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Name:____Answer Key______________________________ Group Letter: _________

Student Instructions: On the following pages is a list of activities and/or questions you
are required to do/answer during the field trip the the Denver Museum of Nature and
Science. Check off each section (on the line provided) as you and your group
accomplish them. Answer every question, if you cannot find an answer ask a museum
volunteer for help. Everything you learn during your trip to the museum will apply to
what we do in our Mayan Document Analysis and could be on the final test on the Maya.
Remember:stay with your chaperone and your group at all times, be good, and have

Maya: Hidden Worlds Revealed

_____ Video: Introduction

You must watch this video and answer this question: What did the creators make the
Mayan people from? Maize (Corn)

Archeology Field Camp

_____ Ancient Cultures of Mesoamerica Map

What modern countries did the Maya civilization occupy? Mexico, Belize, Guatemala,
El Salvador, Honduras

Unlocking the Maya Past

_____ A Book Opened to the Maya

View the View Master Slides, what are they of? Buildings and architecture

_____ Hieroglyphs Yield Long-Lost Stories

How did archeologists and historians learn to read glyphs? The Dresden Codex

Remember our study of the 4 remarkable achievements of the Maya; which did you see
examples of in this section (circle all that apply):
Trade Network Number System Building Mastery Mayan Calendar
Evidence for your selection: Your answer here depends on what you and your group saw
Histories in Stone

_____ Stone Stelaes

How did the Maya King view himself? Did he see himself as just a king? The Mayan
viewed himself as not just a king but as a god

Sketch a glyph from a Stelae below, what do you think that glyph might mean?

(or something like this)

_____ Piece Together a Pot (Optional)

_____ Video: Archeology

What is Archeology? The science of uncovering and studying human history

_____ Altar Q
What was this object used for? It was used to honor the king and for sacrifices

_____ The Denver Panel

Where is the Denver Panel from? Sak Tz’i’ (White Dog)

_____ Create your Maya Name Glyph (Optional)

_____ List 3 facts from other displays in this section (Tradition, Rival City-States, etc.)
1. Fact 1
2. Fact 2
3. Fact 3

Remember our study of the 4 remarkable achievements of the Maya; which did you see
examples of in this section (circle all that apply):
Trade Network Number System Building Mastery Mayan Calendar
Evidence for your selection: Your answer here depends on what you and your group saw

Watching the Skies

_____ Video: Maya Astronomy
How did the Maya figure out so much about astronomy without any technology?
Observations and repetition

_____ Codices
How many of the “Can You Find”s can you find? I found all of them!

_____ List 3 facts from other displays in this section (Scribes, Gods, etc.)
1. Fact 1
2. Fact 2
3. Fact 3

_____ Exploring the Mayan Calendar (Optional)

Remember our study of the 4 remarkable achievements of the Maya; which did you see
examples of in this section (circle all that apply):
Trade Network Number System Building Mastery Mayan Calendar
Evidence for your selection: Your answer here depends on what you and your group saw

Master Builders
_____ Floor Map
What does the large map on the floor show? What the land looks like under the

_____ Climate Records

How can we learn about past climates from stone and caves? By studying
which shows how much moisture there was in cave at a certain time

_____ Video Timeline

What kind of thematic map do you see on the screen? (Circle your answer below)
Physical Features Map Climate Zone Map Population Density Map

_____ By Exchanging Gifts…

What are some examples of things they traded? Gold, Jade, Jewelry, Pottery, etc.
_____ Write 3 facts about the El Castillo Pyramid (the large mural on the wall)
1. Fact 1
2. Fact 2
3. Fact 3

_____ Prime Locations Underwent Makeovers (Optional)

_____ People Power Moved Mayan Goods (Optional)

_____ Try to build a pointed vault (Optional)

Remember our study of the 4 remarkable achievements of the Maya; which did you see
examples of in this section (circle all that apply):
Trade Network Number System Building Mastery Mayan Calendar
Evidence for your selection: Your answer here depends on what you and your group saw

Based on what you have seen so far in this exhibit and what we learned in class, which
Maya achievement do you think is most remarkable? (circle one)

Trade Network Number System Building Mastery Mayan Calendar

Why do you think this? (write at least one sentence)

Answers here will vary

A Sacred Game

_____ The Mother of All Ball Games

What modern sports owe their origins to the Maya? Basketball and Soccer

Fun Question: what would you name your Mayan Ball Team? The Awesome Monkeys!

Death and Rebirth

_____ The Maize God

Look for all the symbols in the wall mural and then look for them on the original artifact.

_____ Video: Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave Ritual

What are some offerings they brought to cave? Food, water, people (children mostly)

The Dead Tell Tales

Look at as much as you can in this section and then answer this question: what did the
Maya believe death led to? Rebirth

A Story in Pictures

_____ Murals
What is something you can learn from the murals? Answers will vary

_____ Musical Instruments

What are some instruments they used? Flutes, whistles, conch shell trumpets

Look at anything else you have time for (try drilling a tooth or learn about Maya beauty!)

Making a Living

Just look around here, try building a pattern (but you need 5 minutes to watch the

_____ Video: Maya Roots Run Deep

How can we keep traditions alive? By learning about them from adults and elders

In what ways can you connect to your own heritage? Talking to adults, researching
where we come from, asking lots of questions, etc.
Depending on which group you are in, you will complete this page either before or after
viewing the Maya exhibit. You will discuss what you see in these exhibits in your
Science class with Mrs. Gonzales next week after we return to Horizon.

Other Museum Exhibits

(Choose only one of the following exhibits, check which exhibit your group visited)

_____ Expedition Health

_____ Prehistoric Journey

_____ Animal Dioramas

After visiting this exhibit what are you curious to learn more about? Write your thoughts in the
lines provided: Answers will vary________________________________________________

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