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Republic of the Philippines


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Name: Buena, Cherry N. Year & Section: BEED 2A

WEEK 3 & 4
Teaching Approaches and Methods used in OBE

Pre-competency Checklist

Activity 1:
a. Make a collage of the methods, strategies, approaches and techniques use
in OBE

Discussion Board

1. What are teaching approaches and methods used in OBE?

 OBE does not specify a specific method of instruction, leaving instructors
free to teach their students using any method. Instructors will also be able
to recognize diversity among students by using various teaching and
assessment techniques during their class. OBE is meant to be a student-
centered learning model.

2. What are the different characteristics of various approaches and methods used in
 It has program objectives, program outcomes, course outcomes and
performance indicators. It is objective and outcome driven, where every
stated objective and outcomes can be assessed and evaluated. It is
centered around the needs of the students and the stakeholders.

3. What approaches and methods the students demonstrate using the OBE?
 Outcome- Based Education (OBE) emphasizes student achievement of
specific learning outcomes. In OBE, students demonstrate their
understanding through various approaches and methods. These may
include project-based assessments, presentations, exams, and practical
applications. Students often engage in collaborative activities, problem-
solving tasks, and real- world projects to showcase their mastery of
desired outcomes. OBE encourages a holistic evaluation, considering not
only knowledge acquisition but also skills development and the ability to
apply knowledge in practical scenarios. This approach aims to produce
well-rounded individuals capable of meeting the expectations outlines in
the learning outcomes.

Post-competency Checklist

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer from the options provided
for in every number. Write the letter only on the space at the end of the

1. An approach and method used in OBE where lecture is already irrelevant ______.
A. Demonstration
B. Presentation
C. Discussion
D. Gaming

2. A principle of Outcomes Based Education which is clearly directed to the goals or

outcomes the students should possess when they are about to exit______.
A. clarity of focus
B. High expectations
C. Expanded Opportunities
D. Design Down

3. The issues and challenges posed that the Philippine Higher Education need to shift
to OBE____.
A. Liberalization
B. Internationalization
C. Globalization
D. Commercialization

4. An OBE strategy used by the teacher of bringing the situations from home to
classroom and classroom to respective home_______
A. Fish Bowl
B. Flipped Classroom
C. Demonstration
D. Debate


1. How do Universities and State Colleges align their strategies in the OBE

In the realm of Outcome-Based Education (OBE), universities and state

colleges converge their strategies through a shared commitment to defining
explicit learning outcomes. This begins with collaborative efforts to establish
comprehensive program goals that align with industry requirements and societal
needs. Through ongoing dialogue, educators from both types of institutions work
together to craft curricula that reflect these outcomes, ensuring a cohesive
approach to fostering essential skills and knowledge among students.

Assessment plays a pivotal role in the alignment process. Universities and

state colleges implement robust evaluation mechanisms to gauge student
performance against predetermined outcomes. Regularly analyzing assessment
data allows institutions to identify strengths and areas for improvement in their
OBE strategies. This iterative process of feedback and adaptation ensures that
both universities and state colleges remain agile, refining their educational
approaches to meet evolving demands.

Furthermore, a key aspect of alignment involves joint professional

development initiatives for faculty. By fostering a community of educators well-
versed in OBE principles, universities and state colleges strengthen their
capacity to effectively implement and sustain these strategies. Shared resources,
collaborative research endeavors, and coordinated efforts in response to
feedback loops contribute to a dynamic educational ecosystem where both
entities work synergistically to deliver a high-quality OBE experience for students.
In essence, the alignment of strategies between universities and state colleges in
OBE is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses curriculum design,
assessment practices, and ongoing professional development, all aimed at
providing a holistic and adaptive educational experience.

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