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What are they doing in the park?

Look at them! They _____________________ (enjoy) a lovely afternoon in the

park! But, what __________________________ (they / do)?
Mary _____________________ (run) and ______________________ (listen) to
Kate ______________________ (read) a book. Steve ________________________
(sit) next to her, but he _______________ (not read), he ______________________
(look) at a butterfly. _________________________ (Sam / look) at a butterfly too?
Lisa ___________________ (smell) some pink flowers and Travis
__________________ (stand) next to his daughter.
Nick and Jerry ____________________ (ride) their bikes; while Paul, Peter and
Jenny _________________________ (play) football. John, Sue and Sarah
_________________ (eat) some sandwiches; they _____________________ (have) a
TRUE OR FALSE? Correct the wrong sentences.

1. Sam is looking at a butterfly.

2. Mary is listening to music.

3. John, Sue and Sarah are playing football.

4. Kate is sitting next to Steve.

5. Travis is sitting, too.

6. Nick and Jerry are riding their bikes.

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