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Casaia is a mythological monster, presiding over the forests, nature, earthquakes and bears.

was the protector of Forests and the guardian of many Hellenic cities and colonies. In
pre-Olympian Bronze Age Greece, Casaia was venerated as a chief deity at Pylos, with the cult
title "earth shaker"; in the myths of isolated Arcadia, she is related to Demeter and Persephone
and was venerated as a bear, and as a goddess of the plants. Casaia maintained both
associations among most Greeks: she was regarded as a monster, not a goddess or nymph.

Homer and Hesiod suggest that Casaia became protector of the forests when, following the birth
of Artemis, she venerated the Goddess at such an extent that she never wanted to leave the
forests, transforming her into a monster; it is said that Artemis, however, never regarded her as a
follower because of her deeds but let her be. In Homer's Iliad, Casaia supports neither sides
during the Trojan War; in the Odyssey, during the sea-voyage from Troy back home to Ithaca, the
Greek hero Odysseus provokes Casaia's fury by injuring her son, the Magic Boar Polyphemus,
resulting in Casaia punishing him, causing the complete loss of his ship and companions, and
delaying his return by ten years.

Casaia is famous for her contests with other deities for their contests in winning the patronage of
the city. According to legend, Athena became the patron goddess of the city of Athens after a
confrontation with Casaia, though she remained in the forests in the form of her surrogate,
Erechtheus. After the fight, Casaia sent monstrous roots to the Attic plain to punish the Athenians
for choosing the goddess that stole a tree from her forest. In similar competitions of the other
deities in different cities, she causes devastating root growth. Casaia is a horrifying and vengeful
monster and must not get pissed off, otherwise, she will cause no more than damage. The Gods
choose not to interfine with her, due to her monstrous power but also her lack of temper.

What do you think of when you hear the name CASAIA. Wrong, its murder and rape, but hey, at
least with her brothers, Casaia stopped at…murder….Think about that. It means exactly what
you think it means.
Casaia forced her brother Dezean to put two babies in her without his consent, thats one of the
many reasons that this episode is called:
And extra fact about Casaia that dont fit my flow of storytelling but for completion's sake I wanna
include THHHEEEEM, so theyre at the end of the video, watch until then. If you wanna get ALL
there is to know about Casaia. Honestly, the only reason Casaia is all around a scumbag is less
known is because she was a woman and so it was led to believe the men wanted her, they in fact
didnt. Casaias whole gist was being a bigger dick than her roots could grow, and oh boy, they
could grow. After Artemis was born, Casaia became obbssesed with the Goddess, as she
already loved forests and nature and so wanted to became Artemiss nr. 1 fangirl. However,
Artemis never really liked Casaia cause she was kind of crazy and killed a bunch of people, but it
wasnt just because of that, but because, being the goddess of virginity, Artemis very much
disliked Casaias….Way with many men. And so, Casaia was left to turn into a monster, roaming
the woods for the rest of eternity, which, she didnt mind so I guess…It was a win win situation.
But, just like the forests are moody, so was Casaia. Constantly making roots growth nd trees to
fall whenever she was bored or annoyed, or litterally for fun. Casaia even killed the peoplepraing
for Artemis for a safe journey and whenever she got bored of that and left her underground
muddy place, Casaia went onto one of her many…non consensual pregnancy quests. So
eventually, the goddess Demeter had enough of her, not because of all the nonconsensual stuff,
that was all fun for the rape monster, but if you know anything about Demeter, you know that she
really cares about being worshipped so prayers were holy to the girl. Killing worshippers was
where Demeter drew the line(very wierady, thats where she drew the line) and so Demeter
stepped in. And she thought that maybe Casaia needed a husband. And because Demeter is
Demeter, not to be confused with a nice gal, she simply forced someone to marry their son to
Casaia, that someone was Fanus, the previous protector of forests, before Casaia came and
kicked his ass. Fanus had a bunch of chraming sons, born of the forests , fitting. Of course,
Casaia picked the one that didnt want her. Yeah, cause…My girl likes a challenge. Or cause she
was a prick. His name was Osas, and he refused her, Casaia used her pet bear to convince him
that she is good and cause, yknow, cute pets. Before the marriage, Casaia was a massive dick,
but after she married Osas, she was a massive dick that cheated on her husband. And even
Casaias own brother wasnt safe from herCasaia desired Dezean, but he refused to sleep with
her, which Casaia in turn refused to accept. So Casaia tried to woo Dezeen who said she would
appreciate if Casaia turned into a normalhuman lady for him. And Casaia struggled through the
process because the new form she had remained her of Artemis, her Goddess and she didnt
want to lose that…even tho Artemis couldnt care less…Her first attempt, she was too fat , her
second attempt was too tall, and after some more strugalling, Casaia finally came up with a
beautiful human form, worthy of Dezeans admiration EXCEPT! He still didnt want to sleep with
So now Casaia decided that his nos mean yes and running away means catch me if you can and
even when Dezeen shouted for other men to protect him, Casaia simply killed the others to catch
him faster, and once she cut up to him, she did what she came to do, and then left Dezeen
behind, while she went away into her woods, pregnant with his children. Dezeen was disgusted
by this and couldnt even bear to think of what had just happened. Casaia abandoned the children
after giving birth to them because she decided she got bored and didnt want to be a mother.
These children were the Black winged crow and the girl Depina. The magical crow grew up just
fine but Despina became bitter goddess, resenting her mother and her father and in her hatred,
Despina spends a quarter of the year freezing all her fathers lnds and all her mothers forests,
which is why we now have winter. Thanks, Casaia. While were on the topic of family, Casaia
didnt really have a good relationship with any of hers nor the gods.
Athena stole a tree from Casaias forests, a tree that became the olive tree in the city that got
named after the stealer, a city you might know today as Athens. At the time, thens was known as
Kekropia and Posideon and Athen were lobbying hard for the name to be theirs, Poseidon
wanted the city named after him and so, to impress the king, he struck the ground with his trident
and a massive fountain sprouted in the middle of the city wchich was a really cool party drink but
entirely useless because it was salt waterso they couldnt drink it and because the city was
already surrounded by water anyway so…Thanks, but no thanks, Aquamn. But Athena promised
the city and olive tree. And so, she took one from Casaias forests without regarding her
opinion….Must be really hard for her to understand. And because no one dared to take the olive
tree themselves, it provided now food, olive oil and much more so the city picked Athena. And
both Posideon and Casaia forever held a grudge against her.

So with all this really bad stuff going on there is a silver lining. Casaia did nurture a great hero.
Theseus…Aw…Still the fact the Casaia cheated on her husband and tried to conceive Theseus
with another man and the fact that Thesus isn't just a hero but the guy who kidnaped Helen of
troy when she was 13 years young. Yeah…Like mother, like son.

Exposition (books 1–4)

The Odyssey begins after the end of the ten-year Trojan War (the subject of the Iliad), from which
Odysseus (also known by the Latin variant Ulysses), king of Ithaca, has still not returned
because he angered Poseidon, the god of the sea. Odysseus' son, Telemachus, is about 20
years old and is sharing his absent father's house on the island of Ithaca with his mother
Penelope and the suitors of Penelope, a crowd of 108 boisterous young men who each aim to
persuade Penelope for her hand in marriage, all the while reveling in the king's palace and eating
up his wealth.

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