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Machiavelli, Hobbes and Locke are philosophers who are know remembered in history for
having brought impact in political and social issues in Europe. Their contributions were of both
positive and negative impacts.

On the basis of power, their roles were that Hobbes pioneered in bringing up moral and political
philosophy on scientific basis while emphasizing on civic responsibility of citizens to their
government. Locke succeeded Hobbes and improved his style but emphasized that government
should derive its power from its citizens. Machiavelli on the other hand, though his theory is
viewed is viewed as immoral, is also a better form of governing and dealing with the corrupt

Pertaining human nature, Hobbes views it as nasty, brutish, and short. He found human beings to
be in a constant conflict with each other. Locke views human nature as chaotic, since people life
in the state in a freedom and is at liberty to do what they want. On the other hand, though
Machiavelli, believes in Christianity, still describes humans has selfish and greedy who only
wants to satisfy their lives not considering their fellow friends.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Through his Christianity, Jean-Jacques Rousseau expressed general will by valuing the life of
human beings. He disliked any form of structure with the view that the life of human beings was
more important than anything else. Rousseau was a politician who emerged none of the existing
political class and moved many. His imperial nature of government was the rule of law and the
direct participation of citizens in government’s undertakings. He expressed economic
determination through equal distribution of resources. However in as much better that Rousseau
had done he alienated himself through publication of social contract so as to avoid censure.

Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson left a legacy of goodwill through the initiative that he was determined to
educate as much people as possible. In his reign as a president, he built many schools. His
economic determination was to see that every citizen had a share from his government through
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provision for the needs of the people. Jefferson was the most beneficial president that inherited
lots of resources from his family a factor that promoted him in his political career. However
apart from politics, Jefferson eventually alienated himself to go and pursue his career of artwork.

Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln is also remembered as a person who demonstrated good will when he united
the Americans during the difficult moments of the civil war. Lincoln imperialistic nature of
governance is reflected by the Douglas debate that made him to move the growth an gain the
confidence of the public. Through motivation theory and consideration of motivation in the
union and non union context, Lincoln is viewed to have promoted country’s economy. One thing
that Lincoln did that was good but was viewed as a form of alienation was when he freed the
slaves, a thing that other whites were against. Lincoln to some extent used his publicity to build
himself, a characteristic that was letter on being viewed as selfish.

The role of paradigms in Thomas Kuhn's work in “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”.

As Thomas argued that success comes from learned ideas, the gifted people’s ideas have spread
and become beneficial to others. He defended scientists and refer them as the ones who help
foreseeing the favorable conditions for investments.

The dominant politic today that are there to stay and even move to the coming generation are
power, wealth, security and health. These are the common factors that determine the lives of
citizens as well as the leaders.

Among the political philosophers discussed above, the one I find to be the best outstanding is
Thomas Jefferson. His move to put priority to education was the best thought he came about that
is still being adopted to date. Though his reign as the president ended his fruits are still felt as he
left a positive impact to the society.

On the other hand among the discussed philosophers, I find Thomas Jefferson to be the least
qualifying president due to his take on the way he handled human beings especially the slaves.
Being the president he did not lead by example to eradicate slavery first from his family. This
showed that he did not valued or took human beings as equal and instead demonstrated racism.

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