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Bug Report: #birthday_123

Bug ID #birthday_123

Tester Nishith Kodiganti

Date 07.03.2024

Title Birthday Bug in New Contact creation page.

Bug Description


Summary The birthday bug on the contact page manifests when selecting
February 31st and extending into future years. This issue prevents
accurate processing of birthdays beyond the valid date range,
impacting user interactions on the platform.

Screenshot see attached screenshots

Platform Windows 11 Pro

Browser Chrome 122.0.6261.95 (Official Build) (64-bit)


Assigned To Harsha

Assigned At 07.03.2024

Priority High

Severity Critical

Additional Notes:

● Step-by-step Description:
a. Navigated to the contact page on the website.
b. Located the section for entering personal information, specifically the birthday
field for a new contact.
c. Attempted to select February 31st as the birthdate.
d. Also,entered a future date for the birthday
e. Observed the system's response or behavior when submitting the form.
f. Found that the contact was being able to be saved despite having invalid

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● Screenshots:

1) Contact Page View

2) Screenshot of ‘New Contact’ feature.

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3) Screenshot of giving Invalid date format

4) Snapshot of contact being saved despite giving invalid credentials.

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● Result - Should: Users should be able to submit the contact form with a valid
birthday, as system should accept valid birthdates within acceptable range of dates.
● Result - Is: Attempting to submit the contact form with February 31st or a future date
for the birthday results in an error or unexpected behavior. The system does not
handle these scenarios correctly, causing issues with processing the form and
potentially impacting user experience.

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