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Endrődi Csaba Levente (PIW73X) Task 2

I feel like only on of the poems had an impact on me and that is The road not taken by Robert
Frost. In my opinion this poem is about the choices one takes in life and how these choices
influence our journey in life. We all have the common experience that sometimes life forces
us to choose only one path and we do not know if we managed to chose the right one, we only
have an unstable belief that we made the right decision, but we never know it for sure. Quite
often we play scenerios in our heads, when we fathom an alternative life, in which we chose
the other path.

The last two lines of the poem suggest that we should not follow other’s footsteps. We must
make up our own minds, follow our own dream and walk our own paths because the path of
other people might not be suitable for us. The way I see it in the last two lines Frost
encourages us to follow our dreams, he states that we need to be brave enough to step out
from the crowd and create our very own future. This way we will succeed in life.

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