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Full Name: _______________________________ What is the task: ________________________

Reframe / Flexible Thinking

List 5 thoughts in response to class task:

If I launch the plane
1. lightly, it might go further
2. How can I prepare.
3. What will the paper air
plane look like
4. If I throw the plane too hard,
it might hit the roof
5. How hard will it be follow the instuction

Describe what might be your struggle

I will .
switch while building a plane?
(details about who, why, what, when and how)
My struggle might panicking
and thinking about if I I will keep calm if I fail.
accidentally skip a step,
this might make me panic,
which will make me panic
and skip a step. I won’t
(tackle a bad habit that is nega vely affec ng how
you take on new challenges)
I won't show my anger if I fail
Not scrunch my plane up if I fail

I Want
(What is your goal for the ac vity. How will you
stay on task and limit distrac on.
I want to be in control during the
Did you succeed or fail at the pa-
per plane challenge?
Ini al reflec on a er Plane Task (response to ques on on slide show)

One helpful thought I had in mind was the when a new step was introduced,
I could tell myself that it would be mirrored on the other side, so I
wouldn't fall behind. One unhelpful thought I had was that I didn't know
how I would launch the plane. This is because I have never launched a

How would the “Sushi Train Metaphor” help you during difficult tasks?
If I have a bad feeling about a task, I can just not take in the how I
feel about the task.

Consider a me when you bounced forward using self control. Be as detailed as you can.
The time when I got hit for a lot of runs in cricket, I just didn't
think about how I felt, and only concentrated on bowling.

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