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By John Doe,

Education is the process of imparting or acquiring knowledge and skills to or from a

person, a group of people or from anything that is within a given environment. It is the process of

facilitating learning. It is through education that most of the things that we see have been laid

down from. As the saying goes, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to

change the world” (Nelson Mandela). It is true that with education nearly everything is possible.

Different communities of different races, skin colors, and languages can interact and

communicate nowadays with one language that has been made possible through education.

When you come to think of education, just by looking on anything that is within your

environment, you will realize that education has moved mountains.

When you consider the environment such as that of homestead for example, and think of

it in terms of it on how it is connected with education, you will realize that education is

everything. You will realize that the building you are residing in was designed by an architect

and build by a carpenter or a mason all of whom were once educated. A person, who acquired

skills through education, once invented electricity or any other source of power that we use in

our houses today. Televisions and radios that provide us with news about what is going on

around the word came into existence because of the people that acquired knowledge and

invented them.
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Nowadays you can speak, chat and have a video conference where you can watch and

communicate with a person that is located miles away. All these are because of the technological

innovations that were facilitated by education. Nearly everything that we come across must have

anything to do with education.

Nearly all the leaders or politicians of the current generation are appointed or elected to

office in consideration of level education they posses. Doctors get to know how the bodies of

human being work and be able to correct the abnormalities because of the knowledge they

acquired through education. Security personnel, teachers, farmers, accountants and any other

professional serve the people because of education that they acquired. Were it not for education,

so many thing that we see nowadays would not be there. Communication and innovation

amongst others would have been difficult to be carried out.

The economy of the country relies on education in one way or the other. It is therefore

important that the means through which education is provided is affordable if not free. Education

providers should offer education should offer education with their main motives being to impart

knowledge and not as a business venture.

Laws that regulate the way in which education is offered and is accessible to all people

should be enacted. It should not be based on the argument that when a person pays for education

is what guarantee him or her that is going to be serious in his or her studies. This kind of law will

prevent those needy people from getting access to education.

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