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crochet pattern for beginners

Hello, my name is Estrella. Every night I collect falling stars to bring some light and warmth into
the lives of people who are in need or who are going through some hard times. Help me with it!


You‘ll only need some basic skills & amigurumi knowledge to crochet your star. Have a look at my website or my youtube channel for helpfull videos.

st = stitch Rd = round
ch = chain sc = single crochet
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sl st = slip stitch

MR = magic ring/loop (video tutorial at

inc = increase (2 stitches into 1 stitch of previous round or row)
dec = decrease (tipps at
blo = back loop only (TIPPS & TRICKS in the tutorial)
(x, y)*3 Repeat stitches within brackets (here for example: 3 times stitch x and y)

TIPPS & TRICKS: crochet into back loop only

Each stitch contains 2 loops, the yellow one is

the back loop, the green one is called the front

loop. Usually you crochet into both loops, but

here in the tutorial from time to time I will ask

you to crochet into back loops only.

Find more Tipps & Tricks for crocheting and

amigurumi at my website

TIPPS & TRICKS: How to sew in yarn ends invisibly

Cut the yarn, and pull the end Now pull it through the loop which Pull the end carefully, until the
through the last loop on your your yarn is coming out of (from stitch closes. Sew in the yarn ends
hook. Now skip one stitch, und pull the back). on the inside.
the yarn through the next stitch
from the front.

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ATTENTION Crochet into back loop only!

Rd1: Magic Ring with 6 sc = 6 st

Rd2: increase each stitch = 12 st

Rd3: increase every 2nd stitch = 18 st

Rd4: increase every 3rd stitch = 24 st

Rd5: increase every 4th stitch = 30 st

Weave in the yarn end invisibly (TIPPS&TRICKS)

Crochet the same item a second time, Hold both pieces together (right side ... and crochet the back and the front
but do NOT cut the yarn. outside),... together with one single crochet stitch.

Remember do crochet into the backloops Then crochet another 5 sc into the back ... your first round (10 stitches), crochet all
only! Make 5 single crochets into the and turn the work again. This was ... around again, following this chart:
front, and turn your work.

Rd2: 3 sc, skip 1 st, 3 sc, skip 1 st (-2 st) = 6 stitches

Rd3: 2 sc, skip 1 st, 2 sc, skip 1 st (-2 st) = 4 stitches

Rd4: 1 sc, skip 1 st, 1 sc, skip 1 st (-2 st) = 2 stitches

Add an extra single crochet stitch into one of your last round‘s stitches to make the tip look sharper. Now you can

cut the yarn and cast off with a knot. The first star tip is finished. Repeat this around the star another 4 times. The

star has now 5 tips. Stuff Estrella‘s star pillow with some polyfill...

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... and add another tip. If you see any ... you can use the yarn ends close any Now you can weave all yarn ends to the
polyfill coming out between the tips ... holes or gaps. inside of the star.

your crochet star is finished!

Learn how to crochet Estrella the star doll! Pattern at


This pattern is protected by copyright (Polaripop e.U., Eva-Maria Klingovsky, Austria). It is made for private use only.
Neither the pattern nor parts of it may be reproduced, distributed or resold, translated, published, altered, shared or
posted in any way. You may sell items made after this pattern, provided that they are handmade and you give credit to
me as the designer. Please label your product / item description as followed:
"Handmade after a design and pattern by Polaripop"

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