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Q)What is the difference between C++ and Java?

C++ Java
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It is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is developed by James Gosling.

It is a partial object oriented It is a purely object oriented

programming language. programming language.

It is a platform dependent. It is platform independent.

Memory allocation and deallocation Memory allocation and deallocation

will taken care by a programmer. will taken care by a JVM.

It supports multiple inheritance. It does not support multiple


It supports pointers. It does not support pointers.

It supports preprocessor directory(#). It does not support preprocessor


It contains three access specifiers It contains four access modifiers

i.e public,private and protected. i.e default,public,private and

It contains three types of loops i.e It contains four types of loops i.e
do while loop, while loop and for loop. do while loop, while loop, for loop
and for each loop.

Q)What is the difference between .Net and Java?

.Net Java
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It is a product of Microsoft. It is a product of Oracle Corporation.

It is platform dependent. It is a platform independent.

It contains less security. It contains high security.

To develop medium scale projects we To develop major scale projects we

need to use .net. need to use java.

It contains small set of frameworks. It contains large set of frameworks.

ex: ex: (Actice Server Pages) Hibernate MVC (Model View Controller) Spring Framework
Spring Boot
spring cloud
spring security
and etc.

Q)What are the features of Java?

We have following important features in java.

1) Simple

2) Object oriented

3) Platform independent

4) Portable

5) Highly secured

6) Architecture Neutral

7) Robust

8) Multithreaded

9) Dynamic

10) Distributed

and etc.

Q)Who is the responsible to destroy the objects in java?

Garbage collector

Q)In how many ways we can call garbage collector in java?

There are two ways to call garbage collector in java.

1) System.gc()
2) Runtime.getRuntime().gc()

Q) What is package?
Package is a collection of classes and interfaces.

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