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English stimulus

What if we could clone ourselves?

As I sat in my lab, staring at the flask containing the genetic material of my own cells, I couldn’t help
but realise what would happen to the world of we all cloned ourselves.

At first, it seemed like a dream come true. Imagine being able to send a clone of yourselves to work
while you stayed at home and relaxed. Or, if you were feeling adventurous, you could send your
clone on a trip to explore the world while you stayed behind to take care of your responsibilities.

But as I delved deeper into the idea, I began to realize the potential consequences. What if our
clones had their own thoughts and desires? Would they be considered separate individuals, with
their own rights and freedoms? Or would they be seen as mere extensions of ourselves, existing
solely to serve our own needs?

As I pondered these questions, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a clone of
myself. After months of painstaking work in the lab, I finally succeeded. I watched in amazement as
my clone emerged from the incubator, identical to me in every way.

At first, things were going well. My clone and I worked together to accomplish twice as much as we
could have alone. We even managed to find time to pursue our own interests and hobbies.

But as time went on, our differences became more apparent. My clone had his own thoughts and
feelings, and he wasn't content to simply follow my lead. He wanted to live his own life, make his
own decisions, and pursue his own dreams.

At first, I resisted. I was afraid of losing control, of losing my sense of self. But eventually, I realized
that my clone deserved the same rights and freedoms as any other person. So I made the difficult
decision to let him go.

It wasn't easy, but in the end, it was the right thing to do. My clone went on to live his own life, and I
continued on with mine. We still kept in touch, of course, but we were no longer bound by the
constraints of our shared identity.

Looking back on it now, I can't help but wonder what the world would be like if everyone had the
ability to clone themselves.

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