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Fireflies In The Jungle What You Need: i LED Lamp (1 No.) Fireflies Template (1 No.) Identify a TRIANGULAR PRISM : TRIANGULAR PRISM (also commonly called as PRISM) is a box shaped solid object as shown by the Green Colour Object. TRIANGULAR PRISM is made out of Five Faces, of which two are Triangles (shown by Orange Colour) and other three are Rectangles. Spot the Prism Shape in the Lantern : STEP 1: STEP 2: Visualize ~. an Imaginary XS Boundry (as shown by the ---- lines) around the Lantern. Now visualize only the Boundary. You will find the Boundary shape similar to the shape of a PRISM. Some Other Shapes that are similar to PRISM : DESKTOP CALENDAR SWING STRUCTURE CAKE 7 PIECE TENT

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