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Assignment 4 Text file (task)

Claudia veronica oliva medina

Matricula: 23019221

White 5 sentences with apostrophe + s

1. - it’s a nice day outside

2.-the boys’s school is in front of the park
3.-jared’s song is my favorite one
4.-claudia’s house is very pretty
5.-father’s car is old

White 10 sentences with the verb “to have”

1.-Angel has a headache

2.-The school has a large library

3.-You have a bicycle

4.-I have green eyes

5.-She has a coca cola

6.-They have black hair

7.-You have to calm down

8.-My mother have a large house

9.-The cat has a long tail

10.-You have brown eyes

Write 10 Sentences with "there is/are + preposition On/at/in (Deben
haber enunciados afirmativos, negativos e interrogatives)

1.-There is one cookie

2.-There isn’t enough food
3.-There aren’t any tickets available
4.-Are there any questions?
5.-There’s a new employee at the office
6.-There is candy for children
7.-There are two windows in the front of the house.
8.-There are a lot of tasks to do for next class.
9.-There isn’t a good movie to watch tonight
10.-There isn’t anything to eat
11.-Is there any problem?

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