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Dissemination Plan Template

VCU Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Dissemination of Research Findings

Using Web-Based Platforms
1. What kinds of research findings do you want to share (data, videos, images, etc.)?
a. Does your research contain sensitive or protected data? Will you need to place
conditions or restrictions on the recipient? Which parts of your research are you
allowing your recipient to use for publication?
2. With whom will you share your research findings?
a. How will you share with other academic researchers, and how will you share with any
community members involved in the research?
b. How will you share with other end users and stakeholders for your research?
3. What does utilization of your research look like for each of these audiences? Or, what are the
outcomes you want your research to produce?
4. Who are your potential dissemination partners?
a. What are your shared mission or goals?
b. How can you build relationships with these partners?
5. What resources are available for dissemination (people, fundings, skills, etc.)?
6. What methods will you use to share your research findings?
a. Face-to-face or online?
b. How will you “package” your research for different audiences?
c. Where and how do each of your audiences get their information?
7. What are potential barriers to dissemination and utilization of your research for other
researchers, and for the other end users and stakeholders, and how will you address them?
a. What potential difficulties are there in communicating with your audiences? For
example, do they see you as a trusted source of information? Are there barriers to their
receiving or finding your research or to their ability to utilize it?
8. How will you evaluate the dissemination and utilization of your research?
a. How will you know/measure success? Impact on researchers? Impact for community?
b. What kind of indicators or assessment measures can you use?
9. How will you ensure the sustainability of your project’s impact over time?
a. Is your dissemination an ongoing conversation? For how long will you continue to share
information, and are you concerned about sustainability of your project outcomes?
10. How will you execute this plan?
a. What actions and strategies will you take to disseminate your research?
b. When and how frequently will you share your data and findings, including preliminary
findings, your research process and methodology, and any lessons learned? When is it
most valuable for each of your audiences to receive your research findings?
c. Who is responsible for each step in your plan?

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