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Std -10

Social Science
Mark -50
I Answer in Details (Any ten) 10x5=50
(Question no 11,12,13 are compulsory)
1.Fill in the blanks
i) _________was declared the new Sultan by the rebels in Vellore Fort
ii)___________ is the largest drainage system of India
iii)________ soil is suitable for the cultivation of tea and coffee plants
iv) _________was India's Policy in the face of the bipolar order of the
cold war.
v) The term globalization was invented by ________
2. a) Distinguish between.
i) Himalayan rivers and Penisular rivers
ii)Marine fishing and Island fishing
b) Give reason : Mountains are cooler than plains
3. Explain the divisions of Himalayan Mountain and its importance to
4. Explain the salient feature of the constitution of India
5. Analyse the effects of the world war II
6. Write about south west monsoon.
7. Elucidate why Green Revolution was born ?
8. What are the methods of calculating GDP ? Explain it ?
9. What are the functions and duties of Prime Minister of India ?
10. Discuss the main causes of the first world war ?
11. Draw a time line and write any five important events between 1910 -
12. Mark the following place on the world map i) Hiroshima
ii) Germany iii) Turkey iv)Great Brittan v) USA
13. Mark the following places on the India map i) Mumbai High
ii) River Ganga iii) chilika lake vi) An area receiving heavy rainfull
v) chotanagpur plateau vi) Desert soil
vii) Direction of North East monson wind viii) Mt. Everest

Note :World map - 1

India map - 1

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