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Received: 1 May 2020 | Revised: 9 July 2020 | Accepted: 2 August 2020

DOI: 10.1111/1440-1681.13392


Paracetamol – An old drug with new mechanisms of action

Grzegorz W. Przybyła1 | Konrad A. Szychowski2 | Jan Gmiński2

Medical Faculty, University of Opole,
Opole, Poland Abstract
Department of Lifestyle Disorders and Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is the most commonly used over-the-counter (OTC)
Regenerative Medicine, University of
drug in the world. Despite its popularity and use for many years, the safety of its
Information Technology and Management in
Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland application and its mechanism of action are still unclear. Currently, it is believed that
paracetamol is a multidirectional drug and at least several metabolic pathways are
Konrad A. Szychowski, Department of involved in its analgesic and antipyretic action. The mechanism of paracetamol action
Lifestyle Disorders and Regenerative
consists in inhibition of cyclooxygenases (COX-1, COX-2, and COX-3) and involve-
Medicine, University of Information
Technology and Management in Rzeszow, ment in the endocannabinoid system and serotonergic pathways. Additionally, par-
Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszow, Poland.
acetamol influences transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and voltage-gated
Kv7 potassium channels and inhibits T-type Cav3.2 calcium channels. It also exerts
Funding information
an impact on L-arginine in the nitric oxide (NO) synthesis pathway. However, not all
University of Information Technology and
Management in Rzeszow, Grant/Award of these effects have been clearly confirmed. Therefore, the aim of our paper was to
Number: DS 503-07-02-21
summarize the current state of knowledge of the mechanism of paracetamol action
with special attention to its safety concerns.


acetaminophen, COX-1, COX-2, COX-3, paracetamol

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N Prostaglandins are mainly mediators of inflammatory pain.7,8 The

enzymes responsible for the synthesis of these mediators are called
Paracetamol (which is a recommended international nonpropri- cyclooxygenases.9 In 1971, John Vane identified the first cycloox-
etary name of acetaminophen (acetyl-p-aminophenol, APAP)), was ygenase (COX-1).10 This discovery helped explain the mechanism
synthesized in 1878 by Morse and first introduced into medicine of action of aspirin, which has been extensively used since 1899 as
as an antipyretic/analgesic by Von Mering in 1893. Initially, it an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.10 Afterwards, in 1991, Xie
was rarely used in favor of phenacetin. However, after discovering et al at Daniel Simmons's laboratory, Brigham Young University, dis-
that paracetamol is the main metabolite of phenacetin with better covered the second cyclooxygenase (COX-2).11,12 Interestingly, the
tolerance vs. phenacetin nephrotoxicity, in the 1950s paracetamol structure of the COX-2 enzyme did not differ substantially from the
replaced phenacetin in use and has become a widespread drug previously discovered COX-1.13 However, they have different clinical
since then. significance.14,15 Finally, in 2002, Chandrasekharan et al discovered

Abbreviations: 2-AG, 2-arachidonoylglycerol; 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; AA, arachidonic acid; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; AEA, N-arachidonoylethanolamine;
AM404, N-arachidonoylphenolamine; APAP, N-acetyl-p-aminophenol acetaminophen; Cav3.1, isoform of T-type voltage-gated calcium channel (T-channels); Cav3.2, isoform of T-type
voltage-gated calcium channel (T-channels); Cav3.3, isoform of T-type voltage-gated calcium channel (T-channels); CB1, cannabinoid receptors type 1; CNS, central nervous system;
COX, cyclooxygenase; COX-1, cyclooxygenase-1; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; COX-3, cyclooxygenase-3; CYP450, cytochrome P450; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; FAAH, fatty acid amido
hydrolase; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; GluR1, ionotropic glutamate receptor; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; LPS, lipopolysaccharides; NAPQI, N-acetyl-p-
benzoquinoneimine; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa B; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; nNOS, neuronal nitric oxide synthase; NO, nitric oxide; NS-398, N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)
methanesulfonamide; NSAIDs, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs; OTC, over-the-counter; PAG, periaqueductal gray; p-BQ, p-benzoquinone; PG, prostaglandin; PGD2, prostaglandin
D2; PGE 2, prostaglandin E2; PGF2, prostaglandin F2; PGG2, prostaglandin G2; PGH2, prostaglandin H2; PGHS, prostaglandin endoperoxide-H synthase; PGI2, prostacyclin I2; pH, power of
hydrogen or potential for hydrogen; POX, peroxidase; PSD95, postsynaptic density protein 95; RTX, resiniferatoxin; RVM, rostral ventromedial medulla; SC560, (5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-
(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-trifluoromethyl pyrazole); SNAP, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine; Syp, synaptophysin; THC, tetrahydrocannabinol; Trkb, tropomyosin receptor kinase B; TRP,
transient receptor potential; TRPA1, transient receptor potential channel subfamily ankyrin-1; TRPV1, transient receptor potential channel subfamily vanilloid-1; TRPV4, transient
receptor potential channel subfamily vanilloid-4; TTA-A2, (R)-2-(4-cyclopropylphenyl)-N-(1-(5-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)pyridin-2-yl)ethyl) acetamide; TXA 2, thromboxane A 2; TXB2,
thromboxane B2; WIN 55,212-2, (R)-(+)-[2,3-Dihydro-5-methyl-3-(4-morpholinylmethyl)pyrrolo[1,2,3-de]-1,4-benzoxazin-6-yl]-1-naphthalenylmethanone mesylate.

Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2021;48:3–19.© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | 3

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4 PRZYBYŁA et al.

the third cyclooxygenase (COX-3) in canines and suggested that the highly specific oxygenation of arachidonic acid in the 11R con-
its expression might play a role in the antipyretic effect of parac- figuration and ends with a 15S oxygenation to form PGG2. Next, the
etamol.16 However, the paracetamol impact on COX-3 activity did POX activity reduces PGG2 to PGH2.17 Prostaglandin H undergoes
not explain all of the observed effects. further transformation by different tissue enzymes into the prosta-
Therefore, the aim of our paper was to summarize the current glandins of the D (PGD2), E (PGE2), and F (PGF2) series, prostacyclin
state of knowledge of the mechanism of paracetamol action. (PGI2), and thromboxanes A 2 and B2(TXA 2 and TXB2, respectively)18

2 | C YC LO OX YG E N A S E S Highlights
• Paracetamol and cyclooxygenases
Cyclooxygenases are part of a bifunctional enzyme, prostaglandin • Paracetamol effect on the TRP, Cav3.2, and Kv7 channels
endoperoxide-H synthase (PGHS), which together with the peroxi- • Nitric oxide pathway in paracetamol action
dase (POX) part converts arachidonic acid (AA) into prostaglandin • Paracetamol administration safety aspects
H2(PGH2). The COX biosynthesis of prostaglandin (PG) begins with

F I G U R E 1 Simplified peripheral
schematic diagram of arachidonic acid
metabolism, showing that prostaglandin
endoperoxide-H synthase (PGHS)
consists of two enzymes: a clinically
more important cyclooxygenase
part and peroxidase. The conversion
of AA involves first cyclization to
unstable 15-hydroxyperoxide (PGG2)
by cyclooxygenase, and then the
peroxidase (POX) activity reduces the
generated PGG2 to PGH2. Prostaglandin
H undergoes further transformation
in tissues into different endogenous
regulators: prostaglandins of the D
(PGD2), E (PGE2), and F (PGF2) series,
prostacyclin (PGI2), and thromboxane
(TXA 2)

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PRZYBYŁA et al. 5

(Figure 1). These lipid derivates exert a wide range of effects on the indomethacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and aspirin.16 These results
human body (described in Table 1). suggested that COX-3 possesses COX activity that differs pharma-
The common nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) treat- cologically from both COX-1 and -2, but is more similar to COX-1.16,34
ment focuses on their inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 in various According to some data, inducible COX-3 produces less PGE2 com-
proportions.19,20 COX-1 is a constitutive enzyme, which is perma- pared to COX-1 or COX-2.35 Unfortunately, this finding turned out to
nently expressed in many tissues, mainly in the gastric mucosa and be wrong. Since they are highly polar, the tested drugs are unlikely to
kidneys.21,22 Therefore, frequent intake of high doses of NSAIDs de- reach brain COX-3 in effective concentrations. 20
creases the production of protective prostaglandins E2 (PGE2) and I2 Another feature of COX-3 is the localization of expression.36
(PGI2) in the gastric mucosa, which can lead to gastrointestinal side Initially, Chandrasekharan et al (2002) assumed that the enzyme was
effects such as gastric ulceration. On the other hand, COX-2 shows expressed in the cerebral cortex and heart. However, the expression
its activity only during ongoing inflammation.24 In consequence, se- of COX-3 mRNA rather appears to take place in the pituitary gland
lective COX-2 drugs (coxibs) reduce side effects associated with the and the hypothalamus, which seems to be in good agreement with
therapy with COX-1-dependent drugs.25 Unfortunately, in blood the finding of sites associated with fever.16,36-38 Similar to NSAIDs,
vessels, COX-2 is the preferred enzyme in the synthesis of PGI2 to paracetamol can enter the central nervous system across the blood–
protect against vascular ischaemia. 26 Therefore, selective COX-2 in- brain barrier, which allows it to reach the effective concentration in
hibition leads to reduced PGI2 formation, thereby increasing vascular the brain to inhibit COX-3, which could also explain why paracetamol
ischaemia and heart disease.27 The discovery of selective inhibitors of is often more effective against headache and fever than some other
COXs facilitated individualization of therapy for the patient by choos- NSAIDs.39 Interestingly, some literature reveals that COX-3 may be
ing the appropriate selective inhibitor, depending on the desired capable of inducing a remission in chronic inflammatory conditions
clinical effect and related side effects such as gastrointestinal and and may be involved in the growth of cervical, ovarian, leukemia, and
cardiovascular risk factors.28-30 Common NSAIDs show antipyretic colon cancer.35 Furthermore, there are promising data that patients
activity by inhibiting the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced COX-2 with Alzheimer's disease have an increased amount of COX-3, and
enzyme expressed in hypothalamic endothelial cells, where it causes a long-term use of NSAIDs has been reported to somewhat reduce
PGE2-mediated pyrexia.31 However, this relationship does not occur this disease.39
in the action of paracetamol and other drugs that have analgesic and
antipyretic effects. Because of the lack of anti-inflammatory effects
of these drugs, they were suggested to interact with COX-3.16 4 | M EC H A N I S M S O F COX-3 I N H I B ITI O N

The proposed theories of COX-3 involvement in the induction of

3 | U N I Q U E PRO PE RTI E S O F COX-3 fever and pain are unclear. The first discrepancies appeared after
taking into account studies of the enzyme producing prostanoids,
The discovery of COX-3 gave considerable hope in understanding which underlie fever development. 20,40 After deletion of the COX-2
the effects of some commonly used antipyretic and analgesic drugs, gene but not the COX-1 gene in mice, the fever blunted.40 This sug-
in particular the effect of paracetamol. Although, as suggested gests that the prostanoid-producing enzyme is associated with nei-
by Chandrasekharan et al, COX-3 might ultimately have similar ther the COX-1 protein nor the COX-1 gene, which, importantly, also
mechanisms of action to that of the previously discovered isoforms, encodes COX-3. Fever response is strongly related to a rapid induc-
it seems to have some other particular distinctive features as well.16 tion of COX-2 expression and increased PGE2 production, with no
The discovery of COX-3 in a dog by using molecular cloning has al- role for COX-1 or a COX-1 gene product (eg, COX-3).41 Hence, COX-
ready raised many questions. The first extraordinary property was 2-selective inhibitors having a weak effect on COX-1 and COX-3 are
the expression of COX-3. Although COX-3 is transcribed from the as good at reducing fever as traditional NSAIDs.42-45
same gene as the previously discovered COX-1, it produces func- The COX-3 theories started declining after it had appeared that
tionally different polypeptides which are highly sensitive to analge- COX-3, so sensitive to paracetamol in dogs, does not serve such a
sic/antipyretic drugs but exert low anti-inflammatory effects.16 This function in the human organism.46 Nevertheless, a canine COX-3
is possible by the additional retaining of intron 1 in its mRNA com- analogue certainly exists in the organism of humans and rodents, es-
pared to fully spliced COX-1.16 This modification caused an insertion pecially in the central nervous system (CNS).47 The length of intron 1
of two amino acids below the initiating methionine leading to addi- in human COX-3 differs by one nucleotide from that observed in the
tion of 30 amino acids to the signal peptide. Nevertheless, the exact dog, thereby shifting the rest of the protein out of frame.34 In order
mechanism of the conversion of COX-3 mRNA to an active peptide to confirm this, 24 cDNAs of COX-1 were cloned from the human
with enzyme activity is not clear.16,20,33 cerebral cortex. In all clones, intron 1 of human COX-1 is 94-nucle-
Chandrasekharan et al conducted research to compare the sensi- otide long, thus shifting the remaining sequence of human COX-3
tivity of the three cyclooxygenase isoenzymes expressed in cell cul- out of frame vs. the open reading frame of COX-1.46,48 Therefore,
tures to inhibition by a selection of NSAIDs. COX-3 was found to in rodents and humans, full-length proteins are formed with com-
be more sensitive than COX-1 or COX-2 to inhibition by paracetamol, pletely different amino acid sequences than COX-1 or COX-2 and

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6 PRZYBYŁA et al.

TA B L E 1 Receptors of prostaglandins, prostacyclins, and thromboxanes and their proposed physiological effects, based on articles19,190:

Main products of the

arachidonic acid (AA)
conversion Receptors Function Localization of activity
Prostacyclin (PGI2) IP Arterial vasodilatation, inhibition of platelet aggregation Cardiovascular system

Bronchodilation 193 Respiratory system

Cytoprotection Gastrointestinal system
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) EP1, EP3 Gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle contraction Gastrointestinal system
EP2 Gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle relaxation
EP1 Cytoprotection,197,198
EP3 ↓ Gastric acid secretion 199
EP4 ↑ Gastric acid secretion 200
Female: EP2, EP4; Regulation of blood pressure 201 Cardiovascular system
Male: EP1, EP3
EP2, EP4 Vasodilatation 202,203
EP4 Neonatal adaptation of circulatory system 204
EP2 Bronchodilatation 205 Respiratory system
EP3 Uterine contraction (when pregnant) 206,207 Female reproductive organs
oxytocic action 208,209
EP2 Fertility 203,210 Male reproductive organs
EP3 Regulation of neurotransmitters release Nervous system
fever generation 213,214
EP3, EP1 Pain 215,216
EP2, EP4 Renin release 217 Renal system
EP1, EP3 Inhibition of Na reabsorption in kidney
EP3, Inhibition of vasopressin-stimulated water reabsorption 218
EP4 Regulation renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate

EP2 Inhibition of T lymphocyte activation and proliferation Immune system


EP2,EP4 Promotes differentiation of B-cell immunoglobulin 222

EP2, EP4 Regulate antigen presenting cells functions 221
Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) Not specified FP Hyperalgesia, 223 pyrogenic 224 Nervous system
Uterine contraction, oxytocic action Female reproductive organs
Fertility 226 Male reproductive organs
Bronchoconstriction Respiratory system
Venous vasoconstriction 228 Cardiovascular system
↓ Intraocular pressure Eyes
Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) DP1, DP2 Platelet inhibition 230,231 Cardiovascular system
DP1 Vasorelaxation
TP Bronchoconstriction, cough 233,234 Respiratory system
DP1 Regulation of eosinophil activity Immune system
DP2 Chemoattraction, 235 leukocyte activation 236,237
DP1, DP2 Activation of Th2 lymphocytes, 238,239 initiation and
maintenance of allergic diseases 239,240
Thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2) TP Vasoconstriction, platelet activation, 241 thrombosis242 Cardiovascular system
Bronchoconstriction Respiratory system

Note: AA, arachidonic acid; DP1, prostanoid receptor 1; DP2, prostanoid receptor 2; EP1, prostaglandin E2 receptor 1; EP2, prostaglandin E2 receptor
2; EP3, prostaglandin E2 receptor 3; EP4, prostaglandin E2 receptor 4; FP, prostaglandin F receptor; IP, prostaglandin I2 receptor; PGD2, prostaglandin
D2, PGF2α , prostaglandin F2α; PGI2, prostacyclin; TP, thromboxane receptor; TXA 2, thromboxane A2.

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PRZYBYŁA et al. 7

without catalytically active COX-3 as in dogs which converts AA into in well-functioning cells where the AA concentration was high
prostaglandin H; thus it is improbable that COX-3 in these species enough.60 Subsequently, research conducted by Hinz and Brune
plays a role in prostaglandin-mediated fever. Moreover, the par- (published in 2006–2012) and other investigations revealed that
ticipation of COX-3 in the mechanism of paracetamol action in hu- paracetamol was even a preferential inhibitor of the COX-2 isoen-
mans has not been substantiated, which was confirmed by different zyme, provided that the peroxide concentration in the environment
authors. was low.51,63-65 Such peroxide-dependent inhibition of COX may
The suggestion of COX-3 liability for pain has not stood the test explain why paracetamol does not suppress platelet activity and in-
of time either. Pain is a distinctly more complicated process than flammation.59,63,64 Besides, Kalgutkaret et al showed that the parac-
pyresis, because it can be mediated through substantially more fac- etamol metabolite N-arachidonoylphenolamine (AM404) blocked
tors. One of these is the previously mentioned prostanoids, which COX-1 and COX-2 in LPS-stimulated macrophages. In this context,
were supposed to be produced in humans eg by COX.53 However, AM404 was almost as effective as the selective COX-2 inhibitor
after it turned out that COX-3 in humans did not serve a cyclooxy- N-[2-(cyclohexyloxy)-4-nitrophenyl]-methanesulfonamide (NS-398)
genase function, the concept of COX-3 responsibility for pain forma- and the nonselective COX inhibitor indomethacin.66 Another postu-
tion also proved unlikely. late for the anti-inflammatory component of AM404 was proposed
Finally, all these considerations appear to argue against the by Saliba et al, who provided new significant insights demonstrating
hypotheses proposed by Chandrasekharan et al, ie COX-3 being that AM404 in activated microglia prevented prostaglandin synthe-
the site of action of antipyretic NSAIDs and COX-2-selective sis (PGE2, PGD2) by inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 activity.67
drugs, even though their findings have contributed to the dis- A compelling argument in favor of the COX-dependent mecha-
covery of two previously unknown COX-1 variants retaining in- nism of action of paracetamol was presented in research conducted
tron-1. They also promoted profound research on the real action by Ayoub et al in 2004 and 2019. Paracetamol-induced hypother-
of paracetamol showing that it most likely works in a different site mia was shown to be reduced in parallel with its inhibitory effect on
than NSAIDs. However, there are currently only a handful of sci- the synthesis of brain prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in cyclooxygenase-1
entific articles on this cyclooxygenase splicing variant. Therefore, (COX-1) gene knockout mice compared to wild-type mice. However,
some scientists have still not lost their hope in the potential role of this effect was not seen in COX-2 gene knockout mice, suggesting
the identified three COX isoenzymes in the mechanism of parac- that the hypothermic mechanism of paracetamol action depends
etamol action; hence, there are still ongoing discussions. It on the inhibition of the centrally expressed enzyme derived from
may be helpful to examine the transcription of COX genes care- the COX-1 gene.68 Recent investigations have provided further sup-
fully, in particular the COX-1 gene, to determine the exact pur- port for this notion.69 Ayoub and Flower have demonstrated that,
pose of the COX-3 protein and its other protein variants. This can in a COX-2-dependent and PGE2-mediated model of (LPS) endotox-
ultimately provide greater understanding of the paracetamol ac- in-induced fever, paracetamol induced antipyretic and hypothermic
tion, or even an effective anti-cancer treatment and therapy for actions in COX-1 wild-type mice, but not in COX-1 knockout mice.
Alzheimer's disease. 39 Moreover, therapeutically administered paracetamol also reduced
PGE2 biosynthesis in the hypothalamus in wild-type fever mice
with the COX-1 gene, but not in feverish COX-1 knockout mice.69
5 | PA R AC E TA M O L – OTH E R Therefore, paracetamol-induced hypothermia is temporarily cor-
M EC H A N I S M S O F AC TI O N related with a decrease in PGE2 synthesis in the brain.70 Thus, it is
known that the antipyretic effect of paracetamol depends on the in-
5.1 | COX-dependent central mechanism hibition of the enzyme derived from the COX-1 gene.54 After COX-3
exclusion, there are two possible targets for paracetamol-induced
When the concept of the COX-3-dependent paracetamol action was hypothermia: either COX-1 or a COX-1 protein variant.69 To check
shown to be irrelevant, there were still theories regarding the pre- whether COX-1 is the target, a study with the use of a selective
viously discovered isoenzymes COX-1 and COX-2 that paracetamol COX-1 inhibitor 5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-(triflu-
would act on in the CNS. oromethyl)-1H-pyrazole (SC560) and a dual inhibitor indomethacin
Firstly, paracetamol has no significant anti-inflammatory activity in normothermic mice was carried out. In both cases, hypothermia
and low incidence of adverse effects associated with classic COX-1 at pharmacologically active doses was not induced,69 compared to
inhibitors like aspirin. Therefore, paracetamol could be a specific cases where paracetamol caused hypothermia in feverish mice even
prostaglandin inhibitor in the CNS. This was shown in observations at therapeutic doses, despite its antipyretic effects.71 This hypother-
in which paracetamol reduced prostaglandin synthesis ten times mic effect may have been mediated through AM404,72,73 which is
stronger in the brain than in the spleen16,58-60 or acted through an not certain, since the reduction of the conversion of paracetamol to
analgesic mechanism independent of the inhibition of prostaglandin AM404 by inhibition of fatty acid amido hydrolase (FAAH) did not
formation.61,62 prevent the development of hypothermia induced by paracetamol
Secondly, studies conducted by Graham and Scott have shown (Table 2).74 Therefore, a conclusion was formulated that a protein
that paracetamol really inhibited prostaglandin synthesis, but only variant of COX-1, which also probably mediates the antipyretic

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8 PRZYBYŁA et al.

TA B L E 2 Simplified summary of the

Paracetamol compound Target of action Function
major and most likely mechanisms of
AM404(?) Protein variant of COX-1 Hypothermic and paracetamol action
(hypothalamus) antipyretic effects
AM404 Endocannabinoid system and Analgesic effect
serotonergic pathways
AM404 TRPV1 channels (CNS) Analgesic effect
AM404 T-type Cav3.2 calcium channels Analgesic effect
NAPQI and p-BQ TRPA1 channels (peripheral nerve Analgesic effect
NAPQI endings) Hypothermic and
antipyretic effects
NAPQI Kv7 potassium channels (dorsal root Analgesic effect
ganglion and spinal dorsal horn

Note: AM404, N-arachidonoylaminophenol; NAPQI, N-Acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine; p-BQ,


effect of paracetamol in the hypothalamus is the target of parac- was observed in the case of such potent time-dependent COX inhib-
etamol-induced hypothermia rather than COX-1.69 itors as indomethacin.84,85 Therefore, the paracetamol-induced inhi-
In contrast, some research does not corroborate to the COX- bition of COX-dependent endocannabinoid degradation or blockade
dependent central mechanism of paracetamol action. For instance, a of endocannabinoid transporters can lead to drug-induced analge-
combination of paracetamol with a COX inhibitor, eg ibuprofen, im- sia, which remains to be determined.1,86,87
proves the analgesic effect and exhibits antipyretic activity, in con- In the CNS, as a result of deacetylation and later conjugation with
trast to the effect of both these compounds administered separately. AA by CNS FAAH, a paracetamol metabolite AM404 is generated,
This may suggest that they act through different mechanisms.75,76 As first evidenced in humans in 2017.88,89 It was shown that AM404
indicated in further studies, paracetamol actually reduces inflamma- increased tissue concentrations of endocannabinoid lipoamino acids
tory hyperalgesia associated with the mechanism of prostaglandin AEA and 2-AG through inhibition of anandamide reuptake into neu-
production by COX in the central nervous system.16,58-60 In mice, hy- rons and astrocytes. This focused researchers' attention to possible
peralgesia was induced through intrathecal PGE2 injection and com- involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the mechanism of
pared with paracetamol administration. The results also suggest paracetamol activity.90,91 In addition, it was also noticed in the previ-
that paracetamol alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia through a ously mentioned studies conducted by Yu et al and Kozak et al that
mechanism independent of prostaglandin formation.62 paracetamol-induced inhibition of COX-2 contributed to reduced
Consequently, as demonstrated by current and previous re- degradation of endocannabinoids.80,81 Therefore, after spinal or sys-
search, the COX-1- and COX-2-dependent central mechanism of temic application, AM404 exhibits analgesic activity against acute
paracetamol action cannot be definitively excluded, but it is not pain provoked by harmful chemical stimuli and against inflammatory
thought to be the primary mode of action.61 Nevertheless, regard- and neuropathic pain.92,93 In turn, the paracetamol-induced analge-
ing the hypothermic and antipyretic effects of paracetamol, it seems sia was lost in mice with cannabinoid receptor deficiency and in mice
highly likely that they are mediated by a centrally expressed protein lacking FAAH.87,94 The presence of FAAH is essential for the analge-
variant of COX-1, as shown in recent studies. sic effect of paracetamol.95 The above-mentioned studies described
the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in paracetamol-me-
diated analgesia. Klinger-Gratz et al tested paracetamol in mice in
5.2 | Endocannabinoid system-dependent action a similar way, but the animals were stimulated with mild inflamma-
tory hyperalgesia, which is a clinical indication for administration of
In this context, it is worth noting that, through oxygenation, COX-2 paracetamol.62 In addition, Klinger-Gratz et al have demonstrated
contributes to the metabolism of endocannabinoids.80,81 For COX-2, that the cannabinoid receptors type 1(CB1) relevant for inflammatory
the maximal rate of anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine; AEA) antihyperalgesia are located at the terminals of axons in the rostral
oxygenation was 27% of that of AA. For COX-1, this value was 11%, ventromedial medulla (RVM), which is a well-known site for endoge-
indicating that endocannabinoid-AEA is a preferred substrate for nous pain control.96 In addition, the periaqueductal gray (PAG) con-
COX-2.82 The degradation of another important endocannabinoid trols RVM activity via descending gamma-aminobutyric acid-ergic
system agonist 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) has also been shown, (GABA-ergic) axons.97 In this way, a pain inhibitory system is formed
but only by COX-2. It was also proved that competitive inhibitors comprising a network of cortical regions and brain stem nuclei, the
of AA oxygenation by COX-2, such as ibuprofen and mefenamic acid, PAG matter, and the RVM projecting to the dorsal horn of the spinal
are potent time-dependent inhibitors of 2-AG. In turn, no inhibition cord.98,99 It facilitates controlling the ascending nociceptive signal

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PRZYBYŁA et al. 9

from the spinal cord with feedback,100 with subsequent serotonergic Additional indications of the cooperation of CB1 and TRPV1 chan-
activation. Therefore, it is possible that CB1 receptors relevant for nels in the CNS in paracetamol-induced analgesia have been sug-
the analgesic effect of paracetamol are located at the terminals of gested in the study by Fioravanti et al in 2008.117 It was shown that
fibres that reach the RVM from the PAG located above. In this sce- AM404-induced analgesia was absent in TRPV1-/- mice and was also
nario, it is likely that AM404 in the RVM increases the concentration abolished by an intracerebroventricular injection of capsazepine,
of endocannabinoids (AEA and/or 2-AG) and promotes the activa- which is a TRPV1 antagonist.117 Interestingly, there are brain areas
tion of CB1 receptors on GABA-ergic axon terminals. This reduces where FAAH (which form the AM404 metabolite) is highly expressed
GABA release from upstream brain regions such as the PAGto the in the presence of both CB1 and TRPV1 channels (mesencephalic tri-
RVM. This disinhibits descending serotonergic fibres from the RVM geminal nucleus, primary sensory neurons).118-120 Besides the brain,
to the spinal cord, with subsequent activation of serotonin receptors FAAH is also expressed in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia.
in the spinal cord to facilitate endogenous pain control (Figure 2).62 However, the rate of AM404 formation in the latter two areas was
It is also worth mentioning that paracetamol does not manifest psy- much lower than in the brain in identical experimental conditions.88
chotropic effects seen in classic CB1 receptor agonists like tetrahy- This seems to corroborate the theory proposed by Mallet et al that
drocannabinol (THC). These discrepancies may be explained by local paracetamol works through TRPV1 at the supravertebral level.94
differences in the formation of pharmacologically active AM 404, Unfortunately, recent studies have complicated the issue of the
caused by varying FAAH activity in different CNS regions, or even importance of TRP channels in the paracetamol action. Andersson
differences in the local activity of the endocannabinoid system.62 et al described that co-expression of different TRP channels takes
place in the nociceptive sensory neurons, and the analgesic effect
of paracetamol additionally occurs by activating another subfamily,
5.3 | Paracetamol and TRP channels ie subfamily A (ankyrin 1) of transient receptor potential (TRPA1)
channels.121 TRPA1 is expressed in the soma and peripheral nerve
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels belong to a 28-protein endings of the sensory neurons and is responsible for identifying
superfamily, which can be divided into seven subfamilies.102 TRP harmful stimuli.122-124 Like TRPV1, TRPA1 responds to an unusu-
channels are claimed to be polypeptide subunits that assemble as ally broad variety of chemical stimuli,103 eg mustard oil,125 cannabi-
tetramers to form cation-permeable pores.102 By modulating intra- noids,125 garlic,123 and cinnamaldehyde.126 The chemical activation
cellular calcium levels, TRP channels play important roles as trans- of TRPA1 causes pain, irritation, and hyperreactivity in skin and vis-
duction molecules, responding to a variety of physical and chemical ceral organs127-129 through reduction of voltage-gated calcium and
agents (change in shear stress, osmolarity, pH, temperature, reactive sodium currents in primary sensory neurons.121 More importantly,
molecules, and other agents) in the intracellular and extracellular TRPA1 receptors are activated also by other metabolites of parac-
milieu. Disorders of the functions of these channels coexist with etamol: the electrophilic N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI)
genetic diseases: skeletal, skin, sensory, ocular, cardiac, and neu- and p-benzoquinone (p-BQ). This was confirmed by an intrathecal
ronal disturbances.103 Nevertheless, TRP channels are best known test where NAPQI, p-BQ, and the electrophilic TRPA1 activator
for their action in the peripheral nervous system.103 Their mediation cinnamaldehyde produced antinociception that was lost in TRPA1−/

in action can be seen even while eating hot chili peppers or wasabi mice in a hot-plate test. These paracetamol metabolites are formed
or in the cooling sensation of menthol. Therefore, not surpris- in the liver with involvement of such enzymes as monooxygen-
ingly, there is considerable interest in the current understanding of ase, peroxidase, and COX of cytochrome P450 (CYP450).121,130-132
TRP channels, with a focus on pain, pulmonary disorders, inherited Interestingly, many of these enzymes are present in the CNS.133,134
diseases, and CNS dysfunction. NAPQI is believed to cause the well-known hepato- and nephro-
The paracetamol metabolite AM404 not only inhibits endocan- toxic effects of paracetamol. However, NAPQI metabolites can be
nabinoid reuptake and activates the CB1 receptors, but is also an found in human and mouse blood, urine, or even spinal cord after in-
agonist of supraspinal heat-sensitive transient receptor potential gestion of therapeutic and non-toxic doses of this drug.121,130,135-137
channel subfamily vanilloid-1 (TRPV1). Heat, protons, These findings show the complexity of paracetamol metabo-
and phospholipase C promote channel activation and link TRPV1 to lism.137 To mediate analgesia, it has to be converted to distinct me-
multiple pain pathways.109,110 TRPV1 agonists also show analgesic tabolites that are agonists of two different TRP channel subtypes,
properties, eg diluted (0.1%) capsaicin cream is attainable as an OTC which are potential targets of therapeutic actions of drugs.88,94,121
pain reliever. Furthermore, intrathecal injection of the ultrapo- Paracetamol is also assigned strong hypothermic and anti-
tent TRPV1 agonist resiniferatoxin (RTX) produced permanent an- pyretic effects. These effects have been explained by a recent
algesia by destroying the signalling potential of sensory neurons.112 study conducted by Gentry et al, who described that TRPA1 also
For instance, intrathecal RTX injection in dogs suffering from osteo- mediates paracetamol-evoked hypothermia and the antipyretic ef-
sarcoma pain, dramatically reduced pain behaviour. Therefore, it fect through the NAPQI metabolite.61 In their experiment, parac-
is probable that the analgesic action of paracetamol is also medi- etamol-induced hypothermia was absent in TRPA1-/- mice and was
ated by TRPV1 channels and cannabinoid CB1 receptors, which are also inhibited by prior systemic treatment with a TRPA1 antago-
both present in the pain and thermoregulatory pathways.88,114-116 nist.61 In this context, the intraperitoneal administration of a TRPA1

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10 PRZYBYŁA et al.

F I G U R E 2 Hypothetical scenario of paracetamol action in central nervous system (CNS) and liver. 2-AG, 2-arachidonoylglycerol; 5-HT,
5-hydroxytryptamine receptor (serotonin receptor); AM404, N-arachidonoylphenolamine; CB1, cannabinoid receptor type 1; CNS, central
nervous system; FAAH, fatty amide hydrolase; NAPQI, cN-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine; p-BQ, p-benzoquinone; PAG, periaqueductal
gray; PNS, peripheral nervous system; RVM, rostral ventromedial medulla; TRPA1, transient receptor potential subfamily ankyrin 1; TRPV1,
transient receptor potential subfamily vanilloid-1

agonist (cinnamaldehyde) in wild-type mice also caused significant In contrast, a TRPA1 antagonist inhibited paracetamol-induced hy-
hypothermia. This additionally shows that TRPA1 agonism can af- pothermia, and paracetamol had no influence on body temperature
fect body temperature.61 Peripheral sensory neurons are the site in Trpa1−/− mice.61
of the hypothermic action of TRPA1, which mediates the analgesic As regards the COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitory activity of parac-
effect.61 Body temperature is controlled by peripheral sensory neu- etamol, the hypothermic mechanisms appear to be independent of
rons controlled by the CNS and by a central thermoregulatory mech- the cannabinoid system; however, the antipyretic effect may also be
anism. Interestingly, after intrathecal injection, paracetamol does a result of COX inhibition in the hypothalamus by AM404.62 This
not have a hypothermic effect, demonstrating that hypothermia is was suggested by studies in which paracetamol reversed yeast-in-
not required for its spinal antinociceptive effect.61,138,139 In turn, duced hyperthermia in mice lacking both TRPA1 and TRPV1,61 even
Mirrasekhian et al have shown that paracetamol exerts a TRPA1- though it can inhibit the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, but only at high
independent antipyretic effect associated with inhibition of the syn- concentrations. In addition, paracetamol does not show strong an-
thesis of PGE2 (as well as other prostanoids) in the brain. ti-inflammatory activity, which is characteristic of COX inhibition.
It has long been known that TRPV1 channels regulate body tem- A combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen have been observed
perature in vivo; for example, agonists such as capsaicin and RTX in- to improve antipyretic activity and analgesia, suggesting that they
duce the hypothermic effect in rodents.138,140,141 Therefore, TRPV1 act through different mechanisms.75,76 Therefore, COX inhibition by
activation may also underlie the hypothermic effect of paracetamol, paracetamol is not thought to be the primary mode of action.61
but studies on mice showed that paracetamol-induced hypothermia Another member of the TRP superfamily is theTRPV4. This Caþ
was identical in wild-type and Trpv1−/− mice and did not decrease by permeable channel has been functionally identified as an osmotic
administration of a maximally effective dose of a TRPV1 antagonist. sensor.142,143 TRPV4, like the other channels, is widely distributed in

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PRZYBYŁA et al. 11

the body, and is activated by hypoosmotic stimulation, mechanical not show any analgesic effect after paracetamol administration and
stimulation, relatively low temperatures, acid, AA metabolites, and intracerebroventricular injection of AM404.157 Before administra-
endogenous cannabinoids. To date, TRPV4 has not been de- tion of paracetamol, a Cav3.2 blocker, (R)-2-(4-cyclopropylphenyl)-
scribed as a paracetamol target molecule. Interestingly, it has recently N-(1-(5-(2, 2, 2-trifluoroethox y)pyridin-2-yl)ethyl)acet amide
been observed that paracetamol promotes cell migration through (TTA-A2) was injected intracerebroventricularly, which prevented
TRPV4. Further experiments using cell lines that endogenously the effect of paracetamol as well. It has also been shown that the an-
express TRPV4 and cell lines stably expressing exogenous TRPV4 tinociceptive effect of paracetamol is dependent on Cav3.2 located
have revealed that the Ca2þ channel activity of TRPV4 is inhibited in the brain, but not in the spinal cord.157 Interestingly, the inhibit-
by paracetamol.146 The effects of paracetamol on TRPV4 differed ing force of Cav3.2 by AM404 is not at all high (IC50 = 13.7 μmol/L),
from the action on TRPV1 and TRPA1 reported previously. Firstly, compared to the specific TTA-A2 blocker with an IC50 value of
paracetamol metabolites are unlikely to be involved in these effects, 9.0 nmol/L. Therefore, the role of TRPV1 channels in the activation
given the rapid response observed by Nakagawa et al . Secondly, of Cav3.2 as part of the analgesic action of paracetamol was hypoth-
the effect on TRPV4 was suppressive, while both TRPV1 and TRPA1 esized. The analgesic effect of intracerebroventricular injection of
were activated by paracetamol in vivo. However, the molecular either a TRPV1 agonist (capsaicin) or a Cav3.2 antagonist (TTA-A2)
mechanism of paracetamol activity on the Ca2þ channel activity of in Cav3.2−/− and TRPV1−/− mice, respectively, was evaluated. In con-
TRPV4 is complex, as it is not known whether it works outside or in- trast to the TTA-A2 activity, which persisted in TRPV1−/− mice, the
side the cell membrane of theTRPV4 Ca2þ channel. Finally, inhibition analgesic effect of capsaicin was suppressed in the Cav3.2−/− mice.
of Ca2þ entry into cells via TRPV4 may also contribute to the clin- These results show that the activation of TRPV1 in the brain requires
ical effects induced by paracetamol, which has not been reported Cav3.2 to mediate its analgesic action and suggest that TRPV1 is the
previously as a paracetamol target.146 This is suggested by studies first target of AM404.157
in which mice with TRPV4 genetic deficiency had reduced suscep-
tibility to stimuli that were harmful to acid and pressure and TRPV4
expression occurs, among others, in the peripheral nerve endings 5.5 | Nitric oxide pathway in paracetamol action
of sensory ganglia.146 Furthermore, the sensitization of TRPV4 by
PGE2 was postulated to be involved in the hyperalgesic response to After harmful stimuli, activation of spinal N-methyl-D-aspartate
heat, pressure stimulation at the site of inflammation, and hypotonic receptors (NMDARs) and release of substance P related to the
pressure.147 There are also reports demonstrating that TRPV4 is in- transmission of pain information occur.158 In turn, research on mice
volved in the induction of pulmonary oedema associated with heart has shown that the activation of NMDARs promotes the synthesis
failure and is related with cardiovascular homeostasis.148 Therefore, of nitric oxide (NO), which is a neurotransmitter at the spinal level
it would be interesting not only to explain the role of TRPV4 in the conveying nociceptive information.159 The proposed alternative
analgesic/antipyretic effect of paracetamol, but also to investigate mechanisms of the analgesic action of paracetamol also include in-
the effect of paracetamol used for other purposes such as cardio- terference with activation of spinal NMDARs and inhibition of the
vascular homeostasis.146,149 NO pathway.160 Administration of L-arginine (but not D-arginine)
inhibits the analgesic effect of paracetamol. This suggests that
the analgesic effect of paracetamol may be associated with inhibi-
5.4 | Paracetamol effect on Cav3.2 tion of NO generation.161 Furthermore, intrathecal administration
calcium channels of a neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor enhances the
anti-nociceptive effect of submaximal doses of paracetamol.162
Through activation by very weak membrane depolarization, Cav3.2 In turn, Ryu et al have suggested that paracetamol inhibits induc-
calcium channels serve as a modulus of cellular excitability.150 In the ible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression at the transcriptional
CNS, these channels have been shown to participate in the percep- level by suppressing binding of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-
151,152 153 154
tion of pain, epilepsy, and slow-wave sleep. There are κB).163 Ultimately, the role played by NO in nociception remains
three T-type calcium channels: Cav3.1, Cav3.2, and Cav3.3. They are blurred, as NO donors (S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP)
localized in small and medium diameter neurons of the dorsal root or isosorbide dinitrate) were found to induce a dual effect in a
ganglion (DRG), in the dorsal horn superficial laminae, and several model of neuropathic pain. Low doses of NO donors reduce the
other brain structures. Compounds associated with AA, such as sensation of pain, while high doses intensify or have no effect on
ASA and 2-AG, through the aforementioned cannabinoid receptors tactile allodynia in rats.164 However, there are interesting studies
and TRPV1 are the main factors involved in pain modulation in the confirming that NO modulates the biological levels of signalling
analgesic effect of paracetamol. Additionally, thanks to their lipoam- molecules derived from the eicosanoid pathway by increasing or
ino acids structure, they interact with T-type calcium channels, espe- inhibiting the activity of the COX-1 and COX-2 isoforms.165 The
cially the Cav3.2 subtype, mediating pain relief. Since AM404 is a way in which NO and eicosanoid biosynthesis pathways are linked
lipoamino acid, the role of Cav3.2 channels in paracetamol activity is not yet known.165-167 Moreover, recent studies have shown that
was investigated.157 Mice with knockout of the Cav3.2−/− gene did AM404 exhibits a neuroprotective effect against NMDA-induced

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12 PRZYBYŁA et al.

TA B L E 3 Comparison of the main

Regular doses244,245 Toxic doses246
adverse effects of paracetamol depending
Gastrointestinal complaints247 Serious liver damage and acute liver on the dose
Hypersensitivity reactions, 249 angioedema250 Nausea, vomiting, sweating251
Kidney damage Pain in the right hypochondrium251
Gastrointestinal bleeding (doses > 2 g taken High increase of aminotransferases
chronically)253 (above 10 000 U/L) and the
international normalized ratio
(INR) ≥ 4.0246
Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal Nausea and hepatic
necrolysis (TEN)254,255 encephalopathy246
Agranulocytosis, 256 anaemia, 257 thrombocytopenia258 Acute (tubular) kidney injury and
skeletal muscle cytolysis259
Small increased of systolic blood pressure, 260 Thrombocytopenia262

Note: The side effects may coexist or occur separately. Regular doses: up to 4 g/d in adults or up to
60 mg/kg/d in paediatric patients show slight adverse effects. 244,245 Toxic doses: intake by health
adults above 4 g/d of paracetamol or lower doses in combination with alcohol consumption. 246

hippocampal excitotoxicity, and could find application as a neu- use of paracetamol by the mother during pregnancy is associated
roprotective agent in Huntington's and Parkinson's diseases and with an increased risk of childhood asthma.178 In rodents, develop-
ischaemia. mental exposure to paracetamol has been shown to be associated
with impaired spatial learning, decreased habituation to a novel
home cage, altered spontaneous behaviour, reduced anxiolytic and
5.6 | Paracetamol effect on Kv7 potassium channels analgesic response to paracetamol, and effects on various neuro-
transmitters.179-182 This neurotoxicity in young children has been
Recently, it has been described that NAPQI enhances the activity of shown to be caused by the metabolite AM404 which, as described
neuronal voltage-gated Kv7 potassium channels, Kv7.2 and Kv7.3, in above, stimulates the endocannabinoid system.174 This system plays
dorsal root ganglion and spinal dorsal horn neurons.169 In the cell cul- an important role in regulating early brain development through the
ture environment of spinal dorsal horn cultures of Sprague–Dawley proliferation of progenitor cells183 and migration of neurons.184 A
rats, by enhancing Kv7 channel activity, NAPQI evokes hyperpolari- significant decrease in neuroprotein markers such as GluR1, post-
sation of the membrane potential and reduces action potential fir- synaptic density protein 95 (PSD95), and synaptophysin in the pa-
ing, which might underlie the analgesic action of paracetamol and rietal cortex has been demonstrated in adult mice after exposure
contribute to paracetamol anticonvulsant properties. Moreover, to neurological CB1 agonists: WIN 55,212-2 (WIN) and paracetamol
direct and indirect activation of Kv7 channels by NAPQI decreases at the stage of brain development.185-187 The mice displayed a sig-
arterial tone, which can lead to a drop in arterial blood pressure. This nificant lack of habituation in the spontaneous behaviour test, com-
may be responsible for the clinical phenomenon of intravenous par- pared with controls and single agent-exposed mice.174 After the WIN
acetamol-dependent transient hypotension. This is a new promis- and paracetamol exposure, at least some of these adverse effects
ing research field that should be explored in future research. on adults can be explained by reduction of tropomyosin receptor
kinase B (Trkb), transcript levels of hippocampal synaptophysin (Syp),
and cerebral cortical FAAH, which are also important in brain de-
5.7 | Paracetamol administration safety aspects velopment. Assuming that the results are relevant for humans, they
raise concerns about paracetamol safety, due to its widespread use
The use of paracetamol raises considerable controversy, as it has among young children and pregnant women.174 However, consider-
been shown to reach the fetal/neonatal brain after passing the pla- ing the use of paracetamol in adults, some recent studies work in
171 172
centa and the blood brain barrier. Recent studies still under- favor of the drug. A double-blind randomized controlled study of
mine the safety of paracetamol administration in pregnant women healthy adult men showed that paracetamol sharpened decision
and young children.173 Given the common exposure to paracetamol making skills and planning strategy.188 This is probably a result of
during this period of life, there were fears that it might affect intense the analgesic rather than thermic cascade of events, possibly with
brain development in children. The use of paracetamol during this a central role of serotonergic and cannabinoid systems.188 In turn,
time period has been associated with hyperkinetic disorders, hyper- some studies strongly question the safety of the chronic use of par-
activity (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD), and other acetamol in such diseases as osteoarthritis and lower back pain.189
adverse behaviours later in life.175-177 In addition, it is claimed that They postulate that the chronic use of paracetamol, depending on

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PRZYBYŁA et al. 13

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