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Ruano 1

Samantha Ruano

Professor Shahrazad Encinias

CAS 113A

8 March 2024
The Bittersweet Of Falling In Love With A Person.

I believe that falling in love is a bittersweet feeling that overcomes a person’s emotion. I

believe that when someone falls in love they feel alive. A feeling so strong it changes your mood

to joyful. I think that when you deeply love someone you think about them alot. Mostly about the

things you can experience with that person, the likes and dislikes that person has. To want to be

close to that person all the time. Everyday, the love you have for that person grows more and

more. When you truly love someone you don’t think about other people or other events, you just

think about that one person you love. All you can think about is how you can make them smile,

laugh, and feel happy everyday. When you love someone deeply all day you just think about how

you would want to spend the rest of your life with that person and how your heart beats so fast to

the single thought of it. You also know if you love someone is if your heart sinks to the thought

of them leaving your life. Love can also make you feel scared and worried. That they might hate

you for something you do. That they one day might be happier without you in their life. The

emotions love can cause a person in love is at times bittersweet. This is why I believe the

bittersweet feeling of love can overcome a person's emotion.

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