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What makes a champion: His own effort or external factors

His own effort

Is the effort worth it? That's one of the most frequently asked questions
many people ask. And the truth is that yes, in fact it is the most important
thing to be able to be successful, to be a champion.
Although many people think that talent surpasses everything, the truth is
that effort, passion and dedication are the fundamental pillar.
According to Carol Dweck, athletes who train hard for years to achieve
success in their sports, or students who constantly strive to achieve their
academic goals, manage to create new skills that will make them achieve
their goals.
As long as double the triple effort will be the reward and knowing that
giving up will never be an option will make you a true champion

Psychology and research in the field of human performance have shown
that deliberate practice and sustained effort are crucial to achieving mastery
in any discipline.
For example, psychologist Anders Ericsson is known for his research on
the "10,000-hour rule," which suggests that it takes around 10,000 hours of
deliberate practice to achieve mastery in a specific field. His work has
influenced the understanding of how effort and intentional practice are
critical to success in areas such as music, sports, and other cognitive skills.
In addition, Carol Dweck's growth theory highlights the importance of the
growth mindset, which focuses on effort, resilience, and belief in the ability
to improve through hard work. Dweck and other researchers have shown
that people with a growth mindset tend to perform better and overcome
obstacles more successfully than those with a fixed mindset.
Demonstrate that the likelihood of being successful by effort is higher
A study by Stanford University highlights that 76% of former students of
their university who managed to be successful did so due to their constant
effort and dedication, while only 25% of former students achieved success
through their high economic position and external contacts.
While it's true that external factors can provide initial advantages or ease
the path to success, perseverance, determination, and deliberate practice are
still essential elements of achieving mastery and excelling in a discipline.
Studies have shown that sustained effort and a growth mindset can
overcome limitations imposed by external factors and lead to the
achievement of meaningful goals.
While external factors can influence the path to excellence, personal effort,
intrinsic motivation, and deliberate practice all play a crucial role in
shaping a champion in any area.
What if a person doesn't put in the effort and believes that their talent
and money is enough
Effort is worth more because it is what truly shapes and strengthens a
person's skills and character. Through effort, experience is gained, valuable
lessons are learned, and the resilience needed to overcome obstacles is
While talent and money can open doors, it's the continuous, focused effort
that really leads to long-term personal success and fulfillment. Relying
solely on talent and money without effort, a person could limit their growth
and fail to realize their full potential.
In terms of financial support, several studies have shown that effort and
determination can overcome economic limitations. For example, researcher
Caroline Hoxby has studied the impact of financial support on academic
success and found that while financial support is important, personal effort
and motivation have an even greater impact on long-term academic
These studies support the idea that effort can be a determining factor in
success, even above natural talent and financial support.
Carol Dweck's Longitudinal Study on Growth Mindset: Psychologist Carol
Dweck has conducted research showing that people with a growth mindset,
who believe in the possibility of improvement through effort and practice,
tend to achieve better results than those with a fixed mindset, who believe
that talent is static.
These studies suggest that the key to success lies not so much in innate
talent or financial support, but in the attitude and willingness to put in the
effort, persevere, and learn from mistakes. Hard work and dedication are
fundamental elements in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles,
regardless of the initial circumstances of each individual.

Personal effort can turn someone into a champion because of the
dedication, perseverance, and hard work that goes into achieving success in
any field.
When a person strives to improve, overcome obstacles, and stay focused on
their goals, they can achieve significant accomplishments.
Personal commitment, discipline and determination are key qualities that
can make someone a champion in their personal, professional or sporting
Self-effort is essential to achieve excellence and become a champion in
any area of life.
Larry Bird, a Hall of Fame basketball player, says, "I have a theory that, if
you give 100% all the time, somehow things will work out in the end."
Putting in the effort helps to develop new skills and knowledge, which can
open up new opportunities for you in the future.
Pushing yourself can help you reduce stress and anxiety, allow you to focus
on your goals and forget about your problems, help you improve your
physical and mental state, as well as stay active and healthy, be yourself.

External Factors
Many constantly say that external factors are crucial to being a champion,
and that's totally true.
Emotional and psychological support, guidance, access to resources and
opportunities from a person's environment play a crucial role in their ability
to achieve greatness in any field.
This is how we realize the impact that external factors have on the
formation of a champion, those that influence my behavior and my
decisions, but do not depend directly on me. I'm talking directly about
Sergio Rodriguez (NBA player).

Idea 1: In order to be successful within our stated achievements, we need
several external factors along with family and economic support, which is a
very important issue in our preparation for success.
Without family support, constant training and financial funds we cannot be
champions. For example, Richard Carapaz needed a little money and
family support to get his first bike.
What External Factors Determine Success
1. Family and social support: Support from family, friends, and mentors
can be a key factor in a person's success by providing motivation,
emotional stability, and resources to achieve their goals.
2. Educational Opportunities: Accessing quality education, scholarships,
training programs, and learning opportunities can open doors and provide
the skills needed for success in various fields.
3. Favorable economic conditions: Having adequate financial resources,
access to capital to undertake projects, and economic stability can pave the
way to professional and personal success.
4. Networking: Having a strong network of professional and personal
contacts can provide opportunities for collaboration, mentorship,
employment, and career growth.
5. Supportive environment: Living in a safe, healthy, and stimulating
environment can support a person's emotional well-being, creativity, and
performance, contributing to their success in different aspects of life.
Prove that it's more possible to be a champion through external factors
The data supports the idea that external factors can influence a person's
success. For example, a study published in the journal "Psychological
Science" found that social and emotional support, as well as opportunities
for learning and growth, can be determinants of people's academic and
work performance.
The data supports the idea that a lack of financial resources and support can
hinder a person's success. According to studies conducted in areas such as
psychology and sociology, it has been shown that access to economic,
educational, and social resources can significantly influence a person's
opportunities and progress towards success. Lack of support and resources
can represent a major obstacle on the way to achieving goals and

Mind control and psychological factors, environmental conditions;

Coaching and external support are those that make a person a champion,
because according to the SPANISH TRIATHLON FEDERATION, they are
the main key to success.

"Being able to play in the best basketball league in the world (NBA) has
allowed me to fulfill a dream. However, the road I have had to travel has
been very long and at times difficult. Now I think that not only talent has
been necessary to be able to reach the top, but also to have an orderly life,
the family environment, my teammates, my best friends, perseverance,
coaches, training itself, commitment, emotional control... have been
conditioning factors that an athlete must keep in mind..."

External factors can influence success in different areas, such as sports,
academics or business activity. In academic studies, personal factors such
as motivation and family environment, as well as institutional factors such
as teaching methodology, can affect academic performance.
It's important to note that every situation is unique, and there may be other
specific factors that play a role as well. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt
and be prepared to face the challenges that may arise.
External factors can be considered as a key to success, as the environment,
support from other people, opportunities, and favorable circumstances can
provide significant advantages on the way to achieving goals and
objectives. Leveraging these external factors effectively can facilitate
progress and success in a variety of areas.
"External factors can be the key that opens the door to success, providing
opportunities and support that can pave the way to your goals and

Should virtual countries exist?
In favour
Should virtual cities exist? This is an interesting question that raises the
possibility of creating virtual pleasant environments that can coexist with
physical cities. Virtual cities are digital spaces where people can interact,
work, socialize, and carry out various activities without needing to be
physically present.
In an increasingly digitized world, virtual cities emerge as digital
environments that recreate urban spaces in the virtual world. Not only do
these digital cities allow people to interact, collaborate, and engage in
social, business, and recreational activities through online platforms, but
they also offer new opportunities for communication, collaboration, and
community building in a virtual environment.
According to a recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), virtual cities are on the rise, driven by technological advancement
and the growing importance of digital connectivity

Because they should exist
Virtual cities must exist because apart from bringing advantages such as
experimentation in urban planning, training in safe environments,
innovation and creativity, it allows us to improve our cities for a more
livable future, since it can serve as a model, as mentioned in 2018 by the
UN, which calculated that, by 2050, 68% of the world's population would
live in urban centers and better thanks to pre-designed virtual cities.
According to Stanford University and the University of California, there
are several studies on the advantages that a virtual city can bring:
Experimentation in urban planning: Virtual cities have been used to
simulate and test different urban and architectural designs, which has made
it possible to identify efficient and sustainable solutions for the
development of cities.
Training in safe environments: Training in virtual environments has proven
to be effective in improving spatial skills and decision-making in complex
urban situations.
Simulations of natural disasters: Virtual cities have been used to simulate
natural disasters, such as earthquakes or tsunamis, in order to assess the
resilience of infrastructure and plan response and evacuation strategies.
Innovation and creativity: According to researchers, virtual cities have
stimulated innovation and creativity by allowing the exploration of non-
existent environments, which has led to the development of novel solutions
in fields such as urbanism and architecture.
Evidence that they have improved society
Until my last update in January 2022, "virtual cities" are usually associated
with digital environments or online virtual worlds. These spaces can have
positive impacts on society in a variety of ways:
1. *Global Connectivity:* Virtual cities allow connection and interaction
between people from all over the world, fostering cultural diversity and the
exchange of ideas.
2. *Distance Education:* Virtual environments facilitate access to
education for people in remote locations, promoting equal educational
3. *Business Collaboration:* Companies can operate in virtual
environments, facilitating global collaboration and international team
4. *Technological Innovation:* These spaces are often fertile grounds for
technological innovation, contributing to the advancement of technology
and its practical applications.
5. *Remote Job Opportunities:* Virtual cities enable remote work,
expanding job opportunities and improving work-life balance.

The presence of virtual cities is shown to be a key element in moving
towards a more connected and inclusive society. They provide global
educational and employment opportunities, foster cultural diversity, allow
for greater work flexibility, and promote international collaboration and
The existence of these virtual cities not only reflects an evolution in the
way we live and work, but also a means to overcome geographical barriers
and build a more accessible and equitable environment for all. #

Despite the growing interest in virtual cities as an innovative solution to
urban challenges, critical concerns are raised. For example, they fear social
disconnection and the loss of genuine human experiences.
Research indicates that excessive use of virtual environments can
negatively affect mental health, according to studies on the relationship
between screen time and emotional well-being.
The Guardian warns of significant privacy and security risks, as well as
issues of inclusion and equity in access to urban services. In this evolving
digital context, the discussion about virtual cities becomes crucial. While
global connectivity and online collaboration offer benefits, the potential
negative consequences must be considered.
This analysis will explore everything from the digital divide to privacy and
mental health concerns, addressing challenges that could arise from
building more connected societies through virtual environments.
Because they shouldn't exist
Virtual cities raise concerns about social disconnection, technology
addiction, and the loss of real human contact. A study published in the
journal "Computers in Human Behavior" in 2014 found that excessive use
of social media and virtual environments may be associated with decreased
life satisfaction and psychological well-being, suggesting that virtual cities
could contribute to this phenomenon.
1. *Digital Divide:* Lack of universal access to technology and
connectivity can create a digital divide, excluding those who do not have
access to quality devices or internet connection.
2. *Social Isolation:* Depending on how they are managed, virtual cities
could contribute to social isolation by replacing face-to-face interactions
with online connections, affecting mental health and emotional well-being.
3. *Security & Privacy:* Virtual cities can pose significant challenges in
terms of cybersecurity and privacy protection, especially considering the
amount of personal data shared in digital environments.
4. *Job Displacement:* The increasing adoption of virtual cities could lead
to the automation of certain jobs, which could result in job losses for
certain sectors.
5. *Technological Dependence:* A society focused on virtual cities could
lead to an over-reliance on technology, which could have negative
consequences in the event of systemic failures or cyberattacks.
Evidence that they have harmed society
The existence of virtual cities raises fundamental concerns related to the
authenticity of the human experience and the risk of social isolation. While
technology can offer advantages in terms of connectivity, over-reliance on
virtual environments could erode meaningful face-to-face interactions. This
phenomenon, combined with disconnection from the physical world, could
have detrimental consequences for people's mental health and well-being.
In addition, a lack of tangible real-world experiences could limit the
development of essential social skills and reduce the quality of
interpersonal relationships.
The creation of virtual cities also raises questions about the replacement of
authentic human interactions with digital simulations, which could lead to a
society that is more fragmented and less rooted in reality.
Virtual friends good or bad?
In favor
In the digital age, the notion of friendship has undergone a remarkable
transformation thanks to the presence of virtual friends. These relationships
are established through online platforms, where individuals from different
corners of the world can connect and share experiences, ideas, and even
emotions instantly.
Despite the lack of physical proximity, virtual friendship has proven to be
just as meaningful as face-to-face connections. Technology has facilitated
the creation of global communities where people with common interests
can meet and build strong relationships, thus challenging geographical

Pew Research Center Survey (2016): According to a Pew Research Center
survey, 57% of young adults in the U.S. have made at least one new friend
online. This study highlights the prevalence of virtual friendships among
younger generations.
University of Bath study (2020): Researchers at the University of Bath
found that online connections can offer a sense of community, especially in
situations of social isolation, demonstrating how virtual friendships can
have a positive impact on mental health.
Research from the American Psychological Association (2019): The APA
suggests that online friendships can offer significant social benefits and
contribute to life satisfaction. In addition, he points out that the quality of
the interaction, rather than the format (virtual or in-person), is crucial for
positive impact.
Because it's better to have a virtual friend
University of California, Irvine study (2017): Research from the University
of California, Irvine, highlights that virtual friendships can be particularly
valuable for people who are shy or have difficulty socializing in traditional
University of Texas at Austin study (2014): This study suggests that online
friendships may be especially beneficial for those who face difficulties
making social connections in person, providing a space where they can
express themselves and connect with others.
University of Kansas Research (2012): Research from the University of
Kansas highlights that virtual friendships can be valuable for those who
find it difficult in face-to-face social interactions, as they provide an
environment where they can communicate with less anxiety.
University of Missouri-Columbia Research (2018): This study explores
how online friendships can have a positive impact on teens' emotional well-
being, providing a space where they can express themselves freely and
receive support.
Advantages & Benefits
They reduce distances: Virtual friendship is able to bring people closer
even if they are territorially far away, through the various chat servers that
exist and free video call services it is possible to establish or maintain a
friendship relationship being on different continents.
They provide a safe way to say things: Some people find it more difficult
than others to start a conversation personally, they are individuals with shy
personalities and for them the Internet represents a safe medium in which
they can express themselves with greater confidence and establish a
friendly relationship with others.
They transcend cultural barriers: Virtual friendships have the characteristic
of transcending cultural barriers between some countries and others, taking
into account that Internet users are people from all over the world.
They provide a greater sense of equality: Virtual communication provides a
sense of equality that is quite pleasant for some people. In terms of virtual
friendship, people often feel that there are fewer things separating them and
more things that make them similar.
Evidence that virtual friends have improved people's quality of life
University of Michigan study (2014):* Researchers at the University of
Michigan found that virtual friendships can provide emotional support
comparable to in-person friendships, highlighting the importance of online
connections for emotional well-being.
Virtual friends offer a wide range of benefits, such as the ability to connect
with people from all over the world, share specific interests, and receive
emotional support. Additionally, online friendships can be just as
meaningful as face-to-face friendships, as they are based on affinity and
personal connection, regardless of physical distance.
In addition, virtual friendship provides an inclusive space for those who
may face social or physical barriers in everyday life. Online interaction
allows people to express themselves more freely, build relationships based
on authenticity, and find communities that share their values and interests
more accurately than face-to-face interactions sometimes limited by
geographic location.

Despite the benefits they offer, virtual friendships also raise concerns. A
lack of face-to-face interaction can limit the full understanding of others'
emotions and expressions, which could lead to misunderstandings.
Likewise, the ephemeral nature of online connections can result in
superficial relationships, where authenticity and trust can be difficult to
establish. Exploring these concerns is essential to understanding the
complexities of virtual friendships.
Additionally, over-reliance on virtual relationships could negatively affect
face-to-face social interactions, diminishing people's ability to develop
strong social skills and cope with complex interpersonally complex
The absence of physical contact and the inherent vulnerability of online
connections also raise questions about the safety and authenticity of the
people with whom you link in the virtual world. These concerns underscore
the need for a balanced and mindful approach when cultivating online
Because having a virtual friend harms the human being
Having a virtual friend can harm the human being due to the lack of
physical interaction, which is essential for emotional well-being and mental
health. Face-to-face connection provides a level of intimacy and emotional
support that virtual relationships often can't match. Overexposure to digital
interactions can also contribute to social isolation and negatively affect
emotional health by limiting real-world human experiences.
Disadvantages & Damages
A study published in the journal "Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social
Networking" suggests that online relationships may lack the same quality
and emotional depth as face-to-face connections. Another study in "Social
Psychological and Personality Science" points out that the absence of facial
expressions and nonverbal cues in virtual interactions can make it difficult
to accurately interpret emotions, leading to misunderstandings and
A study in which the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) participates
has linked digital social pressure and the number of followers or friends
that a person has on social networks with their chances of developing an
addiction to new technologies.
Evidence that virtual friends worsen people's quality of life
As technology advances, social networks evolve, thus proposing a new
model of communication that generates a new way of relating: the "virtual"
one. It is in this intelligence that children generate friends (contacts) that
can reach, as shown by a survey carried out among adolescents in the City
of Buenos Aires, in 20% of cases, more than a thousand contacts per young
person (the average number of contacts of children is 583). This new
system of interrelation effectively modifies social activities, uses and
customs, where they spend an average of more than 5 hours a day "surfing"
the net. In this sense, according to the data provided by this survey, only in
the City of Buenos Aires, 64% connect between 2 and 6 hours per day,
while 28% of them do so more than 6 hours a day. It is worth noting that
these figures far exceed the frequency of use by young people in other
countries. For example, in the United Kingdom, 52% of respondents spend
at least 5 hours on this activity, but per week.

Despite the connection that can be made online, virtual friends often lack
the closeness and genuine interaction that face-to-face relationships
provide. The absence of shared physical experiences can limit the depth of
friendship and affect mutual trust.
Additionally, the digital nature of virtual friendships can lead to
misunderstandings due to a lack of facial expressions and nonverbal cues.
Reliance on written communication can lead to difficulties in interpreting
emotions accurately, affecting the quality of connections. In addition,
vulnerability to technological disconnection and the possibility of
interactions being limited to a digital environment are significant
Which type of entertainment will prevail: TV or internet streaming?
In a world full of entertainment options, television remains the preferred
medium for millions of people around the world. With its ability to deliver
a wide range of content, from breaking news to exciting series and movies,
TV stands out as a source of unparalleled entertainment.
In addition, television provides a unique shared experience, bringing
families and friends together to enjoy unforgettable moments together. For
example, live sporting events are an experience that brings people of
different ages, cultures, and places together, creating a sense of community
that goes beyond screens.
Because TV is better than the internet
Television stands out for its diversity of entertainment, ranging from
comedies to dramas and documentaries, which caters to different tastes. Its
ability to provide up-to-date information and educational programs
contributes to global awareness and learning. In addition, the visual and
auditory format makes it easier to understand complex concepts. Through
live events and popular shows, television can also create shared
experiences, fostering social connection and providing common talking
points. However, it is crucial to consume this medium in a conscious and
balanced way, selecting content that aligns with personal goals and values.
What Offers That Is Better (Benefits)
Cognitive Development in Children: Research such as that conducted by
the American Academy of Pediatrics indicates that certain educational
programs can improve cognitive development in young children.
Educational Impact: Programs like "Sesame Street" have been shown to
have positive effects on school readiness, according to studies such as the
one published in the "Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine."
Social Awareness: Television can also be a tool to increase social
awareness. Documentaries and news programs can contribute to the
understanding of global and social issues.
Therapy Through Series and Movies: Psychology studies have shown that
watching certain types of shows or movies can have therapeutic effects by
providing emotional catharsis and empathy.
Accessibility: Television is a widely accessible medium that reaches a large
audience, making it a convenient choice for entertainment.
Variety of content: It offers a wide range of shows and genres to meet the
interests of different audiences.
Family entertainment: This can be a form of entertainment that brings
families together to enjoy programs together.
Information and education: Television can be a source of news,
documentaries, and educational programs that can enrich people's
Evidence to show that TV is better
1. *Study on "Sesame Street":* A study published in the journal "Archives
of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine" (2007) analyzed the impact of
"Sesame Street" on preschoolers and found that those who watched it
regularly showed significant improvements in academic skills.
2. *Research from the American Academy of Pediatrics:* The American
Academy of Pediatrics suggests in its report "Media Use in School-Aged
Children and Adolescents" (2016) that television can have educational
benefits, especially when age-appropriate programs are selected and
viewing time is limited.
3. *Study on Educational Documentaries:* A study published in the
"Journal of Educational Psychology" (2009) examined the impact of
educational documentaries on high school students and found that these
programs improved content comprehension and knowledge retention.
In rich countries, such as the United States, studies indicate that television
is still the most widely used medium, despite the great competition posed
by the so-called "new media". In this country, almost every household has
at least one television and almost half have four or more receivers, while
only 16% use modern devices, such as tablets (Nielsen, 2013). In many
countries, watching television has become the leisure activity we spend the
most time on. Surveys indicate that the average consumption is between
three and four hours per person per day (Nation Master, 2013). In the
countries where television is watched the most, such as the United States,
the average citizen spends almost 4 hours and 50 minutes per day, well
ahead of the time spent on the internet and the rest of the media (Nielsen,
2013). These data show that we are dealing with a means of
communication that has acquired great importance in the daily lives of
many people.
Television has been an integral part of modern life for decades, offering
entertainment, information, and education to millions of people around the
world. However, with the advent of new technologies and online streaming
platforms, their influence and relevance are constantly evolving.
Television presents a number of benefits supported by studies, such as its
ability to contribute to cognitive development in children, foster empathy
through diverse narratives, provide access to educational information, and
act as a source of varied entertainment.
Nonetheless, it is essential to consume content in a conscious and balanced
way, avoiding potential risks associated with excessive screen time.
Television can be a valuable tool when used selectively and thoughtfully,
tailored to individual preferences and goals.
Although it remains a powerful force in contemporary culture, its impact is
being redefined by how audiences consume content and how creators
produce it. Television continues to be a powerful medium, but its future is
marked by adapting to an ever-changing media landscape.
In the contemporary digital age, streaming has emerged as a revolution in
the way we consume audiovisual content. With platforms like Netflix,
Hulu, and other streaming services, users now have access to an unmatched
variety of movies, TV shows, and documentaries, personalizing their
entertainment experience.
This change has freed audiences from traditional programming restrictions,
allowing them to enjoy their favorite content whenever and wherever they
Convenience, diversity of choice, and customizability make streaming not
only a popular choice, but a fundamental transformation in the way we
interact with digital entertainment.
Because streaming is better than the internet
The preference for streaming over traditional television is supported by
several studies that highlight its advantages. A study published in the
"Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media" (2018) notes that users of
streaming services appreciate the flexibility of choosing when and what to
watch, adapting to their individual schedules and preferences.
In addition, research such as that conducted by Nielsen indicates that
audiences tend to value the absence of advertising interruptions, which
improves the viewing experience. The ability to personalize content is also
highlighted in studies from the University of California, Riverside, showing
that the diversity of options on streaming platforms contributes positively
to viewer satisfaction.
These studies support the idea that streaming offers a more adaptable and
satisfying experience compared to traditional TV.

Streaming is considered superior to traditional TV for a number of reasons.

First, it offers unprecedented flexibility, allowing users to access content
anytime, anywhere. The absence of extensive ad interruptions is another
significant advantage, providing a smoother, content-centric viewing
In addition, the wide variety of options and the ability to customize viewing
preferences give users unparalleled control over their entertainment
experience. These aspects, supported by user satisfaction studies,
demonstrate that streaming provides a more convenient and adaptable way
to consume content compared to conventional television.
What Offers That Is Better (Benefits)
Instant playback: Streaming allows you to start watching or listening to
content almost immediately, without having to wait for it to be fully
Access to a wide variety of content: With streaming services, users can
access a wide range of content, such as movies, TV series, music, and
podcasts, all in one place.
Reduced costs: Instead of purchasing or downloading content individually,
streaming services offer access to a vast library of content for a reduced
monthly fee.
Greater convenience: Streaming allows users to access content at any time
and from any internet-connected device, with no restrictions on time or
Open and personalized communication. With live broadcasts, you can reach
anyone who wants to receive one or more messages, from future potential
customers to members of your own regular workforce. We just have to
create the right message and get it across in the most appropriate way in
each case.
Wow and novelty factor. For users, it is not the same to see a "story" or
publication from a few hours ago, than to see what is happening at that very
moment. For this reason, live video has become a powerful tool for
journalists, who have live-streamed shocking scoops for their followers.
Availability. If you decide to configure it, you can offer both live and
recorded content, being able to meet the needs of the entire audience, who
will be able to see you when they need it and without pressure.
It is a profitable medium and we can talk about monetization. You can
become a content creator and earn money from your live videos without
spending anything, since the videos are live and there are no post-
production costs.
Evidence to show that streaming is better
Video streaming services, used today by more than 42% of U.S.
households, are powerfully changing consumption habits across
generations, according to the ninth edition of Deloitte's Digital Democracy
Survey, released Wednesday from New York.
The study reveals that streaming content has overtaken live programming
as the method of choice for viewing, with 56 percent of consumers now
streaming per month

Streaming stands out as a superior way to consume audiovisual content
thanks to its temporal flexibility, elimination of ad interruptions, and the
ability to personalize the user experience. The ability to access a wide
variety of on-demand content, tailored to individual schedules and
preferences, redefines the way we interact with entertainment.
Studies and surveys support users' preference for streaming, highlighting its
positive impact on satisfaction and convenience by providing more direct
control over what is watched and when. In this dynamic media
consumption landscape, streaming emerges as a more adaptable and user-
centric option compared to traditional TV.
It is better to maintain the same job your whole life or to change jobs
Same job
The idea of holding a job throughout one's working life has traditionally
been associated with economic stability and security. In an ever-changing
world of work, this perspective advocates job continuity as a path to
professional growth, specialization, and building strong relationships in the
workplace. And
We will explore the benefits that this approach can offer, from developing
deep skills to creating a solid foundation for long-term career progression.
Loyalty to an employer over time can also be rewarded with additional
benefits, such as salary increases, promotions, and targeted training
programs. By staying in a job, you build a strong reputation and make it
easier to build a valuable network of contacts, which can be crucial for
future career opportunities.
According to a study conducted by the BBC, holding a single job
throughout life provides financial and job stability, allowing people to
establish a solid and predictable career. This means having a steady income
and the ability to plan for the long term, which is critical for financial
security and peace of mind.
Additionally, loyalty and dedication to an employer over the years can lead
to career growth opportunities, promotions, and fringe benefits, such as
participation in training and development programs.
In an increasingly competitive and volatile job market, having a stable job
can provide a solid foundation for personal and professional well-being
throughout life.
Economic Stability: Staying in the same job provides financial security
over time, as you can count on a stable and predictable income.
Professional Development: Continuity in a position allows for growth and
specialization in a specific industry, which can translate into in-depth
knowledge and highly specialized skills.
Advancement Opportunities: Long-term loyalty to an employer is often
rewarded with advancement opportunities, salary increases, and additional
Networking: Staying in a job makes it easier to build a strong network over
time, which can be valuable for future career opportunities.
Reputation and Recognition: Continuity in a job can contribute to building
a strong reputation in the industry, which can result in professional
recognition and prestige.
Emotional Stability: The job security provided by consistent employment
can contribute significantly to emotional stability and overall well-being.
Academic research on job stability and its benefits is extensive. A study
conducted by the University of California, published in the Journal of
Vocational Behavior, found that job tenure can be positively related to job
satisfaction and long-term mental health.
Another article in the Harvard Business Review notes that job continuity
can be key to developing specialized skills and staying competitive in an
ever-evolving job market.
In addition, research from Cornell University's Institute for Labor Research
suggests that long-term loyalty to an employer can be rewarded with higher
levels of engagement and productivity.

Promotions and career opportunities: Staying in a job can increase the

chances of receiving promotions and career development opportunities,
according to research cited in the book "The Paradox of Work," written by
Barry Schwartz.
Network and social capital: Staying with a company over time helps build a
strong network, which can be valuable for future job opportunities, as
indicated by a study in the journal Administrative Science Quarterly.
Long-term financial security: Job stability is linked to greater financial
security, especially in terms of retirement and long-term benefits, according
to analyses by Columbia University's Human Resources Research Institute
These studies suggest that staying in the same job can generate a series of
benefits that go beyond economic stability, positively affecting professional
development, labor relations, and general well-being.
Choosing to hold down a single job throughout your life comes with a
number of significant benefits. Beyond the financial stability it provides,
this choice offers the opportunity to establish deep and meaningful working
relationships, as well as develop specialized and in-depth skills in a specific
By avoiding the uncertainty associated with constantly looking for
employment, individuals can focus on continued career growth and
building a strong career.
In addition, cultivating a long-term relationship with an employer can open
doors to career growth opportunities, such as promotions, special projects,
and advanced training.

Change regularly
Changing jobs regularly can be beneficial for professional and personal
growth. Exploring new opportunities allows you to acquire diverse skills,
expand your network, and stay adaptable in a changing work environment.
In addition, it can boost motivation when facing new challenges,
encouraging long-term career development.
Changing jobs periodically can offer exposure to different industries and
work cultures, enriching the career outlook. This diversity of experience
not only expands knowledge, but can also increase employability by
demonstrating versatility and adaptability.
By seeking out new opportunities, roles more aligned with individual goals
can be discovered, providing greater job satisfaction and a renewed sense
of purpose.
Changing jobs periodically can be beneficial for a number of reasons. First
of all, it allows you to acquire diverse skills and knowledge when facing
different work challenges. This contributes to professional development
and adaptability in a changing labour market.
In addition, exploring new work environments provides an opportunity to
expand your network, which can be crucial for future career opportunities.
Diversity of experiences can also improve self-confidence and problem-
solving skills, as you learn to adapt to different contexts.
Changing jobs can also be a strategy to seek better pay conditions, benefits,
and a more adequate work-life balance. In short, career variety can drive
individual growth and long-term job satisfaction.
Studies like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report show that changing
jobs frequently can significantly increase earnings over the course of a
In addition, research conducted by HR consultant Robert Half indicates that
changing jobs can provide opportunities for promotions and salary
increases faster than staying in one job for a long time.
Other studies, such as those conducted by the University of California,
Berkeley, suggest that changing jobs can improve job satisfaction by
allowing people to explore different fields and find a better fit between
their skills and interests.

Rapid Wage Growth: According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, workers who change jobs with some frequency may experience
faster wage increases compared to those who stay in a single job over time.
Diversifying Skills: Studies, such as the World Economic Forum's "The
Future of Jobs" report, highlight the importance of acquiring diverse skills
to meet future job challenges, and changing jobs can be one way to achieve
Job Satisfaction: Research from the Society for Human Resource
Management (SHRM) has suggested that job mobility may be linked to
greater job satisfaction and engagement.
Adaptability: In changing work environments, the ability to adapt is key.
Studies, such as the one conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, have
highlighted how adaptability can be a crucial factor for career success.
The practice of changing jobs regularly can be beneficial as it allows
individuals to gain a variety of experiences, skills, and perspectives that
enrich their professional and personal development. By looking for new job
opportunities, individuals have the ability to expand their professional
network, explore different industry sectors, and discover previously
unknown areas of interest.
In addition, frequent job changes can boost career growth by challenging
people to adapt to new work environments, take on more diverse roles, and
develop problem-solving skills in different contexts. This flexibility and
adaptability are increasingly valued in a dynamic and ever-evolving job
market, making regular job switching an effective strategy for staying
relevant and competitive in today's workforce.
Can art be learned, or do you need to have talent to become an artist?
In favour
Should art be studied?
Art encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including painting, sculpture,
architecture, and many others. Studying art involves learning about its
history, the different artistic styles and movements, as well as analyzing
and interpreting works of art.
In addition, it is important for developing technical skills, understanding art
history, expressing oneself effectively, stimulating creativity, and
connecting with culture and society.
There are virtual and face-to-face programs that offer us a quality
In Mexico there are a little more than 3,000 universities (between public
and private) that offer us different opportunities to expand our knowledge
and study arts.

Studying and acquiring knowledge in the field of art is important for
several specific reasons, such as:
1. Development of technical skills: The study of art allows you to learn
specific techniques in different artistic disciplines, such as painting,
sculpture, photography, among others. These technical skills are critical to
expressing and materializing artistic ideas effectively.
2. Understanding Art History: Studying art involves exploring art history
and movements over time. This provides a solid foundation for
understanding the context in which the artworks were created and how they
have evolved over the years. In addition, knowing the history of art allows
you to better appreciate the influences and connections between different
artists and styles.
3. Personal Expression and Communication: Art is a form of personal
expression and visual communication. By studying art, you acquire tools
and knowledge to convey ideas, emotions, and messages through artistic
works. This allows for more effective and in-depth communication with the
4. Development of creativity: The study of art encourages the development
of creativity and imagination. Through experimentation and exploration of
different techniques and materials, the ability to think innovatively and
outside the box is stimulated.
5. Connection to culture and society: Art reflects the culture and society in
which it is created. Studying art allows you to understand and appreciate
the different artistic manifestations of different cultures and eras. This helps
to broaden the perspective and have a greater understanding of cultural
The Escuela Universitaria De Artes en Madrid (TAI) has more than 50
years of experience, TAI is today the largest Arts Campus in Spain in the
artistic heart of Madrid. 14,000 m2 of facilities equipped with the best
equipment for the development of artistic and audiovisual projects:
professional sets, Fab Lab, analogue laboratory, cameras and multimedia
stations with advanced software.
Its direct connection with the industry has more than 800 agreements with
companies, institutions and professionals guaranteeing its students the
possibility of taking their first step in the industry. Training at TAI is
always accompanied by professional experiences and a deep and up-to-date
understanding of the artistic and creative landscape.
One of the most important traits of art is its ability to last over time,
allowing later generations (or even later cultures) to know something of the
history, beliefs, language and/or sensibilities of the society and era in which
it was created. In this way, art is also a historical element.
Those who are engaged in the creation of art are known as artists. There are
also those who specialize in the interpretation, classification, and study of
art, called art critics.

It is important to study to be an artist, as studying provides a solid
foundation for the development of technical and creative skills. Through
study, artists can learn new techniques, explore different styles, and expand
their knowledge in various artistic disciplines.
In addition, the study provides the opportunity to gain a deeper
understanding of art history and the various artistic currents and
movements. This allows artists to contextualize their own work and
connect with a broader artistic tradition.
The studio also provides a space for experimentation and exploration of
ideas. By learning from other artists and receiving constructive feedback,
artists can expand their own vision and develop a unique style.
Finally, the studio also fosters the development of professional skills and
the ability to promote themselves as artists. Through art education, artists
learn how to present their work, navigate legal and business issues, and
make connections in the art industry.

Talent to become an artist?
To become an artist, it takes a special talent. Talent is that innate ability that
allows a person to express themselves in a unique way through their art.
Whether it's painting, music, dance, or any other form of artistic
expression, talent is critical to standing out and making a mark on the art
Why? At least that's the assumption that attacks a recent study by Banerjee
Mitali and Paul L. Ingram, researchers at Columbia University. The work
analyzes the absolute fame achieved by a handful of figures of the early
twentieth century.
It is important to have your own original vision. Art is a form of self-
expression, and successful artists are those who manage to convey their
own voice and perspective through their work. This requires introspection,
self-knowledge, and the ability to connect with one's emotions and
While talent is important, you also need to take concrete steps to become
an artist. This involves practicing regularly, developing a work routine, and
looking for opportunities to showcase and share your work.

Artistic talent is defined as the innate or acquired ability to perform and
develop skills within the artistic realm. According to the Royal Spanish
Academy, talent is defined as aptitude, that is, the ability to perform
something. In the artistic context, talent refers to the ability to create and
express oneself artistically in different ways, such as painting, music,
sculpture, dance, theater, among others.
The type of talent needed to become an artist can vary depending on the
artistic area in which you want to excel. Some of the common types of
talent in the artistic realm include:
1. Artistic talent: This type of talent refers to the ability to excel in areas
related to creativity, such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, theater,
among others. Artistically talented people have an innate ability to express
themselves uniquely through their art.
2. Creative talent: This type of talent involves the ability to generate
original ideas and new forms of artistic expression. Creatively talented
people are open-minded, imaginative, and able to think outside the box.
3. Visual talent: This type of talent relates to the ability to perceive and
visually represent the world around us. Visual artists have a knack for
capturing beauty and conveying emotions through images, whether in
painting, drawing, photography, or other forms of visual art.
Art requires great passion and dedication. Being a successful artist involves
being willing to invest time and effort into constantly improving your
skills. In addition, perseverance and motivation are essential to overcome
the challenges and obstacles that come along the way.
Being an artist requires an innate creative experience. Some people are
born with a natural ability to create and express themselves artistically. This
creative spark cannot be taught or acquired, but is an innate talent that
drives a person to explore art.
Artistic talent also manifests itself through a special intuition for perceiving
and understanding art. Artists often have a unique sensibility for capturing
details, colors, shapes, and emotions that others may overlook. This artistic
intuition is an essential talent for creating meaningful works.
Talented artists have the ability to convey emotions through their art. They
can evoke feelings and spark your audience's imagination, creating a deep
connection between the viewer and the artwork.
Anonymous person: As an art student, it's clear to me that I don't have a
single subject that teaches me how to be an artist. In fact, I don't think that
can be taught.
Artistic talent goes beyond simply being good at a specific technique.
Talented artists have the ability to create original and unique works, using
their creativity to convey emotions and messages through their art.
Talented Artists:
1. Lucian Freud: Considered one of the most important artists of the 20th
century, Freud was known for his realistic style and striking portraiture.
2. Yayoi Kusama: This Japanese artist is renowned for her works that
combine fantasy and reality, with a focus on polka dots and repetitive
3. Elizabeth Peyton: Peyton is an American cartoonist, painter, and
photographer known for her intimate portraits of famous and cultural

In conclusion, having the talent to be an artist is an important and
beneficial factor in the art world. Innate talent can provide a solid
foundation for the development of exceptional artistic skills. Those artists
who possess natural talent tend to have a head start in terms of creativity,
ability to express themselves, and artistic perception. Talent allows them to
excel in their field and capture the attention of audiences and critics.
However, it's important to note that talent alone doesn't guarantee success.
Dedication, hard work, and the constant search for improvement are
equally crucial to harnessing and fully developing artistic talent. In short,
talent is a valuable gift, but it must be cultivated and nurtured through
practice and commitment to reach its full potential.
According to a study cited in an article by Xataka, talent is a combination
of skill and perseverance, and that can be developed through constant
practice and self-demand. In addition, training and continuous learning can
enhance artistic talent.

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