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Can you briefly summarize your research what lessons did you learn from the
topic and the main objectives of your study? experience?

2. What methodologies did you employ in 14. Can you provide some examples of the
your research, and why did you choose practical applications of your research? How
those particular methods? can your findings be useful to practitioners
or policymakers in the field?
3. What were the key findings of your study,
and how do they contribute to the existing 15. What are the potential implications of
body of knowledge in your field? your research for society or specific groups
of people? How might your findings be
4. Were there any limitations or challenges relevant to addressing social, economic, or
you encountered during your research environmental issues?
process? If so, how did you address them?
16. Did you collaborate with other
5. How did you determine the sample size researchers or institutions during your
and selection criteria for your study? Can study? If so, can you discuss the nature of
you elaborate on the representativeness of those collaborations and how they
your sample? contributed to your research?

6. What are the practical implications of 17. What are the key implications of your
your research findings? How can they be research for future theoretical frameworks
applied or translated into real-world or conceptual models in your field? How
contexts? does your work advance or challenge
current understandings?
7. Were there any unexpected or surprising
results that emerged from your study? If so, 18. How did you ensure the validity and
how do you interpret and explain them?’ reliability of your data? Can you discuss the
measures you took to maintain the rigor of
8. How does your research align with or your research process?
contradict previous studies or theories in
your field? What are the implications of 19. Can you summarize the main
these similarities or differences? contributions of your research in a few key
points? What are the key takeaways for the
9. Did you encounter any ethical audience to remember?
considerations in your research? How did
you address them, and what steps did you 20. Are there any specific recommendations
take to ensure participant confidentiality and or suggestions you would like to make
privacy? based on your research findings? How can
your work inform decision-making or guide
10. What are the potential avenues for future actions in your field?
future research based on the findings of
your study? Are there any unanswered
questions or areas that require further

11. How do you plan to disseminate your

research findings to the wider academic
community? Do you have any plans for
publishing or presenting your work at

12. How does your research contribute to

the larger body of knowledge in your field?
Can you highlight any novel insights or
contributions that your study brings to the

13. Were there any unexpected challenges

or obstacles that you faced during your
research? How did you overcome them, and
Chapter 3: Methodology
1. What is the overall research design of
Chapter 1: Introduction your study? Can you explain the rationale
1. What is the main research question or behind your chosen design?
objective of your study?
2. What data collection methods did you
2. Can you provide some background employ in your research? Can you provide a
information on the topic and explain why it is detailed explanation of each method and its
important or relevant? advantages?

3. What motivated you to undertake this 3. How did you ensure the reliability and
research project? validity of your data collection instruments
or procedures?
4. What is the scope and limitations of your
study? Are there any specific boundaries or 4. Can you describe the sample or
focus areas you have set? population you targeted for your study? How
did you determine the sample size and
5. Can you briefly outline the structure of selection criteria?
your thesis/dissertation and the main
chapters or sections it comprises? 5. What ethical considerations did you take
into account during your research process?
How did you obtain informed consent from
participants and protect their privacy?
Chapter 2: Literature Review
1. What is the rationale for conducting a 6. How did you analyze the data collected?
literature review in your study? Can you explain the specific analytical
techniques or software you used?
2. How did you identify and select the
sources included in your literature review? 7. What potential biases or limitations could
Can you explain your search strategy and have influenced your methodology, and how
criteria? did you address or mitigate them?

3. What are the key theories, concepts, or 8. Can you discuss any unexpected
frameworks that underpin your research? challenges or obstacles you encountered
How did you select and apply them? during the data collection or analysis? How
did you adapt your methods to overcome
4. Can you identify any gaps or areas of these challenges?
disagreement in the existing literature that
your research aims to address? 9. How does your chosen methodology
align with the research question and
5. How does your study build upon or objectives of your study?
extend previous research in the field?
10. Can you justify the chosen methodology
and explain why it is the most appropriate
approach for addressing your research

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