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Sure, here's a breakdown of the steps for your car rental management system:

1. **Identify the programmable problem**:

- Develop a management system for a car rental company to handle customer transactions, rental
dates and fees.

2. **Tasks and Sub-Tasks**:

1. Customer Management:

- Add new customers

- Update customer information

- View customer details

- Delete clients

2. Car Management:

- Add new cars

- Update car information

- View available cars

- Delete cars

3. Rent Management:

- Rent a car to a customer

- Set rental dates

- Calculate rental fees

- Return a rental car

- Generate rent invoices

3. **Input via GUIs**:

- Customer Management GUI:

- Text fields for entering customer information (name, contact information, etc.)

- Buttons to add, update, view and delete customers.

- Car Management GUI:

- Text fields for entering car details (make, model, year, etc.)

- Buttons for adding, updating, viewing and deleting cars.

- Rental Management GUI:

- Drop down menus to select customers and available cars

- Calendar or date picker to select rental dates

- Buttons for renting, returning and generating invoices.

4. **Output of Software Solution**:

- Customer Management:

- Confirmation messages for adding, updating and deleting customers

- Show customer details on request

- Car management:

- Confirmation messages for adding, updating and deleting cars

- Display available cars on request

- Rent Management:

- Confirmation messages for car rental and return

- Rental invoices showing rental details and charges

This is the basic step in creating a simple car rental management system. You can further expand these
steps based on the specific needs and functionality you want to incorporate.

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