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Once upon a time there was a girl named Michaela who was born in Africa to 2
amazingly loving parents. When Michaela was only four years old her father was shot in
the mines, and a few months later her mother died from lassa fever. After this she was
put in care of her uncle who thought of her as worthless since she was a girl who had
vitiligo (so he wouldn’t get a high marriage price). Michaela’s uncle marched her all day to
the orphanage miles away as he didn’t care for her any more. At the orphanage she was
mistreated and hurt by the adults. Until one day she was sitting outside during a storm
and past her face flew a magazine cover. On the front of it, there was a picture of a
beautiful ballerina; Michaela thought to herself “One day that will be me”.

The rebels were coming through the village so the orphanage packed up all of their
belongings and walked for miles to get somewhere safe; somewhere they could leave
and be adopted. They were sitting wistfully in a refugee camp when her best friend, Mia,
was told someone wanted to adopt her. The girls were so excited, yet deep down
Michaela knew that meant they would be separated.

When Mia, Along with all the other children going to America to be adopted, were at the
airport with the remaining children standing, watching them leave them there. A tear
started to form in Michaela’s eyes as she saw her best friend walk away to never be seen
again. Then one of the workers from the orphanage told Michaela that the people who
were adopting Mia wanted to adopt another girl and guess what; Michaela was that girl
they wanted to adopt! Michaela and Mia would be sisters in this whole new world
together. It was like a dream.

When the girls got to America, they met their new parents and Michaela told them “I want
to start dancing as soon as possible”. Her new found parents

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