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UNIT 1 Business leaders

resilent – гибкий
visionary - дальновидный
reckless - безрассудный
inconsiderate - невнимательный
conscientious - добросовестный
subordinate – подчиненный

Drucker: work of a manager is divided into planning, organizing,

integrating, measuring performance, developing people

remuneration: money paid for work

UNIT 2 Management and management styles

hands-off - leaders focus mostly on delegating tasks to team

members while providing little to no supervision

back to the drawing board - something which you have done has
not been successful and that you will have to start again or try
another idea.
up in the air – uncertain / not planned yet
to go down swinging - to continue to fight or to make a strong,
determined effort even though you are likely to fail or lose
by the book – strictly according to the rules
to cut corners - you do something quickly by doing it in a less
thorough way than you should
to get someone up to speed - to give someone all the latest
information about something
to touch base – make contact / reconnect

UNIT 3 Work and motivation

Theory X – people are lazy and avoid responsibility
Theory Y – people wanna take responsibilities and have
psychological need to work
Herzberg: satisfiers / hygiene factors: security, good wage,
sickdays. if they are not present, people will be discouraged from
motivators: recognition / responsibility, challenging job etc

motivators hygiene factors

Recognition Security
Growth Company policies
Achievements Salary
The work itself Work conditions
Responsibility Manager/supervisor

UNIT 4 Company structure

turnover – revenue
acquisition – buying another company – takeover
collateral – залог
wikinomics - a description of the way the relationship between
businesses and markets has changed because of much greater
involvement of customers and users directly with products or

chain of command (line structure): pyramidial structure (one people
/ group of people at the top, increasing number of people down)

functional structure: has several departments (zB marketing,

production, financial)

flattening hierarchies / delegating responsibilities: the elimination

of layers in a firm's organizational hierarchy and the broadening of
manager's span of control

matrix management: people report to more than a 1 superior

teams: wholly autonomous temporary teams that are responsible

for a project
UNIT 5 Managing across cultures

Lewis model:

to find a common ground – agree about smth

glocalization – globalization + localization

make [initial contact with a client]

take [a backseat for a while]
oversee [the whole process]
handle [incoming calls]
keep [on top of the filing]
be on [on first-name terms] - having a close personal relationship
where each person addresses the other by their first name

UNIT 6 Recruitment
cover(ing) letter – why you want the job

UNIT 7 Economic sectors

pledge – promise

primary – agriculture, raw materials
secondary – manufacturing industry (turning raw materials to goods)
tertiary – service
quaternary – IT

UNIT 8 & 9 Production and logistics

Woom´s strategy:


several production sites

advantage of this approach:

"A lot of individual components come from Taiwan, China and

Vietnam, which are basically the heartland of global bike
manufacturing. They've got the necessary technology and bright
minds with the expertise to fabricate bikes, including processes like
welding aluminum."

future goal:

create a supply chain that's more transparent, more flexible and

more diverse. Plus, I'd like to focus more on nearshoring by bringing
the production closer to the customer

economies of scale – cost of saving

outsourcing – buying processed goods or products
agile – able to move quickly
replenish – to gill up again
a written statement of exactly how much money something will cost
secret activities of people who work together to do something
dishonest [collusion]
extended periods of testing [trials]
supplying the things that have been ordered [delivery]
documents for goods or work done [invoices]
(formal) process of inviting suppliers to bid for a contract [tendering]
bribe [backhander]
the international operations of an organisation that are not
accessible or visible to the general public [back-office]

Kanban: is an inventory control system used in just-in-time (JIT)

manufacturing to track production and order new shipments of parts
and materials
Pull strategy: manufacturing according to current demand; when
products are removed from stock, replacement are ordered from
Push strategy: production is based of a future demand

Pull systems only buy or produce → things when they are needed.,
Push strategies often allow for → safety stocks and lead times.,
Kanban systems signal → that items need to be replaced.,
Pull strategies are based on → current demand.,
Push strategies are based on → estimated future demand.

UNIT 10 Marketing and sales

market skimming – setting high price to make max revenue before
competitors entrer the market

Product life cycle: 4 stages

any information that makes people notice a product (this may be unplanned
and not part of its original marketing strategy) → publicity
all the ways used to encourage demand for a product → marketing
telling people about a product in order to persuade them to buy it →
an activity that attracts people's attention to a product → promotion

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