of at least 0, IBO will attack enemy fleets with all ships in range of target. (His ships merge together onto target.) :: “Naval Aggression Range” ::
IBO will consider Pirates equally. IBO will “Navigation” as needed. 1 + the number of Maritime Advancements

For each G IBO would receive for capturing cities, defeating Barbarians or Pirates, IBO gets C instead.

Recruit: If no army in city, Recruit I If any city has a Port, one ship is recruited
In reverse city-track Order, If at least one Army unit is in city… roll a die if not at max units. favoring areas void of his ships.
recruit 1 unit in each city. Recruit If Market in any city, Recruit :: “Barricade Rule” ::
Otherwise, Recruit
> Max # of Units = Build and accumulate ships in the city until
Recruit l or
Mood altered City-Size
Place at current location
If Market in any city, Recruit the number of ships are equal to or more
Otherwise, Recruit than the amount of enemy ships on Port.
M +1 M =1 and move

If one of IBO’s H cities gets captured, IBO performs a RECRUIT.

Influence Culture: <> Spend C to increase range far enough.
Determine “cheapest” city-pieces. <> If to succeed, C are spent to increase the resulting roll.
“Cheapest” is a city-piece in your color that would require the least amount <> One success limit
of C spent on increasing range to make an attempt.
!!! Remember to enforce your Government or Monuments restrictions !!!

Found City: IBO won’t Found with 5+ cities on the board,

Traced over land (or sea w ship in area)…

… if an unexplored sector is adjacent to a sector with one of his cities…
- Place IBO’s Settlement on the preferred terrain that is void of all figures.
- Reveal one of those sectors.
… if there are no adjacent unexplored sector…
- Place I in newly founded city along with resource token.
- Target closest “empty” sector.
(“Empty” means it contains no cities.)

Building a Wonder: Open Wonders is in effect. (Wonders are publicly displayed and can be built by anyone.)
If IBO advances in Agriculture, Construction or a Government, Wonder Check!
If “Yes” to all, IBO will build a Wonder!
<> IBO have 3 advancements in Agriculture or Construction? 4 non-settlement City-Pieces are removed from right to left.
<> IBO has required advancement category unlocked? 5 C are removed from IBO’s pool.
<> IBO have 5 C ?
<> IBO have 4 non-settlement City-Pieces on the Scale? Following the City-Track, IBO will build the wonder in the wonder-less,
H city with largest army.

Events: IBO will only act on the icon of the event. No text of any Event Card effects IBO. If the text effects you, your part is carried out.
Barbarians Spawn: You spawn a Barbarian Settlement and Infantry following placement rules from his cities. IBO will then place the additional barbarian unit in a
settlement as close to you and as far from his cities as he can. Roll to determine which unit is spawned. Leader = Infantry.

Barbarians Move: You move all Barbarian Armies within 2 Land spaces of his cities 1 space toward his cities. You then place the additional barbarian infantry in all
barbarian settlements within 2 of IBO’s cities.

Pirate Spawn and Raid: You choose the placement of the first Pirate Ship adjacent to one of his cities. He will then places another Pirate Ship in an empty space
adjacent to one of your cities or as far from his cities as possible. If all 4 pirate ships are on board… remove those closest to his cities first. If at least one Pirate Ship
can raid one of his cities, IBO discards a C .

Gold Mine: IBO gains 2 C .

Exhausted Land: Place the Exhausted Token on the scale with the first non-settlement city-piece. When IBO goes to CONSTRUCT this city-piece, return it to supply
and place the token adjacent to the city with his settler instead. If no valid city-piece is on scale, discard token.

Status Phase:
Completed Objectives Check Civilization Board!

Free Advance Perform an ADVANCE action.

1 1 1 2 2 3 2

Draw New Cards IBO gains a face down Action Card. 1 1 2 2 2 3 3

Raze Size 1 City Increase all IBO’s cities one m level.
1 1 2 2 3 3 4
Change Government Type Gains 1 C per 2 advancements in Traditions.
1 2 2 2 3 3 5

Determine First Player IBO only counts C

If he wins… 1-3 = YOU 4-6 = IBO 1 2 2 3 3 3 6

Cut out each Civ Overlay and tape the flaps together in the back.


2-Agriculture Warbeasts
Leader leaves behind Elephants instead of Infantry
when it moves.

3-Maritime Hegemony
After a FOUND CITY, IBO removes 1 ship from his IBO gains his Civ Advancement when he has cubes equal to the

largest fleet. If done so, IBO takes another action.

(Could be a Pirate ship because of “Pirate Allies”) number shown before the category.
1-Maritime Pirate Allies
Pirates are considered IBO’s ships,
“3-Maritime” means he earns that advancement when he has the
during IBO’s turn. 3rd cube in Maritime.

2-Warfare Mercenaries
After RECRUIT, trigger a “Barbarians Move” Event
on yourself.


1-Warfare Captives 2-Construction Canals
Up to 4 defeated non-Leader Army units are placed During Comp Obj, gain 1 M for each size-2+ city.
here as Captives. (1/2 V each)

1-Spirituality Human Sacrifice 1-Education Code of Laws

Will spent Captives as C, if need be. Gains an Action card with each successful


1-Traditions Aztec Gold 1-Science Star Catalogues
FOUND in reverse Terrain order. During Comp Obj, Gains 1 C when triggering an event.
Gain 1 c per 3 M on or adjacent to his cities.

1-Any Gov Tribute Empire 1-Any Gov Ziggurats

During Comp Obj, v cities within 2 each lose an When acquired, perform an ADVANCE,
Infantry unit and become a Captive, if possible. CONSTRUCT and gain 1 C .


2-Agriculture Warbeasts 1-Warfare Tribal Warfare

L leaves behind E instead of I when it +1 ! in land battles for every 2 v units
moves. within 2 of battle.

1-Maritime Hegemony 2-Warfare Tribal Allies

After a FOUND, IBO removes 1 ship from his IBO will never target v with ATTACKS.

largest fleet. If done so, IBO takes another action.

IBO ignores all “Barbarians Move” events.
(Could be a Pirate ship because of “Pirate Allies”)
2-Maritime Pirate Allies 2-Spirituality Druidic Influence
Pirates are considered IBO’s ships, May INFLUENCE CULTURE on v cities.
during IBO’s turn. Mark success with C . Worth 1 v .
(Max 1 per city and removed if captured)

2-Warfare Mercenaries 1-Economy Tribute Trade

After RECRUIT, trigger a “Barbarians Move” Event During Comp Obj, gain 1 m for each v city
on yourself. within 2.
Pay 3 m to ADVANCE.


3-Agriculture Rice Paddies 2-Agriculture Flood Plains
During Comp Obj, gain 1 m per on or During Comp Obj, gain 1 M for each o adjacent
adjacent to IBO’s cities. to his cities.
Pay 4 m to ADVANCE. Pay 6 m to CONSTRUCT.

2-Agriculture Sprawling 2-Construction Architecture

When acquired, perform a FOUND. After this When acquired, perform a CONSTRUCT.
FOUND, shift all Settlements one extra space
swapping with any city-piece they run into.

2-Science Fireworks 1-Spirituality Embalming
When defending, get 1 “Block”, in the 1st round of Gains 1 C after every battle he takes part in.

1-Any Gov Fighting Bands 2-Spirituality Man God

After a FOUND action, make the city H Gain an extra action with his 1st and 2nd
and perform a RECRUIT action in the new city. Government Advancements.
(Perform immediately if IBO already has them.)


1- Education Formal Training 1-Agriculture Nomads

During RECRUIT, gain 1 M for each Academy. During Set-Up… place settlements on 0,1,3 & 5
of scale.
During Comp Obj, Pay 4 M to ADVANCE.

2-Warfare Spartans 2-Agriculture Mounted Archers

You can not play Action cards, in 1st round of battle. L leaves behind C instead of I when it

1-Traditions Hellenization 1-Warfare Raiders
IBO can INFLUENCE CULTURE from your cities Your lone settlers within “Land Aggression Range”
under his Influence. can’t FOUND or form Trade Routes with IBO’s

1-Any Gov City-States 1-Any Gov Hunnic Tribes

After CONSTRUCT, IBO’s Settler is moved to the Will pay a C to redirect “Barbarians Move” Events
largest city in City-Track Order that can still grow. to you instead of him.


2-Agriculture Indian Elephants 3-Agriculture Pottery
L leaves behind E instead of I when it After an ADVANCE, Gain 1 M .
During Comp Obj, Pay 3 M for 2 C .

2-Spirituality Proselytism 2-Agriculture Horsemanship

Range for INFLUENCE CULTURE is increase by 1. L leaves behind C instead of I when it

2-Economy Prosperity 1-Warfare Subterfuge
During Raze City, all his cities are made H . If you play a Non-Combat Action card and you’re
Gains 1 C for each of your cities within 2 of IBO’s cities, roll a die.
under his Influence. On 5 or 6, return card to your hand canceled.

2-Traditions Peace & Poetry 1-Any Gov Shogunate

During Comp Obj, Gain 1 M for each M city. During Comp Obj, IBO gains 1 Action card.
Pay 4 M to ADVANCE. In Battle, if his Action card fails to trigger, discard it
and IBO gains a combat die.


2-Agriculture Terracing 2-Agriculture Elephants

FOUND in reverse Terrain order. During Comp Obj, L leaves behind E instead of I when it
Gain 1 M per M on or adjacent to his cities. moves.

1-Traditions Stelas 2-Warfare Immortals

After CONSTRUCT, gain 1 C . In Battle, IBO spends up to 4 C for +1 ! each,
if it gains another hit.

2-Traditions Ballcourts 2-Spirituality Zoroastrianism

After RECRUIT, IBO recruits 1 more unit. Starting May target one of your Army units outside a city with
again at beginning of reverse City-Track order. an INFLUENCE CULTURE action.
(Causes battle, if in army)

2-Science Calendar 2-Economy Banking

IBO pays 1 C to cancel any Event icon During Comp Obj, if he has any C, he gains 1 C.
he triggers.


1-Maritime City Independence 2-Construction Aqueducts
IBO’s Ports can not be Culturally Influence and are When acquired, perform an ADVANCE in
worth an extra 1/2 v . Agriculture.
IBO ignores “Exhausted Land” Events.

2-Maritime Biremes 3-Construction Imperial Roads

+2 ! in Naval Combat Before defending an attack, IBO will move one unit

from the closest city to the attacked city.
(May exceed City-Limit but not 4.)

1-Education Alphabet 1-Economy Slave Economy
During Comp Obj, gain 1 M for each of your cities After CONSTRUCT (not FOUND), IBO gains M .
within 2 of his cities. Pay 3 M and make city A to perform
Pay 4 M to both ADVANCE and Gain 1 C . CONSTRUCT (not FOUND) again in same city.

2-Economy Cedars & Dyes 1-Any Gov Provinces

During Comp Obj, if you have a port within 3 of one Ler leaves behind C instead of I when it
of his ports, IBO gains 2 C . moves and captured cities are made M
instead of M .


1-Maritime Shipcraft
During land ATTACK or FOUND, IBO may count
through a single W without ships in the sea area.

2-Maritime Longships
When acquired, RECRUIT a Ship (if possible)

+1 Naval Aggression Range.

2-Economy Marauders
During Comp Obj, you lose 1 resource for each of
your cities within 2 of IBO’s ships.

2-Spirituality Runestones
After any battle that IBO loses 2+ units, place 1 C
on this card. Each M is 1 v .


Cut out each Leader Overlay and tape the flaps together in the back.

Cyrus the Great

During Combat, If IBO’s Action Card doesn’t trigger,
discard it to give his army +2 ! .

After CONSTRUCT, pay C to this card.
When 2 C are on this card, discard both and


During Wonder Check!, will build Wonder with
3 non-settlement City-Pieces and 3 C .

No Leader


Take any random Civ board and keep it facedown. Slide the Leader
Overlay over it and place one of IBO’s cubes in the “No Leader”
When IBO recruits a Leader onto the board, roll a d3 and move the
cube to the corresponding leader position.

If IBO’s leader is on the map, the corresponding power is in

effect regardless of the location of the Leader!

If you defeat his Leader, move IBO’s cube back to “No Leader” and
then put your color cube into the defeated leader’s position. Each
cube of yours here is 2 VP. The next time IBO recruits a Leader,
roll for 1 of the remaining Leaders available.

Acamapichtli Hammurabi
After CONSTRUCT, if able, spend 2 Captives to Place a Fortress on the Scale. After a
CONSTRUCT again. CONSTRUCT, shift all Fortresses one more space
left swapping with any piece they bump into.

Ahuitzotl Nabopolassar
When Attacking a city at least 3 spaces away from After any of IBO’s non- A cities are captured,

any IBO city, +1 Block in first round. Perform an RECRUIT.
(This does result in 2 RECRUITS if city was H )

Marqzen Nebuchadnezzar II
When in battle against an army of 3 or more units, Reveal Great Garden. You can’t build it. IBO can
enemy gets –1 attack die. build it without proper category unlocked, 3 C ,
2+ cubes in Agr or Con, and 2 city-pieces.

No Leader No Leader

Hannibal Queen Boudica

In the 1st round of combat, you can never gain more After a FOUND, shift left-most Settlement two more
than +2 ! vs IBO’s armies. spaces left swapping with any piece it bumps into.

Hanno Vercingetorix
+2 ! in all Naval battles During an ATTACK action, once the battle has been

determined, IBO RECRUITS 1 unit into the army

that is going to attack.


Queen Dido Viriatus

After a FOUND, IBO will play Action Cards for all v battles against
IBO performs an additional ACTION. you.

No Leader No Leader

Empress Wu Zetian Cleopatra
After an ADVANCE in Agriculture, IBO pays C INFLUENCE CULTURE range increased by 1 in all
to take another ADVANCE action. cities.

Qin Shi Huang Imhotep

Reveal Great Wall. You can’t build it. IBO can build After a RECRUIT or CONSTRUCT, put a cube on
it without proper category unlocked, 3 C , this board. Remove 2 cubes to ADVANCE.
2+ cubes in Agr or Con, and 2 city-pieces.


Sun Tzu Ramses II
After an ADVANCE in Warfare, IBO pays C +2 ! against Coastal Cities
to take another ADVANCE action.

No Leader No Leader

Alexander the Great Attila

+X ! in all battles. In 1st round of battle where IBO has Cavalry,
Cavalry Clash Icons act as both +2 ! and 1 Block
X = (Number of IBO cities) – 1

Leonidas Bleda
+2 ! for each unit IBO’s Army is outnumbered by. When attacking a city, defender can not use Action
Cards in the 1st round of combat.



Pericles Rugila
After an ADVANCE in Education, IBO pays C IBO will capture size-1 v cities, instead of Razing
to take another ADVANCE action. them. v cities are made H instead of A , when

No Leader No Leader

Akbar the Great Emperor Go-Toba
+1 ! for each Elephant he has in a battle. Academies gain the power of Observatories.
Observatories gain the power of Academies.

Ashoka the Great Emperor Jimmu

IBO may reroll failed INFLUENCE CULTURE All IBO Fortresses are +3 ! instead of +1
rolls once.


Maharaja Sri Gupta Empress Suiko
After an ADVANCE in a new category, Before INFLUENCE CULTURE action, IBO
influences back a piece under your influence in one
IBO pays C to take another ADVANCE action.
of his cities. Then makes the attempt as normal.

No Leader No Leader

K’inich Janaab’ Pakal Cyrus the Great

When defending, +1 Block in 1st round of combat During Combat, If IBO’s Action Card doesn’t trigger,
discard it to give his army +2 ! .

Siyaj K’ak’ Darius

After CONSTRUCT, perform an INFLUENCE After CONSTRUCT, IBO pays C to this card.
CULTURE from the city that just constructed. When 2 C are on this card, discard both and



Wak Chanil Ajaw Xerxes

+2 ! when attacking. During Wonder Check!, will build Wonder with
3 non-settlement City-Pieces and 3 C .

No Leader No Leader

Ithobaal Emperor Augustus
+1 ! per Temple built in IBO’s cities. +2 ! when attacking.

King Hiram Gaius Julius Caesar

After an ADVANCE in Construction, After IBO captures a city, increase its m one step
and RECRUIT in that city alone.
IBO pays C to take another ADVANCE action.


Pygmalion Sulla
During Comp Obj, IBO gains 1 C if any of his ships IBO’s cities are considered 2 spaces further away
or cities are within 2 of any of your cities. during your INFLUENCE CULTURE attempts.

No Leader No Leader

Cnut the Great

During End Game Scoring, IBO’s city furthest from
his starting space earns him 1/2 V per space away.

Eric the Red

Put a Port on the Scale.
During End Game Scoring, IBO gets 1 v per each

Sea Area he has a ship present.


Ragnar Lodbrok
+2 ! in any land battle adjacent to a Sea Area with
his ships.

No Leader


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