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Sounding More Like Yourself

In the next few lessons, we're going to get situated with some of the themes of this course.

Let's start with some reflection. We asked Kiefer about what he's out to accomplish when he
makes music. Here's what he had to say:

Before getting deeper into the course, take a moment to ask yourself: What are you hoping to
accomplish with your music?

For Kiefer, the answer is a combination of having fun and making something that sounds
unique to him. Even if your response is very different from that, remember there's no wrong
way to make music — sometimes it's exciting to create stuff that's truly original, and
sometimes it's fun to play with ideas that have been done before. Think about the pursuit of a
distinct style as an opportunity, not a mandate.

As you go through this course, Kiefer's going to open up his approaches to playing piano,
making beats, and more. We invite you to try his ideas on and explore them, but feel free to
pick, choose, and focus on the ones that resonate most for you.

It may have been Chick Corea who said "music is all about opinions" (the quote seems to be
unverified, but it's a good one all the same). As you incorporate other musicians' ideas into
how you play and make music, trust yourself and your opinions to help you find your way.

What are you trying to do with your music?

Take a minute to reflect on and get in touch with what you're hoping to do with your music.
Is getting an original sound important to you? How would you describe the type of sound
you're trying to achieve? Where do you think you are in the process of developing that

Explore your answers to those questions by free writing for 10 minutes. There are no wrong
answers — just see what comes up for you.


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