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Project-Based Learning Curriculum for Python Basics and Intermediate Concepts

Stage 1: Preparation

1. Introduction to Python: Basic Syntax, Data Types, and Variables

2. Using Python in a development environment (e.g. installing Python, setting up an
Integrated Development Environment, or IDE)
Stage 2: Developing a Question
● Students will brainstorm potential projects and questions related to Python
programming, such as building a calculator, analyzing data, or building a game.
● Students will research the different aspects of their chosen project and create a list of
requirements, features, and functionality.
Stage 3: Planning and Designing
● Students will create a project plan including timelines, milestones, and individual
● Students will design the interface and functionality of their Python project, including
writing pseudocode and creating flowcharts.
Stage 4: Building and Testing
● Students will start building their projects by writing the necessary code, testing as they
go, and making any necessary revisions.
● Students will collaborate with their peers, sharing code and ideas, and giving feedback
on each other's projects.
Stage 5: Presenting and Evaluating
● Students will present their completed projects to the class, explaining their features and
● The teacher and students will evaluate the projects based on criteria such as
functionality, efficiency, creativity, and presentation.
Project Ideas for Python Basics and Intermediate Concepts

● Build a calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations.

● Create a simple game such as Tic Tac Toe or Hangman.
● Analyze data using Python libraries such as pandas and matplotlib.
● Create a weather app that retrieves weather information from an API and displays it to
the user.
● Build a chatbot that can answer user questions or perform tasks.
● Create a simple web application using a web development framework like Flask or

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