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Stress Management: Finding Balance

Understanding Stress:
Stress is a natural response to challenges and changes in life. While some stress is
normal, chronic stress can have negative effects on your mental and physical well-

Signs of Stress:
● Physical Symptoms:
● Headaches
● Muscle tension
● Fatigue
● Upset stomach
● Sleep disturbances
● Emotional Symptoms:
● Irritability
● Anxiety
● Feeling overwhelmed
● Changes in mood
● Lack of focus

Coping Strategies:

1. Identify Stressors:
● Recognize the sources of stress in your life.
● Make a list to better understand what triggers stress.

2. Time Management:
● Prioritize tasks.
● Break down big tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
● Use a planner to organize your schedule.

3. Healthy Lifestyle:
● Eat a balanced diet.
● Get regular exercise.
● Ensure adequate sleep.
4. Relaxation Techniques:
● Practice deep breathing exercises.
● Try progressive muscle relaxation.
● Engage in mindfulness or meditation.

5. Social Support:
● Talk to friends, family, or a counselor about your feelings.
● Build a support network.

6. Set Realistic Goals:

● Break tasks into achievable goals.
● Celebrate small successes.

7. Hobbies and Activities:

● Engage in activities you enjoy.
● Take breaks to do things you love.

8. Learn to Say No:

● Set boundaries.
● It's okay to decline additional responsibilities.

Seeking Help:
If you find it challenging to manage stress on your own, don't hesitate to seek help.
Talk to a teacher, counselor, or mental health professional.

● Stress is a part of life, but it can be managed.
● You are not alone. Reach out for support.
● Taking care of your mental health is important.

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