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№1 Выберите подходящий глагол и поставьте его в форму Present Continuous

The teacher is _________ a text now. ride

I am _______with my dog now. take
Look! He is _______his bike. stand
The ducks are _________. make
We are _____ in the classroom. swim
Look! Polly is _____ my pen. run
The pupils are ______ up. read
Kate is _______ a cake now. sit
Are you _____ to school now? play

№2 Составьте предложения в Present Continuous.

1. in the classroom / am / I / standing /now.

2. Pete / reading / not / a book / now / is.
3. listening / now / the pupils /are / to the teacher.
4. now / playing / they / are / games.
5. me / helping / now / my / not / friend / is.
6. dancing / with / is / she / now / Fred?

№3 Раскройте скобки, составив повествовательные предложения, а затем

составьте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения

1. a) Make up sentences.

Example: Raymond (play) is playing now.

1) Kate (read) a book.

2) Bobby and Jenifer (watch) TV now

3) Look! The friendly dog (play) with the scared cat!

4) It's six o'clock. Calvin’s parents (drink) tea.

1. b) Make up questions to the sentences.

Example: Is Raymond playing now?

с) Make up negative sentences.

Raymond is not playing now.

№4 Раскройте скобки

1. Why ________ (you / look) at me like that?

2. Jen is a student at a university. Is he? What ________ (he / study)?
3. How is your Japanese? (it / get) _______________ better?
4. I'm tired. I _______ (go) to bed now. Goodnight!
5. We can go out now. It _________ (not /rain) any more.
6. Mike has just started his evening classes. He (study) English.

№5 Переведите предложения

1. Они сейчас украшают комнату.

2. Он ждет меня?
3. Мы сейчас не готовим ужин. Мы убираем кухню.
4. Анна не плавает сейчас. Она играет в волейбол со своими друзьями.
5. Вы слушаете меня? — Да, я слушаю вас внимательно.
6. Сейчас я отдыхаю в саду.

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