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Cultural translation" is a term used in various contexts. In literary

translation, it refers to conveying cultural differences, extensive
background, or representing another culture through translation. It
raises technical issues like dealing with dialects, allusions, culturally
speci c items, and differences in contextual knowledge. There are
debates on the most
effective and ethical ways to translate cultural differences, leaning
towards naturalization or exoticization. In anthropology, cultural
translation involves extensive interlingual translation during eldwork.

there are so many fascinating examples of cultural

translation in literature! One example is the translation
of Japanese haiku into English.
Translators face the challenge of
capturing the essence and cultural
nuances of the original haiku while
making it accessible to English-speaking
readers. Another example is the
translation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's
magical realism from Spanish to English, where
translators have to convey the cultural context and
unique storytelling style. It's truly a delicate art form!


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