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If you write for the supplement market long enough, you tend to pick up a wealth of health


You have to understand the mechanism of action of a particular nutrient in the body... figure out
how that ties in with whatever dysfunction or imbalance is behind the health concern or disease
that the supplement addresses...

Then dig through full-text study after study looking for findings that support the use of said
nutrient... be able to interpret the charts and terms used... and then translate all of that into
persuasive, easy-to-understand, 8th grade-level-or-less sales copy.

I'd almost go as far as saying it's close to getting a M.D. degree... not a REAL one, of course,
but likely better than one of those mail-order or online degrees.

And after doing this as a freelance copywriter for more than 26 years -- racking up dozens of
successful supplement control promos that have generated hundreds of millions in sales...

And before that, helping to launch and run a successful supplement business which generated
nearly $40 million in annual sales (in today's dollars) within the first 3 years...

I've learned a LOT about not just writing copy and selling supplements and structuring
high-converting offers and putting together profitable upsells and back-ends and navigating
compliance to walk the thin line between saying what a nutrient actually does and keeping my
client (and myself) out of deep doo-doo...

I've learned a ton about how the human body works, how to prevent disease, and how to go
toe-to-toe with any fancy-diploma'ed M.D. when it comes to discussing treatment options or
drug side effects or natural, less invasive alternatives.
I advocated for my husband 12 years ago when he had cancer (it was technically stage 4, since
it had spread from one spot to another)... researched different surgical and conventional

And compared them to alternatives from as far away as Germany, hopped on calls with top
doctors, and accompanied my husband on visits to esteemed medical institutions like Johns
Hopkins and Yale University, where I questioned each doctor to the nth degree to ensure my
husband got the right treatment...

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